Miracle Ambrosia

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Item icon miracleambrosia.png
Miracle Ambrosia
A miraculous ambrosia.

Fully restores Health and Energy, as well as filling your belly and making you drunk.

Category drink
Food value 9999999
Rotting This food doesn't rot.
Rarity legendary
Price 22500
ID miracleambrosia

Miracle Ambrosia is a very secret and very godly drink, the pinnacle of brewing.

Non-cheating way to obtain its recipe

After you complete the quest "bring me a Cthulhu Statue", a Lost and Found merchant (Khe) starts selling a top secret codex for 250000 pixels.

While this codex might seem like flavour text to the Layman, it also suggests some scientific experiments that you can perform. Some of these experiments involve throwing things into the processing devices where they don't belong, and suggests what those things might be. Doing so may result in the discovery of recipes of Miracle Ambrosia and/or Soulleaf Spritz.

How to obtain

Distillery / Still

Used for
