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Table structure:

  1. id - String
  2. name - String
  3. wikiPage - Page
  4. category - String
  5. tags - List of String, delimiter: ,
  6. colonyTags - List of String, delimiter: ,
  7. description - Wikitext
  8. tier - String
  9. rarity - String
  10. price - String
  11. stackSize - String
  12. twoHanded - String
  13. unlocks - List of String, delimiter: ,

This table has 10,361 rows altogether.

Recreate data.

Page id name wikiPage category tags colonyTags description tier rarity price stackSize twoHanded unlocks
Template:Cargo/item/Chunk1 (edit) 2kbpotage Wattage Potage Wattage Potage preparedFood

The most basic of Glitch cuisine. Type: Robot Food

Common 200 1 automatostew
Template:Cargo/item/Chunk1 (edit) alienwoodsap Xenophagic Substance Xenophagic Substance craftingMaterial reagent

This strange substance is stench-ridden and crawling with unknown microbes.

rare 50
Template:Cargo/item/Chunk1 (edit) apextinyshiplocker2 Tiny Apex Ship Locker Tiny Apex Ship Locker (2) storage apex storage

A locker with a tall metal door.

Common 50
Template:Cargo/item/Chunk1 (edit) bee_cybernetic_drone Cybernetic Drone Cybernetic Drone craftingMaterial bee drone

Cybernetic Drone

Common 0 1000
Template:Cargo/item/Chunk1 (edit) bee_tunguskudae_youngQueen Young Tunguskudae Queen Young Tunguskudae Queen craftingMaterial bee youngQueen

Tunguskudae Young Queen

Common 0 1000
Template:Cargo/item/Chunk1 (edit) blisterbushplantfood Blister Sack Blister Sack food

Glow: 5m

Rare 30
Template:Cargo/item/Chunk1 (edit) copperwindowdim Dim Copper Window Dim Copper Window block

A window with a frame made from solid copper. Nobody's home...

Common 0
Template:Cargo/item/Chunk1 (edit) densiniumendtable Densinium End Table Densinium End Table furniture densinium commerce

An end table made from densinium.

legendary 500
Template:Cargo/item/Chunk1 (edit) faceleechhead Benevolent Face Leech Benevolent Face Leech headwear

A constant companion for your face.

Rare 2500 1
Template:Cargo/item/Chunk1 (edit) fairylights_blackorange Halloween Fairy Lights Halloween Fairy Lights light light

A string of small, twinkling fairy lights.

Uncommon 60
Template:Cargo/item/Chunk1 (edit) feneroxdagger Fenerox Knife Fenerox Knife dagger weapon melee dagger upgradeableWeapon

Strange shape, but actually quite useful. Hunting Weapon

1 common 10 1 0
Template:Cargo/item/Chunk1 (edit) fireauracollar3 Fire Aura Collar III Fire Aura Collar III petCollar

Your pet gets a fire aura! +60% Fire Resistance

legendary 7500
Template:Cargo/item/Chunk1 (edit) fishnchips Fish and Chips Fish and Chips preparedFood

Fry all the things! This is an old favorite for humans. Type: Cooked Seafood + Vegetables

Uncommon 175 1
Template:Cargo/item/Chunk1 (edit) florantier4head Hunter's Hood Hunter's Hood headarmour tier4armour upgradeableWeapon balanced

Set Bonuses:

• Spear/Bow: Damage x1.19

Immune: Burning

4 Uncommon 6000 1
Template:Cargo/item/Chunk1 (edit) foundrydoor Heavy Door Heavy Door door foundry door

A heavy metal door often used in foundries.

Common 170
Template:Cargo/item/Chunk1 (edit) fu_fuelpurifiert3 Dense Fuel Purifier Dense Fuel Purifier furniture science machines

Purifies fuel before it reaches your ships FTL drive. Reduces fuel cost by 15%.

rare 0
Template:Cargo/item/Chunk1 (edit) fuaetherbookcase Aether Bookcase Aether Bookcase storage fu aether pretty valuable knowledge storage

A shiny bookcase for storing books!

Legendary 110
Template:Cargo/item/Chunk1 (edit) fucontrabandgoods Contraband Contraband tradeGoods

A sealed crate of 'asking for trouble', valuable for the wrong kinds of people.

