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Item icon network spout.png Item image network spout.png
Pours Liquids into the world.

Input1: On/Off Switch Input2: item network

Category wire
Slot count 1
Rarity Common
Price 15
Colony tags wired
ID network_spout

Spout is a 1-slot storage. If you place some liquid (as items from your inventory) into the Spout, then it will slowly pour this liquid into the world. It's an automated way of pouring the liquids by hand (via the "place blocks" mode of Matter Manipulator), and can be very convenient if you need to pour a lot of it.

You can connect Spout to the Item Transference Device to automatically receive the liquids from somewhere else.

Warning: Spout is NOT a part of Liquid Network and can NOT be connected to it.

How to obtain

Electronics Center