Precursor Annihilator

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Item icon precursorcannonnew.png
Precursor Annihilator
The compressed rage of the Precursors.

Charges Up

Category uniqueWeapon
Tier 6
Primary Fire Damage per hit: 28
Rate of fire: 1
Special: Charge Fire
Alt Damage per hit: 8.8
Rate of fire: 2
Special: Photon Spread
Rarity Legendary
Price 6300
Stack size 1
Two-handed? Yes
Upgradeable? Yes
Tags weapon ranged energy precursor upgradeableWeapon
ID precursorcannonnew

The Precursor Annihilator is a unique Tier 6 weapon dropped by precursor guards, and found in chests in the Precursor Ruins mission, and Precursor Biomes.

Inflicts the slow debuff when equipped.


Photon Shot

Precursor annihilator attack1.gif Shoots a radioactive bullet that deals 5 damage (before damage boosts and enemy defense).

This attack can damage blocks but cannot destroy them.

Photon Charge

Precursor annihilator attack2.gif Fires a slow moving yellow ball (unaffected by gravity) that shoots out radioactive bullets and lightning constantly.

Any entities hit by the ball are given a radiation burn that deals high DoT damage per second.

Explodes in 4.5 seconds or when it collides into a block. The explosion shoots out 3 lasers in random directions.

Any entities that are extremely close to the explosion but still survive, are flung at high speed.

Takes 2.5 seconds to fully charge (You will be notified when it's fully charged when a yellow ball is strobing at the muzzle).

Photon Spread

Precursor annihilator attack3.gif Shoots a burst of lighting-emitting bullets that deal 1.5x the damage as a photon shot.

This attack can damage blocks, but cannot destroy them.

How to obtain


Treasure pool