View table: weatherpool

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Table structure:

  1. id - String
  2. wikitext - Wikitext
  3. averageWindPower - String

This table has 97 rows altogether.

Recreate data.

Page id wikitext averageWindPower
Template:Cargo/weather/Chunk1 (edit) aether
  • (clear) 20%
  • Weather icon cosmicblast.png Cosmic Blasts 20%
  • Weather icon staticcharge.png Static Charge 20%
  • (insanitystorm) 10%
  • Weather icon freezestorm.png Freeze Storm 10%
  • Weather icon crystalstorm.png Crystal Storm 10%
  • Weather icon crystalstormmajor.png Severe Crystal Storm 10%
Template:Cargo/weather/Chunk1 (edit) aethercalm
  • (clear) 60%
  • Weather icon sulphurstormlesser.png Mild Sulphuric Storm 10%
  • Weather icon staticcharge.png Static Charge 10%
  • Weather icon gravrain.png Anti-Gravity Rain 5%
  • Weather icon orangegravrain.png Gravity Rain 5%
  • Weather icon gravrainlight.png Light Anti-Gravity Rain 5%
  • Weather icon orangegravrainlight.png Light Gravity Rain 5%
Template:Cargo/weather/Chunk1 (edit) aetherharsh
  • (clear) 20%
  • Weather icon cosmicblast.png Cosmic Blasts 20%
  • Weather icon freezestorm.png Freeze Storm 10%
  • Weather icon fuheatblast2.png Severe Heatwaves 10%
  • Weather icon fusuddenchill2.png Severe Chill 10%
  • Weather icon fuearthquakesevere.png Severe Earthquakes 10%
  • Weather icon staticcharge.png Static Charge 10%
  • Weather icon fulightningrain.png Rainy Lightning Storm 5%
  • Weather icon fulightningrain2.png Severe Rainy Lightning Storm 5%
Template:Cargo/weather/Chunk1 (edit) aetherrainy
  • Weather icon heavyrain.png Torrential Rain 20%
  • Weather icon fububblerain.png Bubble Rain 20%
  • Weather icon gravrain.png Anti-Gravity Rain 10%
  • Weather icon orangegravrain.png Gravity Rain 10%
  • Weather icon gravrainlight.png Light Anti-Gravity Rain 10%
  • Weather icon orangegravrainlight.png Light Gravity Rain 10%
  • Weather icon staticcharge.png Static Charge 10%
  • Weather icon fusparklejoy.png Sparklejoy 5%
  • Weather icon slimestorm.png Slime Storm 5%
Template:Cargo/weather/Chunk1 (edit) alien
  • (clear) 90%
  • Weather icon glowingrain.png Luminous Rain 10%
Template:Cargo/weather/Chunk1 (edit) arboreal
  • (clear) 38.83%
  • Weather icon groundmist.png Mist 9.71%
  • (heatwave) 9.71%
  • Weather icon heavyrain.png Torrential Rain 9.71%
  • Weather icon tarrain.png Tar Rain 4.85%
  • Weather icon rain.png Rain 4.85%
  • Weather icon storm.png Storms 4.85%
  • Weather icon drizzle.png Drizzle 4.85%
  • Weather icon fulightningrain.png Rainy Lightning Storm 4.85%
  • Weather icon windstorm.png Windstorms 4.85%
  • Weather icon fulightningstorm.png Lightning Storm 2.91%
Template:Cargo/weather/Chunk1 (edit) arborealquake
  • (clear) 50%
  • Weather icon staticcharge.png Static Charge 25%
  • Weather icon fuearthquake.png Earthquakes 10%
  • Weather icon fuearthquakelesser.png Minor Earthquakes 10%
  • Weather icon fuearthquakesevere.png Severe Earthquakes 5%
