Frost Pincer

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Frost Pincer Scavenging.gif
Frost Pincer
While not necessarily lethal, they can make getting around rather hazardous.
Capturable? Yes
Touch damage
Resistances Physical 0 Radioactive 0 Poison 0 Electric 0 Fire -50 Ice 100 Cosmic 0 Shadow 0
ID icecrab

Frost Pincers are a unique, and frozen, variant of the more common Crabcano .  This creature is not to be confused with it's even rarer variant, the Ice Crabcano, which bear more similarity to the Frost Pincer, though are still wholly unique. While the Ice Crabcano is a newer variant of the more common genus, the Frost Pincer is an ancient species, that likely out-dates the Crabcano itself. Having been found most recently in the depths of a frozen planet's core, this creature seems to be imbued so throughly with the frigid elements of the planets they call home that it's blood has been replaced with liquid nitrogen, and the air around the creature begins to freeze when exposed to it's open reactor housed within the top of it's shell. A Frost Pincer's domain is littered with completely frozen creatures. These grim ice statues are riddled with chunks and holes in them as the Snow Pincer uses it's powerful claws to tear chunks of meat from the immobilized and frozen targets.

Upon spotting prey, the Frost Pincer will aggressively scuttle toward the creature pausing only once in range to release a deadly exhalation of super-chilled mist - far colder than most sub-zero temperatures. A creature caught within the mist will be frozen, having it's movements slowed, or completely stopped. A quick, cold death is brought to the creatures unlucky enough to stumble into an area with Frost Pincers. 

Frost Pincers are found in the _______ planets, _______ biomes, 

Luna's Lab Notes

~ Encountering one of these creatures in close quarters becomes dangerous as the clouds it releases do high damage, and expand at a rapid rate - able to cover a large area with it's attacks. In the open is where the Frost Pincer is most vulnerable, being susceptible to ranged attacks.  

~ The Frost Pincer has predictable movement patterns, frequently stopping for a time after taking only a few steps. This is an opportune time to utilize ranged weapons from a safe distance against the foe. With a powerful enough weapon, one can fire without worry of retaliation. 

Frost Pincer Luna's Lab.png


How to obtain


Biome monsters

Any 2 of the following:


Any 2 of the following:


Any 2 of the following:


Used for


Monster drops

Monster drops (hunting)