Status effects

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A Status effect is a static or dynamic modification of one or more statistical properties of an entity, such as a monster or the player. Status effects apply for some time duration, which may be indefinite, and they may change over time. If an entity is affected by a status effect, it will be subject to the effect until it either wears off, or some event removes it. Entities can gain immunity to certain effects. Status effects range from beneficial to detrimental and come in five types: buff (statistical increase), debuff (statistical decrease), resistance, immunity, and ability. Frackin' Universe adds well over 700 unique status effects in order to implement various mechanics; this page lists only the logical effects that are communicated via an icon in the game interface.


When there is a range in the table below, the sources are sorted in increasing order of benefit.

Effect Description Default Duration Sources
Status icon strongcoffee1.png Energy Uptick Regenerates energy. Dark Roast Coffee confers immunity to various drugs. 120 Blonde Coffee, Chunky Meat Coffee, Espresso, Dark Roast Coffee
Status icon maxenergyboost1.png Energy Boost Increases maximum energy by +6-145. Same effect as the vanilla Energy Augments. 120 Biscorn (180s), Telk Death-Stick (220s), Little Rascal Herb (180s), Teltik Vison Worm (220s), Bigraxian Hellpowder (220s), Melodistar, Battery Stem Charge, Protovex (60s), VX Special Blend (90s), Fletchweed Stem (60s)
Status icon maxenergyboost1.png Percent Energy Boost Increases maximum energy by 15-35%. Same effect as the vanilla Bonus Energy (+20%). 120 Yellow-foot Mushroom, Pinkloom Herb (60s), Refined Kadavan Spices (60s), Organic Energy Stim, Silverleaf Herb (60s)
Status icon energyregenfu.png Energy Regen Increases energy regeneration by 2.5-37.5%. Energy block time reduced by 1.25-18.75%. 120 Acutaque (20s), Battery Stem Charge, Star Mint, Blex Cactus Sap (60s), Liquid Protocite, Erithian Energy Pack (augment), Goldenglow Petal (60s), Energiflower, Greenleaf Herb (60s), Cappa (220s), Protocite Energy Pack (augment), Hale Flower Petal (60s), Hooded Survival Mask (armor), Elder Crown (armor), Antimatter Energy Pack (augment), Protheon Shard (artifact), Quantum Energy Pack (augment)
Status icon maxhealthboost1.png Health Boost Increases Max Health by +5-120 180 Biscorn, Heartroot (300s), Little Rascal Herb, Melodistar (120s), Helkat Nut, Ambrosia (60s), Strong Honey Jar, Tenebrhaeic Kilvrat (120s)
Status icon maxhealthboost1.png Percent Health Boost Increases Max Health by 25% 30s Earthen Honeycomb (60s), Porphis Blossom (60s), Blood Serum Stim (120s)
Status icon jumpboost.png Jump Boost Increases jump height by 15-35%. Includes the Vanilla Jump Boost effect (+20%). 1 Drug Specialist Contract (30s), Gelatinous Stone (tile), Plasmango (40s), Uberdinner (100s), Violiroot Plate (100s), Jump Scout Visor (armor), Jump Block (tile), Weeeeeeeee! (augment)
Status icon corvexputty.png No Stick Confers immunity to movement effects of Mud, Slime, Ice and Snow. 120 Tenebrhaeic Kilvrat (90s), Corvex Putty
  • Full Belly: Your character is well fed; this buff lasts until your Hunger starts dropping again. While under the effect, you gain limited HP regeneration.
  • Spider's Silk: Specific to the Arachne Race; Arachne generate Spider's Silk every 30-60 seconds, which can be used to craft unique Arachne equipment, or be used in making Silk.
  • Undead Properties: Specific to the Zombie Race; Zombies do not Breathe or sustain Poison damage.