Rare 0 99999
Template:Cargo/item/Chunk1 (edit) fulobsterpaste Lobster Paste Lobster Paste preparedFood

Mashed and reconstituted lobster... stuff. Type: Cooked Seafood

Common 50 99
Template:Cargo/item/Chunk1 (edit) fuokeahitechforcedoor2 Force Door Force Door (2) door science hitech door

Protects you from outside wilderness, unwelcome guests, loud noises, repellent smells and pesky door-to-doorers.

Common 95
Template:Cargo/item/Chunk1 (edit) fuqueenstinger Queen Stinger Queen Stinger spear weapon melee spear upgradeableWeapon bees

The stinger of a giant queen bee, seriously? Hunting weapon

6 Legendary 6300 1 1
Template:Cargo/item/Chunk1 (edit) geodecnote Geode C Geode C geode

A note carved from a yellow musical geode.

Common 0
Template:Cargo/item/Chunk1 (edit) gnome Gnome Gnome craftingMaterial reagent

It's a gnome.

Uncommon 0 bonematerial
Template:Cargo/item/Chunk1 (edit) hardslimeblock Hard Slime Glob Hard Slime Glob block

A very thick slime. It jiggles when poked but seems firm.

Common 0
Template:Cargo/item/Chunk1 (edit) heavypipe Heavy Pipe Heavy Pipe block

A heavy pipe, commonly used in waste systems.

Common 0
Template:Cargo/item/Chunk1 (edit) hiderlegskhe:3 Streaker's Stride Streaker's Stride legarmour upgradeableWeapon

These are the party pants!

6 rare 0 1
Template:Cargo/item/Chunk1 (edit) hydrotubematerial Hydroponic Tubing Hydroponic Tubing block

Just till these and you'll have auto-watered soil! Quite useful.

legendary 0
Template:Cargo/item/Chunk1 (edit) kirhos_smalleye Kirhosi Ship Sensors (Small) Kirhosi Ship Sensors (Small) decorative

Kirhosi-made sensors in the shape of an eye, suited for scout and commerce vessels.

Common 10
Template:Cargo/item/Chunk1 (edit) kirhosbed Kirhosi Bed Kirhosi Bed furniture fukirhos kirhos kirhosvillage bed

This looks comfortable and expensive.

Common 125
Template:Cargo/item/Chunk1 (edit) luggage4 Luggage Luggage (4) storage storage

Where to?

Common 0
Template:Cargo/item/Chunk1 (edit) lunarbasechair Lunar Base Chair Lunar Base Chair furniture human lunarbase

A surprisingly comfortable chair.

Common 60
Template:Cargo/item/Chunk1 (edit) lunariwalllamp Lunari Wall Lamp Lunari Wall Lamp light lunari light

A wall mounted lamp made from lunari.

rare 300
Template:Cargo/item/Chunk1 (edit) mantizi4-codex Wine (codex) Wine (codex) codex

Just a hunch: It's about wine.

legendary 1
Template:Cargo/item/Chunk1 (edit) mechlegsfuobserver Observer Mech Legs Observer Mech Legs mechPart

Heavy, yet swift and high jumping legs.

Rare 4480 1
Template:Cargo/item/Chunk1 (edit) mechruin Ruined Mech Ruined Mech furniture wasteland combat

This was once some sort of mobile weapons platform.

Common 2000
Template:Cargo/item/Chunk1 (edit) medkit4 Medical Kit IV Medical Kit IV medicine

Heal 200 (10s) Cures Burning, Cold, Electrified, Poisoned

legendary 260
Template:Cargo/item/Chunk1 (edit) mooshiplush Mooshi Plush Mooshi Plush decorative novakid novakidvillage

All of the cuteness - none of the cleanup!

Common 500
Template:Cargo/item/Chunk1 (edit) mysteriousfossil3 Unidentified Legs Unidentified Legs mediumFossil fossil

An unidentified pair of fossilised legs.

Uncommon 0
Template:Cargo/item/Chunk1 (edit) neonmelonjam Neonmelon Jam Neonmelon Jam preparedFood

Super-delicious neonmelon jam. Type: Fruit Dessert

Common 465 1
Template:Cargo/item/Chunk1 (edit) nightarchair Nightar Chair Nightar Chair furniture

A Nightar chair. You'll never want to stand again.

Legendary 150
Template:Cargo/item/Chunk1 (edit) nightarlight Nightar light Nightar light light light nightar

A Nightar castle light.

Common 75
Template:Cargo/item/Chunk1 (edit) peglaciclassicglass Crystal Glass Crystal Glass decorative pretty peglaci

It feels cold to the touch.

