FU Guide : Biomes (codex)

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FU Guide : Biomes (codex)
How to Play
Category codex
Rarity uncommon
Price 0
ID ffguide2-codex
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There are new worlds across the cosmos awaiting exploration. The next few pages will detail some of them. Note that there are many more than listed.

Biomes can appear around different types of stars, and some appear only in specific stars. For example: You will never find an Infernus around a Gentle Star.

------------------------ Star Types ------------------------ Gentle Star Temperate Radioactive Frozen Fiery Binary Red Blue Black Dying

------------------------ Bog ------------------------ Rich in algae, muck, and plant life. They are ripe with rainy weather, and thick swamps. Travel can be difficult, but the surplus algae will be useful.

------------------------ Rainforest ------------------------ Teeming with plantlife, Rainforests have rich soil, far exceeding the capacity of ordinary dirt. They host a wide array of wildlife, including plenty of bees.

------------------------ Crystalline ------------------------ A rich source of silicon (thanks to the extraction of Purple Crystal) and Lunari crystals. Watch out for the crystal rain, though.

------------------------ Gelatinous ------------------------ Great for genetic material. Definitely don't try the lettuce, unless you really like flavorless gelatin soup squishing in your mouth. If you need goopy stuff, this is your first stop.

------------------------ Proto World ------------------------ These bizarre planets are not inhospitable, but the natural biological slime there can melt your flesh. Plus the slime storms, ew. And really, really weird plant life. But they are the only place to get the extremely valuable protocite. You'll need it. Also be advised that the atmosphere contains bizarre bacteria that affect unconditioned lifeforms negatively. Use caution when exploring.

------------------------ Ice Waste ------------------------ Ice wastes are absolutely terrifyingly cold. Don't swim in the water or you'll freeze even faster. They do have some unique sorts of ice there, which provide something extra when extracting. Furthermore, valuable Isogen ore is plentiful on them.

------------------------ Sulphuric ------------------------ These are among the harshest environments you'll encounter. Every moment on a sulphur world is lethal. Deadly winds, blowing debris, no oxygen. Lovely. But, they are extremely rich in Sulphur. Not the place for a summer house, though. Yet people keep trying...

------------------------ Penumbra ------------------------ Pitch black for most of their existence, these rare worlds have some sort of environmental barrier to the sun. A natural sunglasses-effect in the ozone, or something. Whatever the case...dark and spooky.

------------------------ Wasteland ------------------------ Once bustling populations lived on these desolate rocks. Now, their ruins stud the surface like discarded refuse. Technology may remain that can be scavenged, and there is no shortage of Spare Parts if you are looking for some.

------------------------ Irradiated ------------------------ These radioactive rocks are curiously abundant in native life. Granted, it's not edible and you still don't want to hang out there too much. You'll find heaps of radioactive resources here, obviously.

------------------------ Infernus ------------------------ I'd not suggest going here without a lot of protection. Their surfaces are far from hospitable. They are teeming with danger of every sort, but the allure of Pyreite ore is hard to resist.

------------------------ Frozen Moon ------------------------ These frigid moons are quaint, and not altogether threatening. No life walks on their surfaces. On account of the whole no-air thing.

------------------------ Nitrogen Sea ------------------------ Doesn't this sound like a fun place to swim? Yea, it really isn't. Some handy liquid there, though.

------------------------ Cybersphere ------------------------ Someone, at some point, built these impossibly huge constructs in space. How these were ever engineered remains a hotly contested debate among the scientific community.

------------------------ Primeval Forest ------------------------ Huge trees, lots of wildlife and abundant natural resources make these a wonderful place to visit. Typically not too dangerous, but watch your back anyhow...you never know what lurks in these huge forests. I've heard rumors of titanic reptiles standing 10 or more metres in the air!

------------------------ Atropus ------------------------ A violation of all things decent, Atropus planets are both living and dead. They are quite literally composed of flesh, and some even believe them to be sentient. How they are even possible remains unknown but there is no doubt it is unnatural in every sense of tthe word.

------------------------ Mountainous ------------------------ While it is probably fairly obvious by the name, I have been instructed to inform you that these worlds are rather bumpy and mountainy. They are rich in resources, possessing more metal than most biomes (other than Sulphuric) including rare Zerchesium ore.

------------------------ Tidewater ------------------------

These oceans are vastly more rocky and unstable than typical water planets. They generally lack tropical islands, but if you love rocky terrain and coral reefs they might be right up your alley. Through Tidewater, explorers have found unusual nodules capable of scientific miracles.

------------------------ Lightless ------------------------ These unusual worlds are ancient and something prevents any sun from reaching their surfaces. There may be some useful things there, however. Bring lots of lights!

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Do not use the Fandom wiki. It is horribly outdated.

How to obtain


Iron Crafting Table


Treasure pool