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So, you want to survive in space? Well, you can't. But at least you can attempt that on planets.


Nothing can live without an energy source. Being well-fed gives you health regeneration.

Who eats what?

Humans eat plants and meat - that makes them omnivores.

Floran eat meat - that makes them carnivores.

Robots eat robot... food. That makes them... robotic.

Some races can eat processed radioactive isotopes like Uranium Rods.

Some races can't eat anything but plants, making them herbivores.

And anything not covered in the above categories usually have a note indicating as much on their species page in the tricorder and on the wiki here.

Getting food

Starving is no joke - if you can't hear the constant beeping noise, it might be too late to eat once you find out why your health is quickly disappearing. Those who are of omnivorous races should look at the entire section below, while those who have more specialized diets can gloss over some parts of it.

Carnivores: Invest in a Hunting weapon. They're mostly cheap to make and deal physical damage, but they increase the chances of getting meat and Leather from creatures killed with their help.

In general: Craft a Campfire to cook your raw food. It's usually more nutritious and lasts longer when cooked.

Herbivores: Farming is a great way to get lots of food. Everything can eat Compressed Algae in a pinch, so grow a ton of Algae.

Environmental Effects

Type Requires Negative effect
Heat Fire Resistance Deals constant damage
Cold Cold Resistance Deals constant damage + slows down
No breathable atmosphere Breathing EPP or increased breath time Will quickly kill once the oxygen bar depletes
Terrified Ghost immunity Damaging or energy-draining ghost follows the player around
Poison gas Poison resistance or Gas immunity Deals constant damage and reduces stats
Radiation Radiation resistance Reduces maximum HP
Electrical storm Electricity resistance or E. Storm immunity Slows down, deals electric damage, hurts nearby creatures
Proto-poison Proto-poison immunity Lowers stats and maximum HP
Gravity rain Gravity rain immunity Blue Grav-Liquid launches the player upward, Orange Grav-Liquid pushes the player downward
Sulphuric atmosphere Sulphuric acid immunity Deals constant damage and lowers armor
Unbreachable Darkness Unbreachable Darkness immunity (Darklight Blossom) Obstructs vision
Insanity Insanity immunity or mental resistance Lowers defense and maximum Energy, deals poison damage, increases Madness
Aether Cosmic resistance Lowers maximum Energy
Extreme Pressure Pressure immunity Deals massive damage constantly
Shadow Gas Shadow resistance, Shadow Taint immunity Deals constant damage and causes issues with jumping