Common 50
Template:Cargo/item/Chunk1 (edit) peglacipykreteplatform Pykrete Platform Pykrete Platform platform

A chilly - but sturdy - platform made of pykrete.

Common 0
Template:Cargo/item/Chunk1 (edit) plynth1 Monolith Monolith decorative

Whatever made this structure is likely lost to history.

Common 400
Template:Cargo/item/Chunk1 (edit) powerstation:2 Power Station Power Station crafting fu science scienceoutpost hitech

High-tech powered devices.

Essential 400
Template:Cargo/item/Chunk1 (edit) precursorteleporter Precursor Teleporter Precursor Teleporter teleporter precursor misc

A personal teleporter, connects to bookmarked locations. Destroyed when broken.

Legendary 3000
Template:Cargo/item/Chunk1 (edit) protectoratevestchest Protectorate Vest Protectorate Vest chestwear

A light-fitting vest, emblazoned with the logo of the Terrene Protectorate.

Common 75 1
Template:Cargo/item/Chunk1 (edit) pushbackaugment Repulsor Field I Repulsor Field I eppAugment

Keeps enemies away from you with a 24ms pulsing electric field 20 Knockback

Uncommon 100
Template:Cargo/item/Chunk1 (edit) quietushammer Quietus Hammer Quietus Hammer hammer weapon melee hammer quietus bioweapon upgradeableWeapon

A solid, dangerous weapon for a true warrior. Inflicts Poison

4 rare 1250 1 1
Template:Cargo/item/Chunk1 (edit) remotegrenadelauncher Remote Grenade Launcher Remote Grenade Launcher grenadeLauncher weapon grenadelauncher explosive upgradeableWeapon

Fires grenades that can be manually triggered to explode.

6 Legendary 5250 1 1
Template:Cargo/item/Chunk1 (edit) SIV_shipAvianSlopeEdge Avian Pyramid Edge Avian Pyramid Edge decorative

Avian Pyramid Edge for a spaceship.

Common 10
Template:Cargo/item/Chunk1 (edit) slimenpchumantable Slime Table Slime Table (Human) furniture commerce slimenpchuman slimenpc

A slimy yet well-built table.

Common 15
Template:Cargo/item/Chunk1 (edit) soda Soda Soda drink

A refreshing can of soda.

Common 40 1000
Template:Cargo/item/Chunk1 (edit) startrekchest Starfarer's Shirt Starfarer's Shirt chestwear

A shirt worn by attractive spacefarers.

uncommon 100 1
Template:Cargo/item/Chunk1 (edit) sweetsbed Sweets Bed Sweets Bed furniture sweets bed

Sweets dreams!

Rare 0
Template:Cargo/item/Chunk1 (edit) sweetschair Sweets Chair Sweets Chair furniture sweets

A chair made from sweet biscuits. It's sturdy, so long as you avoid milk.

Rare 0
Template:Cargo/item/Chunk1 (edit) swtjc_wp_compactvand Compact AND Gate Compact AND Gate (vertical) wire wired

An /'AND'/ gate. Requires all inputs to be /'on'/ to work.

Common 10
Template:Cargo/item/Chunk1 (edit) tier1doubledoorprop Iron Double Door Prop Iron Double Door Prop decorative misc

Basic iron doors.

Common 0
Template:Cargo/item/Chunk1 (edit) tungstenquarterstaff Tungsten Quarterstaff Tungsten Quarterstaff Quarterstaff weapon melee quarterstaff upgradeableWeapon

This quarterstaff is perfect for enemies just out of reach.

2 Common 60 1 1
Template:Cargo/item/Chunk1 (edit) unsmashablesilverrock Silver Rock Silver Rock decorative

A cracked rock full of silver. Unbreakable!

Common 0
Template:Cargo/item/Chunk1 (edit) veluugoldensolarpanel Vel'uuish Golden Solar Panels Vel'uuish Golden Solar Panels block

Solar panels made out of pure gold. Perfection.

Common 0
Template:Cargo/item/Chunk1 (edit) veluuish2-codex The Vat'iish (codex) The Vat'iish (codex) codex

Details the Vat'iish sect of the Veluu.

common 125
Template:Cargo/item/Chunk1 (edit) wartweedjamdonutobject Wartweed Jam Donuts Wartweed Jam Donuts decorative cooking

Many have been fooled by these unpleasant donuts' tempting appearance.

