Racial Space Station Terminal (medical)

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Item icon racialspacestationconsole medical.png Item image racialspacestationconsole medical.png
Racial Space Station Terminal (medical)
A terminal used to interact with this space station.
Category other
Light 0.15
Rarity Common
Price 0
Colony tags misc
ID racialspacestationconsole_medical

Racial Space Station Terminal (medical) is a shop that always exists at NPC-controlled medical-type spacestations. It randomly sells 1-4 medical items (see below), 8-11 generic items (see Any Station Terminal for the list) and trade goods. You can also purchase a medical buff (from a stock of 4-6 available buffs) for 8000 pixels, which doesn't expire until you die. These buffs offer very powerful bonuses, but are balanced by various side effects. Only one buff can be active at a time. You can pay 500 pixels to remove the current buff.

For any given station, its stock never changes (it will keep selling the same items/buffs). Another station will have a different stock. Buy/sell prices are not fixed: they improve because of your charisma and prior station investments.

This shop can be purchased for home use (at Hiring Office) and placed on your base or ship. However, you can't move it (if you mine it with your Matter Manipulator, it self-destructs).

List of medical buffs

Combat effectiveness
  • Status icon medicalglasscannon.png Glass Cannon: 100% More Damage at the cost of 90% Less Protection.
  • Status icon medicaljuggernaut.png Juggernaut: You become immune to knockback and gain 50 protection, but your movement speed is reduced by 33%.
Health regen
  • Status icon medicaltrollblood.png Trollblood: Regenerate 40% of damage taken over 5 seconds, at the cost of 20% Less HP and 50% increased Energy Block Time.
  • Status icon medicalmitochondria.png Mitochondria: Consumes 2 energy to regenerate 1 health every 0.15 seconds. Energy will regenerate only at full health.
Energy and speed
  • Status icon medicalberserk.png Berserker Rage: 25% More Energy, Increased Movement Speed. -50% Knockback Resistance, -35 Protection.
  • Status icon medicalrenergizer.png Renergizer: 50% More Energy, 33% More Energy Regeneration. Hunger Drain increased by 25%. 100% Increased Energy Block Time.
  • Status icon medicalhypopanicc.png Hypopanic: 33% More Energy Regen, -50 Energy. In addition, Increased movement speed the less energy you have (up to +67% speed at 35% energy remaining). Taking damage briefly stops energy regen, and consumes energy for 150% of damage.
Automatic attacks on nearby enemies
  • Status icon medicaltoxiccloud.png Toxic Cloud: Every 3 seconds a toxic cloud that lasts 5 seconds and deals 30 piercing damage is released at your location. Every time this happens, you take 5 piercing damage. 20% Increased Hunger Drain.
  • Status icon medicalhivemind.png Hivemind: Shoots a projectile at the closest enemy in a medium radius with a clear line of fire every second, dealing 2.5% of your HP as base damage (further increased by your power multiplier) on impact. Drains 0.5% of your current health every 0.5 seconds as long as you have more than 10%.
Protection against environment
  • Status icon medicalimmunization.png Immunization: Makes you immune to most negative status effects (including rare debuffs like Intoxicated, Bee Stings or Sandstorm). 10% Less Power and Protection.
  • Status icon medicalshadowrepel.png Status icon medicalradrepel.png Status icon medicalpoisonrepel.png Status icon medicalicerepel.png Status icon medicalfirerepel.png Status icon medicalelectricrepel.png Status icon medicalcosmicrepel.png Element-specific Repel buffs (Ice Repel, Fire Repel, Shadow Repel, etc.): Increases relevant resistance (such as Fire Resistance) by 50% and grants immunity to status effects of this element (e.g. Burning for Fire Repel), but reduces other resistances (except Physical) by 33%.
  • Status icon medicalexperimental.png Experiment #322 : Applies random positive and/or negative statuses every 10 seconds which last 15-25 seconds.


  • Immunization buff negates both Drunk and Slow (which are negative side-effects of buff-granting alcohols), which means that alcohols become an entirely positive buff food.
  • Repel buffs allow you to visit high-danger planets early (for example, if you have 10% Fire resistance, then Fire Repel will increase it to 60%, negating the heat of Infernus planets).
  • Hivemind and Toxic Cloud are best combined with sources of health regeneration (armors, consumables like Miracle Grass, etc.), to passively outheal the damage they do to yourself.
  • Hypopanic and Berserker Rage are great for exploration, because movement speed bonuses are useful even if you aren't in combat.
  • Renergizer is great for energy-hungry guns (dual-wielded machine pistols, etc.), allowing you to fire a longer volley, but necessitates hit-and-run strategy (increased Energy Block Time is really noticeable).
  • Juggernaut makes you very tanky. It is great for boss battles, but you need to compensate for slow movement speed by using some techs/tools that improve mobility (grappling hooks, dash/dodge, flight, etc.).

How to obtain

Hiring Office

Items crafted here

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