Basic Crafting

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Basic Crafting means that an item can be created from "Crafting" menu, and you don't need a crafting station to do it.

These are the early-game items: Torch, Campfire, Flags for teleporter bookmarks, primitive weapons, etc. Some race-specific items (such as foods for X'i) are also in this category.

Weapons tab

Note that the window of "Basic Crafting" menu in FU has more than one tab (unmodded Starbound had only 1 tab, so a new player might not notice the second tab). Rarely craftable items like Bone Mace were moved from the first tab to other tabs.

  • Hand-craftable Bone weapons (like Bone Wand) require Research. They are more damaging than hand-craftable Primitive weapons (like Primitive Spear).
  • Primitive weapons are unlocked by default, and the necessary materials for them can be obtained within the first minute of playing the game.


  • Crafting items like Torch, Campfire, Wood Platform, etc. doesn't require Research (they are unlocked by default). If they are missing from your Crafting menu, then you have one of these incompatible mods: (see list).
  • If the tabs are displayed incorrectly (in the middle of the list, and it's not possible to click on them), then you have Extended GUI mod, but don't have the necessary patch for it.

Items crafted here