Template:Cargo/weather/Chunk1 (edit) arborealrainy
  • Weather icon heavyrain.png Torrential Rain 20%
  • (clear) 10%
  • Weather icon rain.png Rain 10%
  • Weather icon acidrain.png Acid Rain 10%
  • Weather icon drizzle.png Drizzle 10%
  • Weather icon fulightningrain.png Rainy Lightning Storm 10%
  • Weather icon fulightningstorm.png Lightning Storm 10%
  • Weather icon mistyrain.png Misty Rain 10%
  • (heatwave) 10%
Template:Cargo/weather/Chunk1 (edit) arborealvolcanic
  • (clear) 40%
  • Weather icon fuearthquake.png Earthquakes 10%
  • Weather icon fu smog.png Smog 10%
  • Weather icon fulightningstorm.png Lightning Storm 10%
  • Weather icon staticcharge.png Static Charge 10%
  • Weather icon ember.png Cinder Showers 5%
  • (heatwave) 5%
  • Weather icon firestorm.png Fire Storm 5%
  • Weather icon magmastorm.png Magma Storm 5%
Template:Cargo/weather/Chunk1 (edit) arctic
  • Weather icon snow.png Snow 50%
  • Weather icon snowstorm.png Blizzards 30%
  • (clear) 20%
Template:Cargo/weather/Chunk1 (edit) asteroids
  • (clear) 80%
  • (spacedust) 20%
Template:Cargo/weather/Chunk1 (edit) asteroidsMeteor
  • (clear) 70%
  • (spacedust) 20%
  • Weather icon meteorshower.png Small Meteorites 5%
  • Weather icon largemeteor.png Large Meteorites 5%
Template:Cargo/weather/Chunk1 (edit) atropus
  • (clear) 30%
  • Weather icon bloodrain.png Blood Rain 25%
  • Weather icon biorain.png Bio Rain 20%
  • Weather icon poisongasstorm.png Poison Gas 10%
  • (fumisty) 10%
  • Weather icon poisongasstorm2.png Dense Poison Gas 3%
  • Weather icon poisongasstorm3.png Deadly Poison Gas 2%
Template:Cargo/weather/Chunk1 (edit) bloodstone
  • (clear) 20%
  • Weather icon bloodrain.png Blood Rain 20%
  • Weather icon crystalstorm.png Crystal Storm 20%
  • Weather icon crystalstormmajor.png Severe Crystal Storm 20%
  • Weather icon acidrain.png Acid Rain 20%
Template:Cargo/weather/Chunk1 (edit) bog
  • Weather icon groundmist.png Mist 20%
  • Weather icon fog.png Fog 20%
  • Weather icon bograin.png Bio Rain 20%
  • (fog2) 10%
  • Weather icon mistyrain.png Misty Rain 10%
  • Weather icon rain.png Rain 10%
  • Weather icon drizzle.png Drizzle 10%
Template:Cargo/weather/Chunk1 (edit) bograiny
  • Weather icon bograin.png Bio Rain 50%
  • Weather icon rain.png Rain 20%
  • Weather icon drizzle.png Drizzle 10%
  • Weather icon groundmist.png Mist 5%
  • Weather icon fog.png Fog 5%
  • (fog2) 5%
  • Weather icon mistyrain.png Misty Rain 5%
Template:Cargo/weather/Chunk1 (edit) bogweird
  • Weather icon fulightningstorm.png Lightning Storm 20.83%
  • Weather icon fog.png Fog 20.83%
  • Weather icon bograin.png Bio Rain 20.83%
  • Weather icon slimestormlesser.png Weak Slime Storm 12.5%
  • Weather icon poisongasstorm.png Poison Gas 8.33%
  • Weather icon rain.png Rain 8.33%
  • Weather icon fubuggy.png Infested 8.33%
Template:Cargo/weather/Chunk1 (edit) chromatic
  • (clear) 27.27%
  • Weather icon fog.png Fog 22.73%
