001 FU Guide : Core Guide (codex)

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001 FU Guide : Core Guide (codex)
How to Play
Category codex
Rarity uncommon
Price 0
ID ffguide-codex
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This guide will brief you on what you need to know to play with Frackin' Universe effectively. You need to keep in mind that a lot of the default play of Starbound has been altered by many aspects of the mod.

-------------------------------------------------- The Tricorder - Your Best Friend: --------------------------------------------------

This device is the singlemost useful item in your inventory at any time. It provides access to the Research System, along with numerous other functions accessed via the icons on its screen. It also has the following additional functions:

Right Mouse Button - Accesses the Quest tracker. This will provide you access to the FU tutorials and a wealth of useful rewards. It's well worth your time.

Shift + Click - Accesses the Configuration menu. Through this you can customize your Matter Manipulator output, and can even swap your own chosen tools into slots normally occupied by the paintbrush, wire tool, etc. Very handy. Using this, you can make the Tricorder a permanent hotkey item!

-------------------------------------------------- Research? What do you mean, Research? --------------------------------------------------

FrackinUniverse now introduces a progression overhaul we've called the Research System. Accessed through your Personal Tricorder, SAIL Computer or Quickbar , it is the sole means by which you learn new blueprints for crafting. To unlock new blueprints you'll need resources as well as the important currency known as Research.

Through this system, you'll be able to custom-tailor the new unlocks you want and in the order you choose to pursue them.

You gain Research at a rate of 1 every second, passively, as long as you are playing. This rate increases by +1 per planet tier. Thus, a Threat 6 planet will provide 7 total passive gain.

You can also gain Research through other means, including: Laptops and Data Centers Fossil Collection Microscopes Having high Madness Certain armor and gear Protheon / 10 (to a maximum of +10)

In short, play and experiment and you'll get all the research you need. NOTE: Research gain slows down while you are not exploring. AFK collection to easy-mode progression will not work..

If you have unlocked things that should appear at a station but do not seem to: Be sure you have upgraded the station. That still needs to be done to create higher-tier items.

-------------------------------------------------- What the heck is Protheon --------------------------------------------------

A rare currency resource, it will allow you to procure tons of Research by converting it at certain shops or processes. It can affect you in other ways when amassed, however, allowing you to work Madness off at a much faster rate (especially in an Insta-Freud) as well as increase your Research gain rates.

Obtaining this Protheon resource will require artifacts and luck.

-------------------------------------------------- Racial Abilities --------------------------------------------------

Each of the various species in the FU universe has different gameplay mechanics. Some are more resistant to fire, while others might have special powers or are really good with swords. This provides players with many new gameplay options.

I don't want to play with racial abilities!

You can enable and disable racial abilities from within your ship SAIL computer. Simply access it, press the [ MISC ] button and choose to disable the option.

-------------------------------------------------- Special Techs --------------------------------------------------

Tech Usage Costs Certain techs in FU consume Food instead of Energy, if applicable, to a certain threshold. Past that threshold, they will drain Energy, and in some cases health!

Directional/Cursor Aim Techs: These techs are used with Head Tech Key, either tapped or held. Directional Aim Techs are aimed by holding movement keys and can fire in 8 different directions! To aim straight up or down hold the Walk key. In FU, these techs use Directional Aim: Hunter/Razor/Miner Claw. Cursor Aim Techs need no fancy keys, and simply fire toward your cursor! In FU, these techs use Cursor Aim: Psychic/Shard Blast, Acid Spit. Additionally, Shard Blast allows a fully randomized spread by holding Walk, while Acid Spit will fire a tile destroying glob instead of a caustic missile.

Tech Scaling: Certain techs scale with your stats! Some are listed here for convenience. Shadowborne: Scales with Max Energy. Acid Spit: Scale with Bonus Health. Caustic missile deals DoT damage, tile destroyer deals damage and lasts longer. Miner Claws: Scales with current Food level. Psychic Blast: Scales with Max Energy and Defense. Razor/Hunter Claws: Hunting damage that scales with Max Health, Power and current Food level. Elduu'khar Burst, Shard Blast, Dragonfire: Scale with Max Energy, Defense and current Food level.