Uncommon 525
Template:Cargo/item/Chunk1 (edit) wastelandchest Survivor's Chestpiece Survivor's Chestpiece chestarmour upgradeableWeapon defensive ranged explorer

Set Bonuses:

• -50% Hunger Drain Rate

• Grenade/Rocket Launchers, (Cross)Bows: +6% Crit Damage, Damage x1.2

Immune: Gas, Poison, Proto-Poison

4 uncommon 0 1
Template:Cargo/item/Chunk10 (edit) bananaicecream Banana Ice Cream Banana Ice Cream preparedFood

Creamy, icy, banana goodness. Type: Fruit Dairy Dessert

Common 315 1
Template:Cargo/item/Chunk10 (edit) bee_loamzipper_youngQueen Young Loamzipper Queen Young Loamzipper Queen craftingMaterial bee youngQueen

Loamzipper Young Queen

Common 0 1000
Template:Cargo/item/Chunk10 (edit) corsairsbanner Corsair's Banner Corsair's Banner decorative corsair evil

A cheery wall banner embroidered with a skull and crossbones.

Uncommon 0
Template:Cargo/item/Chunk10 (edit) crunchychick Crunchy Chick Crunchy Chick food

Floran delicacy. A live baby chicken. Heals 5% HP (5s) Type: Raw Meat

uncommon 2000 cockblock
Template:Cargo/item/Chunk10 (edit) cutespear Prismatic Spear Prismatic Spear spear weapon melee spear energy upgradeableWeapon cute cosmic

Pierce them with prismatic power! Counts as 'energy' for set bonuses Hunting weapon

4 rare 1125 1 1
Template:Cargo/item/Chunk10 (edit) cyclopsyetichest Cyclops Yeti Shirt Cyclops Yeti Shirt chestwear

A chestpiece made from a cyclops yeti.

Rare 2500 1
Template:Cargo/item/Chunk10 (edit) densiniumbar Densinium Bar Densinium Bar craftingMaterial reagent

A rare multi-phasic super-dense metal.

legendary 840
Template:Cargo/item/Chunk10 (edit) doomcannon Doomcannon Doomcannon Shotgun weapon ranged shotgun upgradeableWeapon

'...because in the end, Doom is all that counts.'

6 Legendary 3780 1 1
Template:Cargo/item/Chunk10 (edit) elderrelic12 Elder Fragment Elder Fragment craftingMaterial reagent artifactElder

Lost knowledge of an unknown race.

rare 600
Template:Cargo/item/Chunk10 (edit) elduubannertiny1 Small Ahvis Banner Small Ahvis Banner decorative elduukhar pretty

A banner depicting the symbol of Ahvis.

Common 200
Template:Cargo/item/Chunk10 (edit) elduukharbook-codex Gemcrafting (codex) Gemcrafting (codex) codex 0
Template:Cargo/item/Chunk10 (edit) energiflowerseed Energiflower Seed Energiflower Seed seed nature

An orb of glowing energy growing from a plant.

Uncommon 16
Template:Cargo/item/Chunk10 (edit) fairylights_purple Purple Fairy Lights Purple Fairy Lights light light

A string of small, twinkling fairy lights.

Uncommon 60
Template:Cargo/item/Chunk10 (edit) feroziumwand Ferozium Wand Ferozium Wand wand weapon wand upgradeableWeapon ferozium

What is this, a staff for ants?

5 Rare 2880 1 0
Template:Cargo/item/Chunk10 (edit) flaghylotl Hylotl Flag Hylotl Flag teleportMarker hylotl

The Hylotl flag. Use [E] to bookmark a teleportation location.

Common 70 0
Template:Cargo/item/Chunk10 (edit) fu_elduukharcrewdeed Eld'uukhar Crew Deed Eld'uukhar Crew Deed spawner elduukhar common

Place in an enclosed building with at least one door, a light source and some furniture to gain Crew +1! BYOS Only

Common 750
Template:Cargo/item/Chunk10 (edit) fuboneclaws Bone Claw Bone Claw fistWeapon weapon fist upgradeableWeapon bone floran

Kinda strange choice of weapon... but hey, it's sharp. Floran

1 common 20 1 0
Template:Cargo/item/Chunk10 (edit) fucryogenicbed Cryogenic Pod Cryogenic Pod furniture fu science scienceoutpost bed

A great way to sleep off that hangover.

rare 625
Template:Cargo/item/Chunk10 (edit) fudarknesssloped Sloped Darkness Sloped Darkness block

An old friend. Now 45 degrees cooler!

