Verdant Ruins: Secrets

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You can find 2 locked treasure rooms inside the Verdant Ruins. You can also meet Svetlana Twofeather, a special NPC that you can meet in some of the extra dungeon. You will need some extra gear to reach those secrets: an oxygene source, ropes or grappling hook, a Sphere tech and the Rail Hook.

Treasure Rooms

Treasure room of the left path

The first treasure room is pretty easy to open. At the very beginning of the path leading to the left, you faced 3 Florans in some kind of pit. You can find a small water pond to the left of this pit. Use your Sphere to go through the small opening and you will reach some kind of underground tomb. There you will find a console opening the first treasure room.

Verdant ruins treasure room 1.png

The treasure room is located a bit further on the main path of the left side. After crossing the small stone platforms above the healing water pond, head into the building to the right and you will find the treasure room at the far right side of the building.

Treasure room of the right path

This room is a bit harder to access. At the very beginning of the path leading to your right, you found a room where 5 Swarpions attacked you. After exiting this room to the right, head downstairs where you will find some water. Dive and follow the underwater path leading to the right. You will find a console (1) at the end of the path. Activating it will release 3 agressive fishes near you and open a door (2) above. Exit the underwater hallway and head upstairs. You will find the large metal door to your left to be open now. The room behind contains a chest near the ceiling, but it also hides something else. To the left of the room, you will find 8 small bookshelves stacked on top of each other. The bookshelf of the second row from the top on the right column (3) is actually a hidden switch. Activating it will open a new path in the underwater passage (4). Head back there and you will find a path open in the roof. Climb this passage using ropes or other mean and you will reach the treasure room. Be careful, the chest on the right (5) is actually a trap and opening it will release 3 Ixolings in the room.

Treasure 2.png

Svetlana Twofeather

To reach Svetlana, you will need to activate 2 "switches", one located in the path to the left, the other one in the right. (warning! New update seems to have disabled this secret)

Console in the right path

To reach the first console, you will first need to unlock the room where you can find it. Head to the huge elevator near the end of the path to the right. Under the elevator, you can find a small alcove. To reach it, you can jump off the elevator to the right and either use a double jump to reach it or swing to it using ropes/grappling hook. In this alcove, you will find a proximity sensor. Just walk once near it to trigger it. You will see it flash green when it activates.


After activating the sensor, you want to head back to the elevator. Take it to the top and cross the trap room, then head downstairs. Cross the room to your left and you will find the door at the other side of the room open (by the proximity sensor). The first console is in this small room.

Console verdant ruins.png

Detector in the left path

The second detector to open the way to Svetlana is located near the end of the path to the left. After riding the long elevator, head to the left using the disappearing platform and the timed one. Then head to the room with the console upstairs. There you will find a rail exiting the room to your right. You will need to use the Rail Hook on this rail. Midway through the rail, a detector will sense you using the rail and will open the path to Svetlana.

Verdant ruins rail.png

Path to Svetlana

To reach Svetlana, you will need to head back at the bottom of the elevator of the left path. There you can climb the ruined building to the left of the elevator. You will need to jump down. If you don't use some way to reduce the fall dammage (double jump before reaching the ground, ropes, umbrella...), you will take some dammage (around 100), but it shouldn't be enough to kill you. Then head to the left and you will find a small opening in the wall. Use your Sphere to cross it and you will reach Svetlana house. She doesn't have anything unique in this dungeon, but you can find a few crates with higher end random loot.

Verdant ruins svetlana.png