Gas Giant Core Ocean

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Biome: Gas Giant Core Ocean
Found on planets Gas Giant (primary biome), Proto Giant (primary biome), Flame Giant (primary biome), Ice Giant (primary biome), Toxic Giant (primary biome)
ID gasgiantcorelayer

Gas Giant Core Ocean is a bottom layer of some Gas Giants. It is just another layer of infinite gas. In 1/7 of cases it will contain Liquid Erchius Fuel ocean.

Only 1/3 of the Gas Giants will have this. Others have either Gas Giant Core (easily minable blocks with a lot of ore) or Gas Giant Dead Core.


Under no circumstances should you touch the bottom of the world (this results in immediate death, and any dropped items will disappear for good).

This is extremely dangerous for players who explore the Gas Giant by falling down (while having fall damage immunity from Ighant Bulb, Oddball Sphere tech, etc.). If you use this strategy, be extremely careful when approaching the core.


Biome blocks

Biome chests

Biome objects