Common 0
Template:Cargo/item/Chunk10 (edit) fuhca4-codex A Tasty Beverage (codex) A Tasty Beverage (codex) codex

By Hiraki Corale, Hylotl Adventurer

rare 25
Template:Cargo/item/Chunk10 (edit) fuinvaderhead Invader Visor Invader Visor headarmour upgradeableWeapon offensive ranged

Set Bonuses:


• Fall Damage x0.75

• Magnorbs/Energy: Damage x1.2 and +5% Crit Chance

Immune: Proto-Poison

4 rare 0 1
Template:Cargo/item/Chunk10 (edit) fumantizitier6spants Champion's Tights Champion's Tights legarmour upgradeableWeapon balanced melee

Set Bonuses:

• Hammer, Axe, Mace: Damage x1.3, +3% Crit Chance

Immune: Moderate Cold, Tar, Mud, Clay

5 rare 1125 1
Template:Cargo/item/Chunk10 (edit) fumementomori Crystalline Skull Crystalline Skull Tool tool

This mysterious skull leads you to the site of your most recent demise. [ Hold Button ] to teleport. Will consume skull.

legendary 0 1 0
Template:Cargo/item/Chunk10 (edit) fumetalstairs Compressed Steel Stairs Compressed Steel Stairs block

Fantastically durable staircase.

Common 0
Template:Cargo/item/Chunk10 (edit) fupyreitechest Pyreite Chestplate Pyreite Chestplate chestarmour upgradeableWeapon balanced

Set Bonuses:

• Pyreite weapons: Damage x1.25

Immune: Oxygen, All Cold

6 legendary 3325 1
Template:Cargo/item/Chunk10 (edit) fusunwalkerchest Sunwalker Chest Sunwalker Chest chestarmour upgradeableWeapon defensive

Set Bonuses:

• Plasma Weapons: Damage x1.15

Immune: Extreme Heat/Cold/Radiation, Pressure, Oxygen

5 Rare 2850 1
Template:Cargo/item/Chunk10 (edit) fuwalljump_tech Wall Jump II Wall Jump II Tech trophy

A wall jump improvement. Double Jump!

rare 100
Template:Cargo/item/Chunk10 (edit) fuwolfhead Fang Shaman Hood Fang Shaman Hood headarmour upgradeableWeapon offensive melee hyper

Set Bonuses:

• Dagger Mastery: +15%

• Dagger/Shortsword: +10/20% Crit Damage

Immune: Snow, Chill

2 Common 0 1
Template:Cargo/item/Chunk10 (edit) geodegreensample Green Geode Sample Green Geode Sample decorative pretty

A pretty, green geode.

Common 100
Template:Cargo/item/Chunk10 (edit) ironlongsword Iron Longsword Iron Longsword longsword weapon melee longsword upgradeableWeapon

A heavy iron longsword.

1 Common 250 1 0
Template:Cargo/item/Chunk10 (edit) irradiumshield Irradium Shield Irradium Shield shield shield upgradeableWeapon

Immune: Extreme Radiation, Burning

4 rare 250 1 0
Template:Cargo/item/Chunk10 (edit) kirhostier5schest Rifter Hardsuit Rifter Hardsuit chestarmour upgradeableWeapon offensive ranged hyper

Set Bonuses:

• Fall Damage x0.75

• Magnorb, Chakram, Boomerang: Damage x1.25, +3% Crit Chance

Immune: Gas, Proto-Poison

5 Rare 2250 1
Template:Cargo/item/Chunk10 (edit) labdoorhuge Huge Lab Door Huge Lab Door door fu science door

This door is made of some sort of bulletproof material.

uncommon 250
Template:Cargo/item/Chunk10 (edit) liquidalienjuice Plasmic Fluid Plasmic Fluid liquid

A measure of an unusual plasmic fluid. Centrifugable.

Common 0
Template:Cargo/item/Chunk10 (edit) marinerspear Mariner's Spear Mariner's Spear spear weapon melee spear upgradeableWeapon

Perfect for murdering sea life. Well, any life, really. Hunting weapon

4 rare 250 1 1
Template:Cargo/item/Chunk10 (edit) mechbodyexitus Exitus Mech Body Exitus Mech Body mechPart

Immune: Pressure, Moderate Heat/Cold, Mild Radiation/Poison/Proto

Rare 9200 1