  • Weather icon windstorm.png Windstorms 18.18%
  • Weather icon fububblerain.png Bubble Rain 9.09%
  • Weather icon mistyrain.png Misty Rain 9.09%
  • Weather icon sulphuriccloud.png Sulphuric Fog 9.09%
  • Weather icon darkblast.png Dark Matter Blasts 4.55%
Template:Cargo/weather/Chunk1 (edit) chromaticgassy
  • Weather icon poisongasstorm.png Poison Gas 27.27%
  • (clear) 18.18%
  • Weather icon poisongasstorm2.png Dense Poison Gas 18.18%
  • Weather icon fu smog.png Smog 18.18%
  • Weather icon poisongasstorm3.png Deadly Poison Gas 9.09%
  • Weather icon sulphuriccloud.png Sulphuric Fog 9.09%
Template:Cargo/weather/Chunk1 (edit) chromaticrainy
  • (clear) 34.09%
  • Weather icon rain.png Rain 11.36%
  • Weather icon acidrain.png Acid Rain 11.36%
  • Weather icon sulphuriccloud.png Sulphuric Fog 11.36%
  • Weather icon fulightningstorm.png Lightning Storm 5.68%
  • Weather icon fulightningstorm2.png Severe Lightning Storm 5.68%
  • Weather icon fulightningrain.png Rainy Lightning Storm 5.68%
  • Weather icon fulightningrain2.png Severe Rainy Lightning Storm 5.68%
  • Weather icon gravrain.png Anti-Gravity Rain 2.27%
  • Weather icon orangegravrain.png Gravity Rain 2.27%
  • Weather icon gravrainlight.png Light Anti-Gravity Rain 2.27%
  • Weather icon orangegravrainlight.png Light Gravity Rain 2.27%
Template:Cargo/weather/Chunk1 (edit) clear
  • (clear) 100%
Template:Cargo/weather/Chunk1 (edit) crystalmoon
  • (clear) 36.63%
  • Weather icon crystalstorm.png Crystal Storm 29.3%
  • Weather icon healingstorm.png Healing Rain 14.65%
  • Weather icon crystalstormmajor.png Severe Crystal Storm 10.99%
  • Weather icon fulightningstorm.png Lightning Storm 7.33%
  • Weather icon darkblast.png Dark Matter Blasts 0.73%
  • Weather icon meteorshower.png Small Meteorites 0.37%
Template:Cargo/weather/Chunk1 (edit) crystalmoonsafe
  • (clear) 35.71%
  • Weather icon crystalstorm.png Crystal Storm 28.57%
  • Weather icon glowingrain.png Luminous Rain 14.29%
  • Weather icon crystalstormmajor.png Severe Crystal Storm 10.71%
  • Weather icon healingstorm.png Healing Rain 10.71%
Template:Cargo/weather/Chunk1 (edit) desert
  • (clear) 98%
  • Weather icon sandstorm.png Sandstorms 2%
Template:Cargo/weather/Chunk1 (edit) desertwastes
  • (clear) 23.53%
  • Weather icon ember.png Cinder Showers 17.65%
  • Weather icon firestorm.png Fire Storm 17.65%
  • Weather icon sandstorm.png Sandstorms 11.76%
  • Weather icon ashstorm.png Ash Storm 11.76%
  • Weather icon fulightningstorm.png Lightning Storm 11.76%
  • Weather icon tarrain.png Tar Rain 5.88%
Template:Cargo/weather/Chunk1 (edit) forest
  • (clear) 68.63%
  • Weather icon rain.png Rain 12.75%
  • Weather icon drizzle.png Drizzle 12.75%
  • Weather icon storm.png Storms 3.92%
  • Weather icon snow.png Snow 1.96%
Template:Cargo/weather/Chunk1 (edit) fudesert
  • (clear) 91.35%
  • (sandstormlesser) 2.88%
  • Weather icon duststorm.png Dust Storms 2.88%
  • Weather icon sandstorm.png Sandstorms 1.92%
