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Aquasphere segment animation.gif
The head of a aqua sphere snake
A snake-like construct composed of aqua distortion spheres
Capturable? Yes
Touch damage
Resistances Physical 0 Radioactive 0 Poison 0 Electric 25 Fire 0 Ice 0 Cosmic 0 Shadow 0
ID aquasnake

Distortionsnakes are unique monsters, found generally in the underground caves of highly advanced mechanical environments. It is unclear what first created these creatures, however each variety has striking similarities. Every variety of Distortionsnake is composed of 5+ distortion spheres, that seem capable of altering depending on environmental factors, and purpose. Each Distortionsnake is lead by a "head" sphere, in which each "body" sphere is programmed to follow. Destruction of the head, or severe enough damage to the several body spheres leads to the complete shutdown, and self-destruction of the entire Distortionsnake. At this point, there is a total of five known Distortionsnakes, each composed of varying materials, and with vastly different capabilities.

All verieties of Distortionsnakes attack in a rather straightforward pattern of charging the nearest living organism and slamming their dangerous distortion spheres into them. Within each type of Distortionsnake however, lies vastly different capabilities. The Aquasnake possesses 10 body segments, each of which is capable of dealing high contact damage. What makes this variety most dangerous is that each segment has a boosted attack speed, meaning that each segment of the Aquasnake can deal damage consistently upon contact with a creature. This typically leads to a quick death to any creature unlucky enough to come into contact with more than one segment at once. The Aquasnakes movements are more flowing and graceful than it's counterparts, choosing to approach swiftly in an attempt to coil around a target, using it's powerful aqua distortion spheres to crush and mangle a target within moments. Additionally, as with all Distortionsnakes, upon spotting a target, the Aquasnake gains the ability to burrow through blocks.

Distortionsnakes are found in CyberSphere planets underground.

Luna's Lab Notes

~ The Aquasnake, as with all Distortionsnakes, is uncapturable due to the monsters coding. Interesting creature though, as segmented monster types are 100% fan-made!

Aquasnake Luna's Lab.png


How to obtain


Biome monsters

Any 2 of the following:

Any 2 of the following:

Any 2 of the following:

Any 2 of the following:

Any 2 of the following: