Item Network Terminal

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Item icon network terminal.png Item image network terminal.png
Item Network Terminal
Provides access to the contents of connected storage containers.

Input: item network UNRELIABLE AT RANGE!

Category wire
Rarity Common
Price 500
ID network_terminal

Terminal allows you to see contents of several chests, search them by name, and also to retrieve N of some item (e.g. 20 Oxygen) or "all except 1" of some item, as long as this item is stored in one of the chests.

Terminal is placed onto the background wall. It can be interacted with (E).


  1. Connect your Terminal to Output of Repeater.
  2. Input of that Repeater should be connected to Storage Bridges (near the chests), and/or to stations like Extraction Lab (which support direct wiring to Item Network).

If you only have 1 chest, you can connect its Storage Bridge directly to Terminal (without Repeater in the middle). If you have 2+ chests, the Repeater is mandatory.


Terminal doesn't work with far away chests (outside the player's view).

Having Watchers near out-of-screen chests DOESN'T HELP WITH THAT. The reason is: Starbound is a client+server game (even in singleplayer), and Watchers keep the area loaded on server side, while the Terminal works on the client side.

How to obtain

Electronics Center