Gas Bag

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Gas Bag
Non-hostile bags of gas. It is absolutely advised to not harass them. They tend to explode.
Capturable? Yes
Touch damage
Resistances Physical 50 Radioactive 50 Poison -50 Electric 100 Fire 30 Ice 50 Cosmic 50 Shadow 50
ID gasbag

Gas Bags are massive creatures found exclusively on Gas planets. As the name implies, they are large bags of gas, which emit a low noise on occasion. The subtle hue of the exterior husk can reveal much about a gas bag. A soft green gold means friendly or curious, while a solid dark gold can mean aggressiveness or feelings of opposition. When the gas bag's husk heats up to a darker reddish orange, run – destruction is soon to come!

Gas bags come in a greenish or golden-brown color, and are generally non-hostile. However, upon being attacked, the Gas bag can blast a powerful laser beam which can rip through what few blocks the planet has and instantly kill most players. Due to its absurdly high health, it is not typically worth attacking a Gas bag. The devastation caused by the attacks of a gas bag is so severe that it can tear clear to the core of smaller planets. Every variety of Gas Bag possesses the ability to temporarily phase out of existence - becoming invulnerable while they charge their attack. Additionally, upon death, the gas bag will explode violently, tearing apart and vaporizing everything within the huge explosion.

If you wish to fight a Gas bag, bring a Reaver Controller to maneuver yourself quickly around the lasers, and do any substantial amount of damage.

Luna's Lab Notes

~ There are 3 different types of Gas Bags. The first is a smaller, non-hostile variant that is just as capable as it's kin when it comes to destruction. The second variety is slightly larger and more dangerous, the blast radius and range of its annihilation beam being even larger and longer-reaching than its smaller variant's. Lastly, the third variety is much larger than its kin and hits significantly harder. Damage is boosted and also range, speed and health are all more than the previous two varieties.

~ If shot from afar (outside of the creatures follow radius [50 tiles]) the creature will pop harmlessly, being instantly slain before the creature can raise its defenses. This is a risky tactic however, as if you are close enough to not kill the Gas Bag in a single shot, then you're close enough to it's devastating gas burst - and likely not far enough to escape the oncoming attack. Additionally, the second variety of Gas Bag is capable of a melee attack, booping a creature within range. This can be baited to override the laser within melee range. Not encouraged however.

Gas Bag Luna's Lab.png


How to obtain


Biome monsters

Any 1 of the following:

Any 1 of the following:

Any 1 of the following:

Any 2 of the following:

Any 1 of the following:

Any 1 of the following:

Any 1 of the following:

Any 1 of the following:

Any 1 of the following:

Any 1 of the following:

Used for


Monster drops