Toxic Fly

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Toxic Fly Idle.gif
Toxic Fly
Enjoys stealing lunches from innocent children.
Capturable? Yes
Touch damage
Resistances Physical 0 Radioactive 0 Poison 0 Electric 0 Fire 0 Ice 0 Cosmic 0 Shadow 0
ID futoxicfly
Toxic flies swarming around their leader

The Toxic Fly is a small green fly with glowing iridescent blue eyes. This small creature poses little threat alone, but often flies in swarms. These flies buzz around in search of garbage and rotting materials to slurp up. With safety and time, these flies can grow to massive proportions. It is most commonly believed that this happens due to the toxic, and often radioactive materials that litter it's home.

However, at this stage in it's development, the Toxic Fly is fragile and easy to destroy. During battle, either a single fly will speed towards you at a time, or the flies all together will hit you and fly upwards after their assault.

.Toxic Fly is a unique monster that spawns alongside a large toxic fly, which is found on irridated planets.

Luna's Lab Notes

~ Rather small, this creature can prove difficult to hit with ranged weapons.

~ This creature has a unique flight patter in which it will swoop slightly down toward a player, enough to strike the head, then fling themselves up at a rapid speed. Perhaps this is a tactic of retreating, regardless, it is an attack pattern that is uncommon.

~ The Toxic Fly seems capable of aggroing to targets through walls and solid barriers it shouldn't be able to see through.

~ Surprisingly, you can capture the little thing. They only do 4-5 damage, so it works better as a decorative pet for your garden, or something like that.

Corrupt Fly Luna's Lab.png
