Glitchtop Collar

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Item icon glitchtopcollar.png
Glitchtop Collar
Your pet now functions like a glitchtop. Yay?
Category petCollar
Rarity rare
Price 52750
ID glitchtopcollar
Unlocked by finding Glitchtop Collar (Broken).

The Glitchtop Collar can be equipped on a capture pod for a pet or the Collar Holder for the player to wear.

When worn by a pet, the Glitchtop Collar gives pets the special adaptive resistance ability of the Glitchtop (monster). If your pet is struck by an attack, then any future hits of that element will be ignored. Only one resistance can be active at a time, so attacks from different elements will do full damage, then the resistance will swap to that new element.

When worn by a player, the collar functions similarly, albeit at reduced effectiveness. When hit by an attack, the element the player was hit by will be resisted by a small amount of damage, which stacks with each recurring hit the player takes. Note that the resistance stacks don't increase more by taking more damage, but rather by taking more hits.

How to obtain

Pet Station