Weapon Mastery

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Refer To: FU Guide : Battle (codex)

Mastery, or Weapon Mastery, are a collection of Skills/Modifiers that increase the specific benefits of the weapon it pertains to. A Rapier may land Critical Hits more often, a reload time may be reduced for weapons that use ammunition...it all depends on the weapon used and the impact of the Mastery calculation. Below is a list of the various Weapons and their associated Masteries:


  • Axe: Increases the damage output, and increases critical hit chance.
  • Broadsword: Increases the damage output, and provides an even higher damage output at the end of a 3-hit combo.
  • Dagger: Increases the damage output, critical hit chance, and provides a bonus to any dodge-based Techs that the wielder is using.
  • Fist: Increases the damage output, critical hit chance, and provides a chance to stun targets.
  • Greataxe: Increases critical hit chance when used with "charged" attacks.
  • Hammer: Increases the damage output, critical hit chance, and critical damage. Also provides a chance to Stun targets. (Increases chance of Stun with "charged" attacks.) Applies an AoE that can damage multiple targets.
  • Katana: Increases the damage output, and provides a higher critical hit chance. Also provides a bonus to defensive Techs and overall Defense. Dual Katanas are punished with lower values, but Akimbo and Single wielding are encouraged with bonuses.
  • Lance: Increases the damage output and critical hit chance; also provides a bonus to any Techs which involve "dashing."
  • Mace: Increases the damage output, critical hit chance, and critical hit damage. Also provides a chance to Stun targets.
  • Quarterstaff: Increases damage output and Defense. Provides Dodge/Defense/Heal Tech bonuses.
  • Rapier: Increases critical hit chance; also increases Dodge/Dash Tech bonuses, and Defense based on positioning and "wield" status.
  • Scythe: Increases the damage output and critical hit chance based off how you combo attack with the scythe. Further along the combo path will increase both the damage and the critical hit chance.
  • Shortspear: Shortspears vary depending on how you equip them. If equipped alone they provide an increase to critical damage dealt. If equipped with a shield, it provides a bonus to Shield Bashing and Defense Techs. It provides no benefit when using a Shortspear with other weapons, and actually is unwieldy when using two Shortspears, providing a penalty to both Defense and Critical Hit chance!
  • Shortsword: Shortswords vary depending on how you equip them. If equipped alone it increases the damage output and provides a bonus to dodge/dash Techs. It also provides resistance to knockback effects. If equipped with a shield, it increases damage output by a lesser degree, but provides a bonus to Defense Techs and Shield Bashing; it also provides resistance to knockback effects. If equipped with anything else, it increases damage output, and a bonus to Dodge/Dash Techs.
  • Spear: Increases the damage output and critical hit chance; also provides a bonus to any Techs which involve "dashing."


  • Ammo: Increases the size/amount of ammo you can hold at once during one clip of ammo, and at the same time reduces the reload time of the same weapon.
  • Arm Cannon: Arm Cannons vary depending on how you equip them. If equipped single or dual-wielding, it provides a higher damage, critical hit chance, and critical damage bonus. If equipped with a shield, it provides a defensive bonus at the cost of reduced damage output.
  • Assault Rifle: Increases the damage output, ammo capacity, and damage done on critical hits.
  • Bow: Increases the damage output, critical hit chance, and critical damage. Mastery of the Bow also allows for quicker bow draws, further shots, all while consuming less energy.
  • Grenade Launcher: Increases the damage output, ammo capacity, and at the same time reduces the reload time of the weapon.
  • Machine Pistol: Increases the damage output, reduces the reload time of the weapon, and provides a higher critical hit chance.
  • Magnorbs: Increases the damage output, critical hit chance, critical damage bonus, and provide bonus energy to the wielder.
  • Pistol: Increases the damage output, reduces the reload time of the weapon, and provides a higher critical hit chance.
  • Rocket Launcher: Increases the damage output, reduces the reload time of the weapon, and increases the weapon's ammo capacity.
  • Shotgun: Increases critical hit chance and critical hit damage, also provides a bonus to ammo capacity and a reduced reload time.
  • Sniper Rifle: Increases critical hit chance while also providing a larger ammo capacity. This bonus stacks with other bonuses that Sniper Rifles already get, making them devastating in the right master's hands.
  • Staff: Increases the damage output, reduces casting time; increases additional projectiles (in specific spell cases), and increases spell range. (Overall effect is higher than the Wand, at the cost of having to use a two-handed weapon.)
  • Wand: Increases the damage output, reduces casting time, increases additional projectiles (in specific spell cases), and increases spell range. (Deploys spells faster, but overall damage is weaker than a Staff.)
  • Whip: Increases the damage output, critical hit chance, and critical hit damage.