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There is definitely Combat here. Frackin Universe adds several modifications to stats, both of the player and weapons. buffs, debuffs and more ways to get them.

A core part of gameplay, every player in FU must adapt to survive the various elements thrown at them. The same applies in reverse to any foes the player engages in combat. Knowing what element to use at the right time can make or break a journey, leading to painful or deadly consequences to the unprepared. The various elements are as follows:

Element (Damage) Type
Cosmic - Most common from strange, ethereal monsters.
Shadow - Most common from Elder enemies, but also (obviously) darkness-themed monsters.
Radioactive - Prevalent from Precursor enemies as well as radiation-themed ones.
Silver - Universal Damage Type. Unresisted.
Hoarfrost - A variant of the Ice type
Hellfire - A variant of the Fire type
Bioweapon - A variant of the Poison type
Aether - A variant of the Cosmic type
Meow - Special type. Unresisted.

Some monsters are completely immune to certain types of damage, which will render them invulnerable to it. This will require a player to swap to a different sort of damage to take the enemy down. To survive most effectively you'll need to keep more than one elemental weapon on your person.

Armor Types
Note: Vanilla armors are not placed within the groups below, and do not have any set bonuses. They should be avoided for general wear, as they will greatly harm your ability to survive the mods challenges. Still totally great as cosmetic choices though!

Defense Type
Balanced - Focused around generally balanced abilities. These rarely suffer in any area, but also provide few bonuses.
Tank - Focused heavily around defense, but without sacrificing too much power. Have useful benefits in set bonuses.
Power Tank - Focused entirely on defense, and sacrifices some attack in order to boost this. Plenty of defensive/protective set bonuses.
Attack - Oriented around damage, but without risking too much defense loss. Few substantial bonuses apart from combat-focused ones.
Power Attack - Entirely devoted to causing damage. Sacrifices most defense in favor of this trait. Very few defensive set bonuses.
Exploration - While their stats can vary, they always provide some measure of environmental protection (usually several).

Armor Set Bonuses
What you wear matters a lot. As you explore worlds and develop a playstyle, you'll want to create armor that helps you to survive. One suit of armor will not do it for exploration in FU. You're going to need different outfits for different worlds just to survive the elements. Radiation is a very different problem from Insanity, and so on.

Species-Specific Bonuses
Don't forget that your Racial Abilities play a part in what you are best at, in terms of combat. While no race is penalized in their weapon choices, all of them have potential bonuses from specific types of gear. Pay attention to those bonuses, as they will greatly influence how you play.

Note that you can turn off these Racial Abilities.

Critical Attacks and Critical Damage
Weapon item tooltips have new icons. The two on the left represent Critical Chance bonus and Critical Damage bonus.

Critical damage is 2x the base damage value, plus the Critical Damage bonus currently applied to the character. Note that this bonus is a flat bonus and -not- a multiplier. It is applied -after- the Crit damage is calculated.

Ammo and Reload Speed
Ammo and Reload speed are represented by the right-side icons.

Items with a '--' representing a value in any of the above stats means it does not apply to them. This is the case with modded weapons, or energy-only (non-ammo) guns, primarily.

Some firearms now use ammunition. Don't worry, you won't need to carry resources around with you to refill them. These weapons simply use much, much less energy in exchange for the mobility boost provided by having extra energy! Note that their alt fires will always require energy, regardless of their primary fire.

You can reload these weapons manually by holding the SHIFT key and clicking the mouse button. Emptying the magazine through shooting will also automatically engage the reload.

Each strike of a combo, whether or not it hits a target, consumes 1% of your energy. Be warned, tactics involving stun-locking enemies are no longer as viable. Many weapons with combos provide additional bonuses when striking with these combos.

Two-handed weapons will use 5% of your energy per strike.