-------------------------------------------------- Combat -------------------------------------------------- See FU Guide: Battle

-------------------------------------------------- Mechs -------------------------------------------------- Mechs are not the same as you're used to in Starbound. They now require fuel, and can be refueled with many types. In addition, they have separate Health from their Fuel/Energy bar. The end result is a much more useful vehicle that can extend mining trips and greatly improve survivability in harsh environments.

Mechs now calculate their Mass. Heavier mechs are able to stomp and do massive damage to the ground as well as having better armor. Light mechs are much faster and have vastly improved fuel efficiency.

Your mech can Sprint by double-tapping A or D.

Your mech can switch to Flight Mode by double-tapping W.

There are dozens of new types of mech part, including Mech Modules. These act like Augments for your Mech and can allow a great amount of customization. There's a mech part for your playstyle.

Refuel or Re-equip your mech through your Personal Tricorder.

-------------------------------------------------- Status Effects -------------------------------------------------- FrackinUniverse adds a great number of new Status Effects, beneficial and harmful, that can affect characters and monsters alike. Most can be resisted or ignored with the proper equipment.

Part of the experience is learning how to survive in new environments through experimentation and ingenuity, and strategizing your Research around it.

-------------------------------------------------- Madness -------------------------------------------------- Another form of currency in FrackinUniverse. It can be gained from many actions (most commonly the bizarre or terrifying) but will also fade away with time. The more Madness you possess, the greater the negative effects you experience.

Carrying around terrifying things in your bag can also result in gaining Madness over time. Pay attention if SAIL warns you of this.

There are more than 50 possible effects of Madness.

How do I lose madness?

Spending your Madness on Research in Metaphysics Ship Counsellor Crewmates Instafreud machines, when sat in, will rapidly consume madness. Protheon / 10 (to a maximum of -10)

-------------------------------------------------- Genes -------------------------------------------------- This currency replaced the 33 separate Gene items used from 2014-2020. Now, a singular form of Gene is used, making tracking your totals much easier and giving you more than 30 less resources to store.

Genes are used for Agriculture and Genetics.

You can trade in your current genes for the new currency by simply placing them into a Xeno Lab or Sprouting Table.

-------------------------------------------------- BYOS (Build your own Ship) -------------------------------------------------- In FrackinUniverse, you can create your own ship from the ground up. This system means you no longer need to purchase Ship Upgrades, as any expansion is done by yourself. You'll also need to craft your own engines and will be able to craft special equipment to benefit your ship. Note that if you select BYOS mode at character creation, this choice is permanent.

At Character Creation, you can select Frackin Ship or Vanilla Ship. The Frackin Ship is the BYOS option. Once you make this choice, you're given options for starting ship configurations. Once they make this choice, they begin play like usual.

Crew use special rules on these ships:

You can use Crew Deeds, which follow the same rules as Colony Deeds (Walls, Door, Lights, Bed)


you can opt to use Crew Beds if quick-and-dirty with little planning is more your style.

You can not use both a Crew Deed and Crew Bed together in the same room.

There is a hard-cap of 12 crew. Mods that increase crew limits likely will not operate properly with BYOS.

BYOS ships have additional options in construction, namely better engines and thrusters that can prove useful in exploration.

'Help, I have BYOS lag!' or I don't want atmosphere effects on my ship!

BYOS has an atmosphere mode you can enable and disable from within your ship SAIL computer. Simply access it, press the [ MISC ] button and choose to disable the option.

-------------------------------------------------- Swimming -------------------------------------------------- Swimming operates differently than you're used to:

Swim : W A S D

Jump Out : hold W , press Spacebar.

It will take you a bit to get used to it, but the end result is a much easier control experience.

Note that not all liquids provide buoyancy like water or other similar fluids. In these liquids, or within gases, physics can behave quite different than expected.

-------------------------------------------------- The Frackin Wiki -------------------------------------------------- If you need the help of a Wiki, use our official wiki here: frackinuniverse.miraheze.org

Do not use the Fandom wiki. It is horribly outdated.

How to obtain


Iron Crafting Table


Treasure pool