  • Weather icon fuearthquakelesser.png Minor Earthquakes 0.96%
Template:Cargo/weather/Chunk1 (edit) fudesertgentle
  • (clear) 96%
  • (sandstormlesser) 4%
Template:Cargo/weather/Chunk1 (edit) fudesertharsh
  • Weather icon windstorm.png Windstorms 24.51%
  • Weather icon fuheatblast.png Heatwaves 24.51%
  • (sandstormlesser) 24.51%
  • Weather icon sandstorm.png Sandstorms 24.51%
  • Weather icon fuearthquakelesser.png Minor Earthquakes 0.98%
  • Weather icon fuearthquake.png Earthquakes 0.98%
Template:Cargo/weather/Chunk1 (edit) fudesertrainy
  • (clear) 48.54%
  • Weather icon windstorm.png Windstorms 20.63%
  • Weather icon rain.png Rain 20.63%
  • Weather icon drizzle.png Drizzle 7.28%
  • Weather icon fulightningrain.png Rainy Lightning Storm 2.91%
Template:Cargo/weather/Chunk1 (edit) fudesertstormy
  • (clear) 58.25%
  • Weather icon heavyrain.png Torrential Rain 9.71%
  • Weather icon windstorm.png Windstorms 9.71%
  • (futhunderclap) 9.71%
  • Weather icon sandstorm.png Sandstorms 9.71%
  • Weather icon fulightningrain.png Rainy Lightning Storm 2.91%
Template:Cargo/weather/Chunk1 (edit) fudesertultraharsh
  • Weather icon sulphurstormsevere.png Major Sulphuric Storm 45.45%
  • Weather icon fuheatblast3.png Extreme Heatwaves 18.18%
  • Weather icon fuearthquake.png Earthquakes 18.18%
  • Weather icon fulightningstorm.png Lightning Storm 9.09%
  • Weather icon sulphurstormlesser.png Mild Sulphuric Storm 9.09%
Template:Cargo/weather/Chunk1 (edit) fudesertveryharsh
  • Weather icon sulphurstormlesser.png Mild Sulphuric Storm 50%
  • Weather icon fuearthquake.png Earthquakes 20%
  • Weather icon fuheatblast2.png Severe Heatwaves 10%
  • Weather icon fulightningstorm.png Lightning Storm 10%
  • Weather icon sulphurstormsevere.png Major Sulphuric Storm 10%
Template:Cargo/weather/Chunk1 (edit) fudesertwind
  • Weather icon windstorm.png Windstorms 25%
  • Weather icon duststorm.png Dust Storms 25%
  • Weather icon sandstorm.png Sandstorms 25%
  • Weather icon firestorm.png Fire Storm 25%
Template:Cargo/weather/Chunk1 (edit) fugasgiant
  • Weather icon gasgiantstorm.png Dense Gas 30.3%
  • Weather icon gasgiantstorm2.png Super Dense Gas 30.3%
  • Weather icon gasgiantstorm3.png Impossibly Dense Gas 30.3%
  • (insanitystorm) 4.55%
  • Weather icon darkblast.png Dark Matter Blasts 4.55%
Template:Cargo/weather/Chunk1 (edit) fugentle
  • (clear) 75%
  • Weather icon rain.png Rain 10%
  • Weather icon drizzle.png Drizzle 5%
  • Weather icon mistyrain.png Misty Rain 5%
  • Weather icon glowingrain.png Luminous Rain 3%
  • Weather icon storm.png Storms 2%
Template:Cargo/weather/Chunk1 (edit) fugentlefoggy
  • Weather icon groundmist.png Mist 25%
  • Weather icon fog.png Fog 25%
  • Weather icon mistyrain.png Misty Rain 25%
  • (fumisty) 25%
Template:Cargo/weather/Chunk1 (edit) fugentlepretty
  • (clear) 40%
  • Weather icon fupretty.png Butterfly Migration 20%
  • Weather icon rain.png Rain 20%
  • Weather icon glowingrain.png Luminous Rain 20%