New Weapon Types
-Katanas - Combo-based melee weapons with decent attack arcs. Comes in both one and two-handed variants, with behaviors that change to suit.
-Strikers - A "ranged" melee weapon capable of breaking blocks on impact. Similar to a wrecking ball.
-Short Spears - Very precise, swift combo strikes and a useful piercing crit.
-Longswords - Great attack arc, but not aimable like most 1h weapons. 3 hit combo.
-Rapiers - The fastest of the swords, performing rapid combo strikes with potential for bleeding crits.
-Maces - Heavy, brutal attack arc and a high chance to stun targets
-Scythes - Positions foes on hits, allowing the wielder to keep foes where they are most vulnerable.
-Quarterstaves - Great melee range and speed, but low damage.
-Great Axes - Super-heavy axes that devastate
-Crossbow - A powerful bow weapon with a much more limited arc but higher damage

Weapon Mastery
Not fully implemented yet. The basis is that if an armor, skill or racial bonus provides Weapon Mastery, the weapon bonuses below have modified outputs.

Weapon Bonuses
Certain types of weapons have special properties applied to them. These are passive, and will always be present so long as the weapon is wielded (unless affected by negative status effects or similar events). They are as follows:

The longer you hold the charge of this melee weapon type, the higher your Critical and Stun chance get (to a maximum of 100%).

A hammer charged above 75will inflict a massive bonus eruption capable of stunning and tossing foes around. Over-Charging the hammer past 100% will automatically cancel the bonus.

Great Axe
The longer you hold the charge of this melee weapon type, the higher your Critical Chance and Critical Damage get (to a maximum of 100).

A greataxe charged above 75% will inflict a massive bonus eruption capable of bleeding and tossing foes around. Over-Charging the greataxe past 100% will automatically cancel the bonus.

Each consecutive kill made with an axe increases your maximum damage by +1% (to a maximum of 50%) Each consecutive hit in a row with an axe increases Crit Chance by +3% (to a maximum of 15%) If your health is reduced below 20%, these bonuses are cancelled.

Have a combo, rather than being single-strike. Consecutive rapid kills temporarily increase damage , and when wielded you gain +25% Dodge Tech Efficiency.

Combo Strikes increase Protection and Crit Chance with each strike. The protection bonus is greatest on First Strike, and reduces each hit thereafter.

Dual-Wield (Melee): +5% Movement Speed

+1 Combo strike (was 2, now 3)

Each combo hit increases your Crit Damage amount

+1% Crit Chance per Combo Strike

First Combo strike does +15% Crit Damage. Second hit does +25% Crit Damage.

Kills made in rapid succession increase defense for a short time. +1% Crit Chance per Combo Strike

First Combo strike does +15% Crit Damage. Second hit does +25% Crit Damage.

+1% Crit Chance per Combo Strike

First Combo strike does +15% Crit Damage. Second hit does +25% Crit Damage.

rd Combo Strike does +15% Crit Damage

Single Longsword: -30% Combo Cooldown

Longsword + Shield (Dual Wield): +4% Shield Bash, +1 Shield Bash Push Distance, +15% Healing Tech Efficiency, +25% Defense Tech Efficiency

Longsword + Any Weapon (Dual Wield): Defense x0.8, +5% Movement Speed

When wielding a rapier, the longer you wait between swings the higher your critical strike chance becomes (to a maximum of 5). Attacking resets this bonus.

Single Rapier: +15% Crit Damage, +35% Dodge and Dash Tech Efficiency

Rapier + Dagger (Dual Wield): x1.12 Protection, +15% Dodge and Dash Tech Efficiency

Single Shortspear^reset;: +30% Crit Damage

Shortspear + Shield^reset;: +10% Shield Bash, +2 Shield Push Distance, Shield Regen x1.2, +50% Defense Tech Efficiency

Shortspear + Shortspear (Dual Wield): Defense x0.8, Bonus Crit Chance x0.5

Each hit with a combo temporarily increases your Defense.

Combo strikes increase Stun Chance by 2% per hit.

Single Mace: +2% Stun Chance

Mace + Shield: +3% Shield Bash, +1 Shield Push Distance, Defense x1.1

Mace + Any Weapon (Dual Wield): Bonus Crit Chance x0.85, Bonus Stun Chance x0.5, +5% Movement Speed

Each swing grants a Movement Speed bonus of 1 + (combo step / 10)%

Combo hits increase knockback resistance

Single Katana: +^green;15% Defense Tech Efficiency

Katana + Heavy Melee (Dual Wield): Damage x0.8, Defense x0.9

Katana + Light Melee (Dual Wield): Energy x1.15, +20% Crit Damage, +25% Dodge and Dash Tech Efficiency