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Item icon fuprecursorresource.png
A mysterious substance that can directly affect organic brainwaves.
Rarity Legendary
Price 0
Stack size 16777216
ID fuprecursorresource

Protheon is a mysterious currency. It represents your insight into ancient knowledge.

  • You can exchange 1 Protheon for 500 Research (at Munchies' Dirt).
  • You can keep Protheon unspent, which increases your "over the time" research gain by +1 for each 10 Protheon that you have. Maximum bonus is +10 (at 100 Protheon).
  • Protheon increases the efficiency of Insta-Freud (you lose unwanted Madness faster).

As a downside, having a lot of unspent Protheon turns you into a very reasonable and scientific person, which reduces the Madness gain over time (from being on Atropus worlds, etc.).


Unlike other resources, Protheon is found accidentally (not sought in a specific place), and can occur in hundreds of different places (weird monsters, rare chests, microscoped artifacts, etc.). In any of those places, the chance to find it is too small for "farming" it to be practical.

There is no point in listing these places: in practice, it won't help much to know which monsters you need to grind for N hours straight to get 1 measly Protheon.

FU Research (unlocking recipes) · Madness (amount of crazy ideas) · Genes (knowledge "how living beings work") · Protheon (insight into great knowledge of the past)
Vanilla Pixels (buying/selling) · Ancient Essence (upgrading items) · Peace Credit (peacekeeper store) · Dubloon (hiring penguins)