List of foods by rotting time

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Absolute majority of foods that satisfy hunger will become Rotten Food after 3 hours and 20 minutes (= 200 minutes).

This is the list of foods that: 1) don't rot at all, 2) stay fresh for a long time, 3) become rotten unusually quickly.

Non-rotting foods

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Foods that stay fresh for a long time

Compressed Erithian Algae (hours: 100), Better Chocolate (hours: 66.7), Baby Head (on a stick) (hours: 50), Face Skin (hours: 50), Jarred Fetus (hours: 50), Orphan Paste (hours: 50), Solarium Biscuit (hours: 40), Yettas (hours: 40), Banana Pudding (hours: 33.3), Canned Food (hours: 33.3), Apple Honey Straw (hours: 16.7), Box of Chocolates (hours: 16.7), Caramelized Soggy Paper (hours: 16.7), Chocolate (hours: 16.7), Coffee Beans (hours: 16.7), Edible Soggy Paper (hours: 16.7), Glowburger (hours: 16.7), Grape Honey Straw (hours: 16.7), Honey Bread (hours: 16.7), Honey Ham (hours: 16.7), Honey Nut Boltos (hours: 16.7), Honey Straw (hours: 16.7), Neon Honey Straw (hours: 16.7), Orange Honey Straw (hours: 16.7), Potato (hours: 16.7), Tearnut (hours: 16.7), Violiroot (hours: 16.7), Phaseshake (hours: 13.3), Solus Jam (hours: 13.3), Violiroot Plate (hours: 13.3), Bolbohn (hours: 10), Butter (hours: 10), Compressed Algae (hours: 10), Corvex Blob (hours: 10), Lemony Lobster (hours: 10), Phasefruit (hours: 10), Plasmango (hours: 10), Plasmango Ice Cream (hours: 10), Solstew (hours: 10), Solusberry (hours: 10), Uberdinner (hours: 10), Apple Honey Pie (hours: 6.7), Blam (hours: 6.7), Butter on a Stick (hours: 6.7), Crunchy Chick Pie (hours: 6.7), Garflipp (hours: 6.7), Pancakes (hours: 6.7), Peach Pie (hours: 6.7), Pear Pie (hours: 6.7), Sanity Leech (hours: 6.7), Severed Head Platter (hours: 6.7), Sour Milk and Bees (hours: 6.7), Sushi Platter (hours: 6.7)

Foods that rot very quickly

Fiery Candy (minutes: 10), The Cinnamon Challenge (minutes: 10), Ape Juice (minutes: 20), Blood Chalice (minutes: 20), Gutstoppers (minutes: 20), Magical Lunch (minutes: 20), Meat Smoothie (minutes: 20), Oil Stew (minutes: 20), Poutine (minutes: 20), Proto Pancakes (minutes: 20), Pyreite Curry (minutes: 20), Rusty Chowder (minutes: 20), Bowel Chocolate (minutes: 40), Nightmare Fuel (minutes: 40), Snarshed Garflipp (minutes: 40), Meaty Kibble (minutes: 50), Spider Cotton (minutes: 50), Cooked Lobster (minutes: 60), Cooked Pest (minutes: 60), Latte (minutes: 80), Bloody Corpse Waffles (minutes: 100), Bowl o' Brains (minutes: 100), Chicken Juice (minutes: 100), Cooked Bacon (minutes: 100), Cooked Fish (minutes: 100), Cooked Ham (minutes: 100), Cooked Poultry (minutes: 100), Cooked Ribs (minutes: 100), Cooked Steak (minutes: 100), Cooked Tentacle (minutes: 100), Corpse Candy (minutes: 100), Dunce Cookie (minutes: 100), Edible Brains (minutes: 100), Horkulbeast Sausage (minutes: 100), Irradium Roll (minutes: 100), Lice Cream (minutes: 100), Lobster Paste (minutes: 100), Meat Pickle (minutes: 100), Meaty Meal (minutes: 100), Pest (minutes: 100), Raw Bacon (minutes: 100), Raw Fish (minutes: 100), Raw Ham (minutes: 100), Raw Poultry (minutes: 100), Raw Ribs (minutes: 100), Raw Steak (minutes: 100), Raw Tentacle (minutes: 100), Roasted Mushrooms (minutes: 100), Robo-Snax (minutes: 100), Small Crayon Box (minutes: 100), Lobster Bisque (minutes: 120), Severed human ear (minutes: 120), Warmed Organic Soup (minutes: 120), Burger (minutes: 140), Gorge Cake (minutes: 180), Greg Head (minutes: 180), Grilled Sneeze (minutes: 180)


  • Buff-granting foods that don't satisfy player's hunger (such as Energiflower) will never rot.
  • When inside the refridgerated storage, the food won't rot at all.
  • When inside the Compost Bin, the food will rot 10 times faster. This is useful if you need Rotten Food (can be used as fertilizer or crafted into Mulch or Goo).

See also