Effect Description Default Duration Resistance Immunity
Node icon frackinuniversemadness.starteroption.png Aetheric Atmosphere Weather that drains 5-7 health and 3 energy per second. Every 5-3.5 seconds, reduces Max Energy by 7-11 and reduces Energy Regeneration (%) Rate by 0.04, down to 0.1. The effect is increased by 30-50% at night. Levels: Mild, Moderate and Extreme. 5 Cosmic Aether, Cosmic Resistance >= 40/60/90%.
Status icon biooozepoison.png Bio-Ooze Reduces all resistances except poison and shadow by 30-60% (source dependent). Increases Hunger rate. 5, 20 Bio-Ooze Poison Resistance >= 40%
Status icon bleedingshort.png Bleeding Apples 0.75-5% of health as damage over time 3-15 Bleeding (monsters only)
Status icon burning.png Burning Applies fire damage over time 5 Fire Being in liquid, Fire
Status icon biomecold.png Cold Climate that drains 1-20 health and 0.2-0.7 hunger per second, and reduces movement speed by 10/50/60/70/75%. Effect is increased by 10-50% at night or when wet, or by 20% when windy. Levels: Chilled (Snow), Mild (Tundra), Moderate (Arctic, Frozen Volcanic, Nitrogen Sea), Extreme (Ice Waste) and Lethal (randomly on Unknown planets). 5 Ice Cold (up to Moderate), Extreme Cold (up to Extreme). Ice Resistance >= 15/20/40/60/80%.
Status icon biomecold.png Chill Weather that drains 3-4 health and 0.3-0.4 hunger every second, and reduces movement speed 40/50/60%. Effect is increased by 20-50% at night or when wet, or by 20% when windy. Levels: Sudden, Severe, Extreme. Encountered on Frozen Volcanic, Ice Waste, Frozen Moon, Aether World and Strange Sea planets. 5 Ice Cold, Extreme Cold. Ice Resistance >= 25/45/65%.
Status icon darkwaterpoison.png Dark Water Poison Reduces Shadow, Fire and Ice Resistances by 25%, and movement speed and jump height by 20%. 5 Poison Antidote, Poison Resistance >= 50%
Status icon defenseboostneg10.png Def - Reduces Protection and all resistances by 10-50% 1-5
Status icon ffbiomeelectric3.png Electrical Storm Damages player at random intervals. Damage is 20% higher if the player is in liquid or the weather is windy. Energy regenerates 30% more slowly. 5 Electric Electric Resistance >= 20%
Status icon biomeheat.png Heat Climate that drains 4-6 health and 0.5-0.7 hunger every second. Reduces movement speed 50-70%. Effect is reduced by 20% at night and 30% when wet. Effect is increased 10-40% underground. Levels: Mild (Tarball), Moderate (Volcanic), Extreme (Infernus, Magma). 5 Fire Heat (up to Moderate), Extreme Heat. Fire Resistance >= 20/40/60%.
Status icon biomeheat.png Desert Heat Climate that drains 0.3 health per second. Can be deadly in Red Deserts, which drain 6 health and reduce movement speed by 30%. The effect is 25/75% worse when it is bright. 5 Fire Sandstorm, Heat, Fire Resistance >= 20%. Deadly: Extreme Heat, Fire Resistance >= 60%.
Status icon biomeheat.png Heat Wave Weather that drains 0.4-3.5 health per second. Levels: Normal, Severe, Extreme. Encountered on Desert, Red Desert, Aether World, Strange Sea and Sulphuric planets. 5 Fire Sandstorm (normal), Heat (severe), Extreme Heat (extreme). Fire Resistance >= 30/40/60%.
Status icon honeyslow.png Honey Reduces movement speed by 40%. 5 Honey
Status icon booze.png Intoxicated 75/85% movement speed, 65/82% jump height for player. 65/55% speed for monsters. 5, 60 Booze
Status icon negativehealth.png Less HP Reduces Max Health by 5-15%. 30
Status icon mercurypoison.png Mercury Poison Eliminates Knockback Resistance. Reduces Fall Damage Resistance by 50%, and Cosmic Resistance by 25%. Encountered on some Gas Giants. 60 Poison Resistance >= 50% and Radioactive Resistance >= 25%
Status icon biomepoison1.png Status icon biomepoisongas.png Poison (Gas) Drains 1-3 Health per second. Once health drops below 60%, reduces movement speed and jump height by 70-80%. Reduces Power Multiplier by 0.05-0.07 every 4 seconds, down to a minimum of 0.05. Levels: Mild (Gelatinous), Moderate (Toxic Moon), Severe (Strange Sea) and Extreme (randomly on Unknown planets). 20 Poison Poison (up to Severe), Poison Gas, Gas. Poison Resistance >= 20-60%
Status icon gasworld1.png Pressure Drains 25-40 Health every 4 seconds, increasing the damage by 10-20 each time it is applied. Reduces movement speed by 40-60% and jump height by 90%. The effect is 50-100% as worse at night, and 20% worse when windy. Levels: High (Toxic Giant), Extreme (Proto Giant, Ice Giant), and Deadly (Flame Giant) 5 Physical Pressure; Physical Resistance >= 80-99%
Status icon honeyslow.png Quicksand Reduces movement speed by 90% and jump height by 85%. 1


