Survivor's Personal Log (codex)

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Item icon catdiary-codex.png
Survivor's Personal Log (codex)
The diary of a lost soul.
Category codex
Rarity common
Price 25
ID catdiary-codex
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Personal Log: Stardate 9472.298. I barely escaped the Terrene Protectorate after the disaster... I'm trapped in orbit around a lush-like planet, which is convenient since it looks inviting. Transporter is working... for the moment. My ship's sensors seem to be picking up a small research outpost on the surface. Perhaps there is someone there that can help me out...
Personal Log: Stardate 9472.301. It's been several days since I've arrived. I'm so lonely... I still haven't found that research outpost- if it even exists at all. All I know is that I'm constantly hungry and it's always raining. I normally don't mind the rain, but my drafty little hut is constantly leaking and I really don't like having to sleep on a wet bed every night. It's the worst. Well, at least the food is plentiful on this little planet, even if I do have to go out and hunt for it. Oh what I wouldn't do for some catnip right now...

How to obtain


Treasure pool