Dimensional Siphon

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Item icon elderpod.png
Dimensional Siphon
Activate to deploy the stored bot.
Category throwableItem
Rarity Common
Price 1000
Stack size 1
Two-handed? No
Tags weapon
ID elderpod

Dimensional Siphon is an analogue of filled Capture Pod for weird monsters that you genetically engineered (crafted) yourself, such as Magmatop Omega.

You don't craft it directly. Instead you craft an item like Rat-Thing (which is a placeable decoration), you place it on the ground and interact (E) with it. That gives you a Dimensional Siphon with the monster (in this case, Wretched Rat).

Pets inside Dimensional Siphon can't be healed in a regular Pet Healing Station, they need Mutari Healing Station.

Items crafted here