Status icon radioactiveweathernew.png Radiation Climate that reduces 2-5 health per second, and reduces Max Health and Max Energy by 3-7 every 5-3 seconds. The effect is 20% worse when windy. Levels: Mild (Mutated, Jungle, Toxic, Liquid Irradium), Moderate (Irradiated), Extreme (Chromatic). 20 Radiation Radiation (up to Extreme); Extreme Radiation, Radiation Resistance >= 20/40/60%
Status icon radiationburn.png Radiation Burn Reduces Physical Resistance by 10/20% per second until it reaches zero, when it begins to reduce health by 2/3% per second. Levels: Normal, Extreme. 7 Radiation; Radiation Resistance >= 40%
Status icon darkstalker.png Shadow Taint Drains health, energy and hunger proportionally to the player's maximum health and inversely proportional to the light level. Disabled if the light level is over 70, it is daytime and the player is on the surface. 30 Shadow
Status icon webstick.png Sticky Webs Reduces movement speed by 90% on ground, 70% during jump 0.3 Race-specific
Status icon sulphuricacideffect.png Sulphuric Acid Applies corrosive damage over time 3 Physical Physical Resistance >= 90%, Sulphuric Acid
Status icon superdarkstat.png Unbreachable Darkness Shrouds the scene in darkness, ignoring light sources. Encountered on Dark Atropus, Lightless, Dark Ice Waste and the particularly dark Shadow Moon worlds. 60 Darkness
  • Electrified: Your body is currently conducting electricity and will sustain damage from other nearby Electrified sources.
  • Helium: Usually encountered on Moons; Helium affects you much like Low Gravity, allowing higher, slower jumping.
  • High Gravity: An increase in gravity draws you quicker towards the planet core; jumping is reduced, and is much quicker.
  • Low Gravity: A decrease in gravity slows your descent towards the planet core; jumping is higher, and much slower.
  • Melting: You are in Lava and are melting! You will take rising fire damage until you leave the Lava. (Swaps to Burning after leaving Lava.)
  • Oil (Slow): You are covered in Oil; the slippery, oily substance makes it harder for you to move and jump.
  • Pus: 50% poison resistance penalty, 100% mental resistance penalty; resisted with Physical resistance.
  • Sandstorm: A raging sandstorm slows your movements and reduces your jump height.
  • Slime: You are covered in Slime; you are unable to jump very high, or move very fast until you leave the source of the Slime.
  • Sticky Slime: You are standing on Slime, which has covered your body and has temporarily made your impact with other objects more bouncy.

Resistances and Immunities

These status effects grant resistance to a particular damage type and/or grant immunity to a particular status. An immunity status effect immediately removes the effect(s) to which it confers immunity. Even when an effect grants immunity, the resistance may still be useful, because some negative effects respect resistance but not immunity. For example, the Antidote effect below helps grant immunity to Bio-Ooze through its 10% Poison resistance, while Antidote's Poison status immunity is not effective against Bio-Ooze.

When there is a range of resistance in the table below, the sources are listed in increasing order of intensity.

Effect Resistance Immune to Status Default Duration Sources
Status icon antidote.png Antidote 10% Poison Poison 90 Gaze Lemon, Crystal Plant, Spongeweed Slice (240s)
Caliginous Gas Caliginous Gas 120 Umbral Stalk, Elder Crown
Status icon cosmicblock.png Cosmic Resistance 10-30% Cosmic 120 Cosmic Barrier (augment), Cosmic Resist I (augment), Corvexxor (30s), Jikjik Tofu (300s), Cosmitea (60s), Aether Soda, Aetherade, Zathi Node (180s), Cosmic Cola (300s), Mythical Honey Jar (300s)
Status icon darknessimmunity.png Darkness Immunity Unbreachable Darkness 180 Darkness Shield (augment), Aether Donut (90s), Darklight Blossom (90s)
Status icon electricblock.png Electric Resistance 0-30% Electric Shocked 120 Electric Barrier (augment), Honeysilk Bandage (2s), Medical Kit and upgrades (2s), Grilled Sneeze, Wubstem, Titanium Honeycomb (60s), Mire Urchin, Kirhosi Hacker Contract (300s)
Status icon fireblock.png Fire Resistance 0-40% Fire Burning, Napalm 120 Fire Barrier (augment), Honeysilk Bandage (2s), Medical Kit and upgrades (2s), Quellstem Bud (60s), Hunter Contract (280s), Burn Resistance Spray (300s), Blam, Sliced Kadavan Cactus, Volcanic Honeycomb (60s), Volcanologist Contract (900s)
Status icon honeyslow.png Honey Immunity Honey 300 Honeyboon Stim
Status icon iceblock.png Ice Resistance 0-30% Ice Frozen 120 Ice Barrier (augment), Honeysilk Bandage (2s), Medical Kit and upgrades (2s), Blue Melon (60s), Mire Urchin, Butter on a Stick, Thelusian Fire Wine (30s), Code Zerchesium (30s), Talon Sprout, Arctic Contract (300s)
Status icon physicalblock.png Physical & Knockback Resistance 10-30% Physical 120 Thelusian Fire Wine (30s), Blood Root, Teratomato
Status icon poisonblock.png Poison Resistance 0-30% Poison Poison 120 Poison Shield (augment), Poison Barrier (augment), Honeysilk Bandage (2s), Medical Kit and upgrades (2s), Ita Flower Head (60s), Poison Antidote (300s), Bluelotl Jelly, Nyani String, Diodia Hybrid Fruit, Cultist Contract (300s), Assassin Contract (300s)
Status icon pressureimmunity.png Pressure Immune Pressure 300 Plasma Light Pack (augment), Lumivine (120s), and the flying vehicles Sentinel, and Gryphon and Roc.
Status icon radioactiveblock.png Radiation Resistance 10-30% Radiation Radiation Burn 120 Garp Berry, Pasaka Bulb, Radioactive Barrier (augment), Biohazard Contract (900s)
Status icon shadowimmunity.png Shadow Immunity Shadow Taint, Caliginous Gas 180 Shadow Shield (augment), Shrouded Honeycomb (60s), Shadow Spirits (60s), Aether Donut (90s), Elder Cookie (150s), Herrod Bush Gem and the Poseidon and Triton submarines
Status icon shadowblock.png Shadow Resistance 10-30% Shadow Shadow Taint 120 Shadow Barrier (augment), Dunce Cookie, Lactarius Indigo Mushroom, Elder Hook (0.9s), Magical Girl Contract (300s), Harlequin Honeycomb (60s), Precursor Drone Control Chip (300s)
Status icon gravrainimmunity.png X-Grav High Gravity 120 Gemglow, Xax Wing (180s)
Status icon gas.png X-Gas Gas (Helium-3, Caliginous Gas, Metallic Hydrogen, Poison Gas) 120 Gas Specialist Contract (300s)

The Status icon medicalimmunization.png Immunization enhancer grants virtually all of the above immunities until death, and other enhancers provide specific resistances. The Shoggoth Armor (not listed above) also confers immunity to many effects. The Atmospheric Regulator provides immunity to many negative environmental effects within its effective radius.

There are many other ways, besides the status effects listed above, to obtain resistance and immunity, including level-dependent armor piece bonuses, armor set bonuses, shield bonuses, and race-specific bonuses.
