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Behavior and Background

Distortionsnakes are unique monsters, found generally in the underground caves of highly advanced mechanical environments. It is unclear what first created these creatures, however each variety has striking similarities. Every variety of Distortionsnake is composed of 5+ distortion spheres, that seem capable of altering depending on environmental factors, and purpose. Each Distortionsnake is lead by a "head" sphere, in which each "body" sphere is programmed to follow. Destruction of the head, or severe enough damage to the several body spheres leads to the complete shutdown, and self-destruction of the entire Distortionsnake. At this point, there is a total of five known Distortionsnakes, each composed of varying materials.

All verieties of Distortionsnakes attack in a rather straightforward pattern of charging the nearest living organism and slamming their dangerous distortion spheres into them. Within each type of Distortionsnake however, lies vastly different capabilities.

Distortionsnakes are found in CyberSphere planets underground.


There are currently five known varieties of Distortionsnakes. Each type shares the similarity of being composed of one single head sphere which leads 5+ body spheres. Within each type however, there is great difference in the type of distortion spheres that compose each Distortionsnake. See below for examples of each variety.

Smol aquasphere segment animation.gif

Aquasnake: A snake-like construct composed of aqua distortion spheres

Smol Sonicsnake Segment movement animation.gif

Sonicsnake: A snake-like construct composed of sonic distortion spheres

Smol spheresnake Movement.gif

Spheresnake: A snake-like construct composed of distortion spheres

Smol spheresnake Movement.gif

Speresnake2: A snake-like construct composed of advanced distortion spheres

Smol spikesnake segment movement.gif

Spikesnake: A snake-like construct composed of spiked distortion spheres

Luna's Lab Notes

~ Each type of Distortionsnake is made up of two separate monster types - A "head", and several "body" spheres (usually 5-10). The health pool is linked for these creatures, so dealing damage to the body can technically kill the whole creature - however it seems the head is significantly more susceptible to critical hits.

~ In the files this creature is coded to be capture, however there is not a proper input for the creatures name upon capture. Additionally, the "head" and "body" spheres existing as different monsters, yet also being linked in the coding, leads to neither the "head" or "body" being tangibly captureable until the moment one type dies, at which point they are all considered dead.... Which results in the monster being uncapturable even with use of admin commands.


