FU Guide : Environments (codex)

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FU Guide : Environments (codex)
Effects and You
Category codex
Rarity uncommon
Price 0
ID ffguide5-codex
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FrackinUniverse adds a great number of additional status effects, environmental hazards and environmental interactions. These can be both detrimental or beneficial depending on circumstances. This short guide should help to sort them out for you. Click next page to continue.

  Your resistance to effects is a pretty big deal. Bear in mind that the higher your value in a resistance type, the less you are affected by various debuffs as well as damage of that type. Weakness plays a factor too.
  Example :
  A Floran has -50% Fire Resistance. He will take 50% more damage from fire and will need an additional 50% resistance in order to negate the penalty. That means that if a biome has a 40% resistance requirement for immunity to its effects he will actually need 90%.
  On the other hand, should your race have a bonus against elements you will need less resistance than the normal amount. A race with +30% to Fire Resistance would need 30% less resistance to fire effects in order to gain immunity. This allows you to have native immunity to minor effects such as desert heat or minor cold.

All resistances stack.

  As a general rule, assume resistance for biome types works as such:
  20% (Mild) / 40% (Moderate) / 60% (Extreme) / 80% (Lethal)
  Note that severe storms and other factors can influence the potency of a biomes effect, so on occasion you will have increased requirements while the event transpires.
  Enemies can also have resistance strengths and weaknesses. Some are utterly immune to particular elements but easily felled by another, so be prepared to experiment.

  Various types of weather exist that can cause you harm. All can be resisted with a relevant protection type. Electrical storms are blocked by electric resistance, poison by poison, and so on. Some are less obvious however, such as Aether sickness, which requires specialized immunity from armor or augments.

  Tile Breaking
  If you're falling a bit too fast, some tiles will be unable to bear the strain of your weight. Ice, glass, slime, mud and other materials can break on impact. So, watch your step and take care.

  Tile Effects
  Some tiles give buffs or debuffs when stepped on. Many of these will not give indicators, but will affect your movement. Snow, mud, jungle dirt and clay are some examples of this in action. Asphalt increases your ground speed, which is useful in bases. Experiment, and you might find some really useful stuff.

  Cold, Heat and Radiation are things from ordinary Starbound, true. But in FU they play a different role. You won't find many Immunity effects on EPP packs. Instead, you'll primarily be using resistances obtained from them or augments. The higher your resistance in an element, the less it will bother you (or be blocked completely). Resistances stack.

  Desert Heat
  Deserts are typically dry and non-humid, and their heat will slowly sap your health and food. From noon till sundown, it will be at its worst. Nights are relatively harmless and cool. Underground is colder. You can resist Deserts with Fire Resistance.

  Jungle Heat
  Much like deserts, the heat of a Jungle will gradually drain your health and food, and is less severe at night. Unlike Desert Heat, it will take Physical resistance to counter this effect.

  Radiation can be rather hazardous to the unprepared. This nasty effect will drain your health and energy rapidly (your max health/energy, not your current amount). If you reach 0 max health, you will die without warning...so do keep an eye on yourself. You will also starve faster. Wind will make things worse for you. Resistance requires Radioactive Resistance.

  Sulphuric effects can be nasty, rapidly eating your armor and then doing health damage. Worse, on sulphuric worlds you have storms to contend with that make this effect even more dangerous, acid rain and pools of caustic acid! To resist this effect you'll need Physical resistance or an acid immunity effect.

  Proto Poison
  This nasty effect is a threat on Proto Worlds. It will slowly sap your maximum health and *will* eventually kill you. Furthermore, it will reduce your critChance and apply damage over time. Seek out proto-poison protection from various gears in your lab stations, poison resistance.

  A constant degradation of your mental state, insanity saps your ability to protect yourself over a sustained period by draining your Protection. Additionally, it gives a mild bit of damage per tick. Your brain will become muddled and you will hallucinate, and go hungry faster. Augments and armor exist to combat this nasty effect, or you could have decent resistance to both Shadow and Cosmic and you'll be okay.

  Perhaps the deadliest of all the status effects, extreme pressure will definitely kill you in seconds if you do not have protection. Thankfully, it is found in few places (primarily on Gas Ball biomes). Do not risk this environment effect without a protective suit. You *will* die.

  Fairly self explanatory. You don't want to be poisoned, but some are worse than others. You've got basic poison, mercury poison (which is especially nasty), contaminated water, food poisoning and darkwater poison to name a few. Poison immunity or resistance will do the trick in avoiding this particular set of hazards. Potent poisons require higher amounts of resistance.

  This fluid is absolutely repulsive, and even having the stuff on you causes retching and nausea. To traverse it, you will need some sort of physical protection. This acidic bile is not your friend. I recommend against ingesting it.

  Black Tar
  Black tar slows you down a lot and makes jumping a decent height nearly impossible. It hampers, but does not directly cause damage. You can block it with various armors or produce.

  Gas can be both positive (Helium 3) or negative (Caliginous Gas, Hydrogen etc) to immerse yourself in. Blocking gas is generally straightforward...wear something that protects from gas. However, Some are more specialized. Caliginous Gas requires Shadow Resistance and Poison Gas is non-functional with high poison resistance.

  Organic Soup
  One of the few effects that is actually something you *want*. Organic soup will increase your health total as well as remove the effects of hunger (and even fill you up!). Take a bath in it when you can!

  Bio Ooze
  This fluid will stick to you, make you ill and affect your movement and survival chances while active. Wearing protection is recommended. Most common on Proto Worlds and a few other select biomes. Can be blocked or mitigated with Poison Resistance or Immunity.

  Liquid Nitrogen
  I hear its a bit cold, so stepping in this might just be a crappy idea for fun times. However, you can make it a joyously fun event by simply wearing adequate Ice Resistance.

  There is darkness capable of permeating your vision centers and turning the world around you into a lightless expanse. Be wary of these effects. Thankfully, it is most common in places that are already dark.

  Note that there are many other effects you can be affected by in your exploration of the universe. Not all of them can be resisted, and some might be resisted by surprising things. Just stay aware...and stay safe.

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