Template:Cargo/weather/Chunk1 (edit) fugentlerainy
  • Weather icon rain.png Rain 40%
  • Weather icon storm.png Storms 20%
  • Weather icon glowingrain.png Luminous Rain 10%
  • Weather icon mistyrain.png Misty Rain 10%
  • Weather icon drizzle.png Drizzle 10%
  • (futhunderclaplesser) 10%
Template:Cargo/weather/Chunk1 (edit) fugentlesnowy
  • (clear) 26.33%
  • Weather icon rain.png Rain 21.06%
  • Weather icon snow.png Snow 17.54%
  • Weather icon snowstorm.png Blizzards 17.54%
  • Weather icon glowingrain.png Luminous Rain 17.54%
Template:Cargo/weather/Chunk1 (edit) fugentleveryrainy
  • Weather icon storm.png Storms 44.44%
  • Weather icon rain.png Rain 11.11%
  • Weather icon mistyrain.png Misty Rain 11.11%
  • Weather icon drizzle.png Drizzle 11.11%
  • (futhunderclap) 11.11%
  • (futhunderclaplesser) 11.11%
Template:Cargo/weather/Chunk1 (edit) fugentlewindy
  • Weather icon windstorm.png Windstorms 85%
  • Weather icon mistyrain.png Misty Rain 10%
  • Weather icon hurricane.png Hurricane 5%
Template:Cargo/weather/Chunk1 (edit) fungal
  • (clear) 30%
  • Weather icon groundmist.png Mist 30%
  • Weather icon heavyrain.png Torrential Rain 20%
  • Weather icon poisongasstorm.png Poison Gas 10%
  • Weather icon staticcharge.png Static Charge 10%
Template:Cargo/weather/Chunk1 (edit) fungaldeadly
  • Weather icon hurricanefungal.png Hurricane 23.81%
  • Weather icon groundmist.png Mist 23.81%
  • Weather icon biorain.png Bio Rain 15.87%
  • Weather icon heavyrain.png Torrential Rain 15.87%
  • (clear) 7.94%
  • Weather icon poisongasstorm3.png Deadly Poison Gas 7.94%
  • Weather icon fulightningrain.png Rainy Lightning Storm 1.59%
  • Weather icon fulightningrain2.png Severe Rainy Lightning Storm 1.59%
  • Weather icon fulightningstorm2.png Severe Lightning Storm 1.59%
Template:Cargo/weather/Chunk1 (edit) fungalrainy
  • (clear) 19.61%
  • Weather icon fububblerain.png Bubble Rain 9.8%
  • Weather icon groundmist.png Mist 9.8%
  • Weather icon heavyrain.png Torrential Rain 9.8%
  • Weather icon rain.png Rain 9.8%
  • Weather icon mistyrain.png Misty Rain 9.8%
  • Weather icon drizzle.png Drizzle 9.8%
  • Weather icon acidrain.png Acid Rain 9.8%
  • Weather icon fulightningrain.png Rainy Lightning Storm 4.9%
  • Weather icon glowingrain.png Luminous Rain 4.9%
  • Weather icon fulightningstorm.png Lightning Storm 1.96%
Template:Cargo/weather/Chunk1 (edit) fungalwindy
  • (clear) 30%
  • Weather icon fulightningstorm.png Lightning Storm 20%
  • Weather icon hurricanefungal.png Hurricane 20%
  • Weather icon poisongasstorm2.png Dense Poison Gas 20%
  • Weather icon staticcharge.png Static Charge 10%
Template:Cargo/weather/Chunk1 (edit) garden
  • (clear) 85%
  • Weather icon drizzle.png Drizzle 6.25%
  • Weather icon rain.png Rain 5%
  • Weather icon storm.png Storms 2.5%
  • Weather icon glowingrain.png Luminous Rain 1.25%
Template:Cargo/weather/Chunk1 (edit) icefire
  • Weather icon firestorm.png Fire Storm 26.67%
