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Katanas are special melee weapons. Albeit functioning similarly to longswords or broadswords, they have an extra functionality. Katanas are melee weapons that can have many combo moves, and the only type of melee weapon that can either be one-handed or two-handed. Currently, only a limited selection of katanas exist in-game.

Elemental Damage

Some katanas are assigned one of seven elements (non-physical damage types). Assigned katanas will inflict the appropriate elemental status effect with the primary attack.

Special Attacks

Special attacks are secondary attack types available for melee weapons. Only two-handed katanas can have special attacks. The attacks available are different based on the katana being used. Premade and crafted katanas have specific specials assigned based on their weapon type as well, but like stats they do not change. Currently, two special attacks are given to available two-handed katanas.

Special Attacks

Craftable Variants
