Trade goods

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Trade goods are currencies like Medical Supplies. They are sold by any NPC-controlled space station:

The purpose of goods is to sell them to another spacestation for a better price. All stations have different prices, so the opportunities with great buy/sell prices are out there. Prices are also improved by your Charisma and prior investments.

Note: each purchase of an individual good will cause all the remaining stock to increment upwards in price (e.g. first unit costs 200p, second unit costs 202p, etc). This makes it difficult in practice to actually make appreciable amounts of pixels in arbitrage.

Goods are available in limited amount (e.g. 100 Luxury Goods per station), and you can deplete this amount by buying them all. Depending on station type, it may have more/less of some goods (for example, military-type stations lack Food Rations, but they have an abundance of Weapon Parts).

If you haven't visited this spacestation for a while, the amount of available goods will slowly regenerate.

Items crafted here

Normal amount: ~5

Normal amount: ~98
Amount (trading): ~145
Amount (military, medical): ~53

Normal amount: ~146
Amount (trading): ~218
Amount (military): ~79

Normal amount: ~127
Amount (medical): ~189
Amount (military): ~68

Normal amount: ~176
Amount (trading): ~95

Normal amount: ~98
Amount (medical): ~145
Amount (trading): ~53

Normal amount: ~98
Amount (trading): ~145
Amount (military, medical): ~53

Normal amount: ~49
Amount (military): ~73
Amount (trading): ~26