Item Dropper

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Item icon network dropper.png Item image network dropper.png
Item Dropper
Drops Items into the world.

Input1: On/Off Switch

Category wire
Slot count 1
Rarity Common
Price 15
Colony tags wired
ID network_dropper

Item Dropper is a 1-slot storage. Instead of keeping the items inside (like normal chests would), it will immediately throw any items onto the ground.

It can have many uses. For example, you can use it with Item Transference Device to throw the outputs of Extraction Lab outside (to the ground), so that you can pick up these materials just by walking near them - instead of opening the Extraction Lab and taking out the materials by hand.

Beware that materials on the ground will despawn in several minutes.

See also

  • Grabber - picks up items from the ground and stores them inside its storage.
  • Spout - pours liquids into the world.

How to obtain

Electronics Center