  • Weather icon magmastorm.png Magma Storm 17.78%
  • Weather icon ember.png Cinder Showers 17.78%
  • Weather icon freezestorm.png Freeze Storm 11.11%
  • Weather icon freezestormminor.png Minor Freeze Storm 11.11%
  • Weather icon magmastormgreater.png Severe Magma Storm 8.89%
  • Weather icon freezestormlesser.png Lesser Freeze Storm 6.67%
Template:Cargo/weather/Chunk1 (edit) icewaste
  • (clear) 20.51%
  • Weather icon freezestorm.png Freeze Storm 17.95%
  • Weather icon freezestormlesser.png Lesser Freeze Storm 17.95%
  • Weather icon snow.png Snow 17.95%
  • Weather icon snowstorm.png Blizzards 12.82%
  • Weather icon freezestormminor.png Minor Freeze Storm 7.69%
  • Weather icon hailstones.png Hail 5.13%
Template:Cargo/weather/Chunk1 (edit) infernus
  • Weather icon firestorm.png Fire Storm 19.79%
  • Weather icon magmastorm.png Magma Storm 19.79%
  • Weather icon ember.png Cinder Showers 19.79%
  • (clear) 13.19%
  • Weather icon magmastormgreater.png Severe Magma Storm 13.19%
  • Weather icon tarrain.png Tar Rain 9.89%
  • Weather icon hurricaneelectric.png Electric Storm 3.3%
  • Weather icon darkblast.png Dark Matter Blasts 0.66%
  • Weather icon meteorshower.png Small Meteorites 0.33%
  • Weather icon largemeteor.png Large Meteorites 0.07%
Template:Cargo/weather/Chunk1 (edit) infernusquake
  • Weather icon fuearthquakesevere.png Severe Earthquakes 49.7%
  • Weather icon magmastorm.png Magma Storm 19.88%
  • Weather icon magmastormgreater.png Severe Magma Storm 19.88%
  • Weather icon firestorm.png Fire Storm 9.94%
  • Weather icon meteorshower.png Small Meteorites 0.5%
  • Weather icon largemeteor.png Large Meteorites 0.1%
Template:Cargo/weather/Chunk1 (edit) infernusrainy
  • Weather icon magmastorm.png Magma Storm 17.39%
  • Weather icon magmastormgreater.png Severe Magma Storm 17.39%
  • Weather icon firestorm.png Fire Storm 13.04%
  • Weather icon ember.png Cinder Showers 8.7%
  • Weather icon tarrain.png Tar Rain 8.7%
  • (sulphuracidrain) 8.7%
  • Weather icon sulphuriccloud.png Sulphuric Fog 8.7%
  • Weather icon fulightningstorm.png Lightning Storm 4.35%
  • Weather icon fulightningstorm2.png Severe Lightning Storm 4.35%
  • Weather icon fulightningrain.png Rainy Lightning Storm 4.35%
  • Weather icon fulightningrain2.png Severe Rainy Lightning Storm 4.35%
Template:Cargo/weather/Chunk1 (edit) infernuswindy
  • Weather icon magmastorm.png Magma Storm 18.18%
  • (sulphuracidrain) 18.18%
  • Weather icon magmastormgreater.png Severe Magma Storm 18.18%
  • Weather icon sulphurstormsevere.png Major Sulphuric Storm 18.18%
  • Weather icon windstorm.png Windstorms 9.09%
  • Weather icon firestorm.png Fire Storm 9.09%
  • Weather icon sulphuriccloud.png Sulphuric Fog 9.09%
Template:Cargo/weather/Chunk1 (edit) irradiated
  • (clear) 43.1%
  • Weather icon fog.png Fog 12.93%
  • Weather icon acidrain.png Acid Rain 12.93%
  • Weather icon bograin.png Bio Rain 8.62%
  • Weather icon gravrain.png Anti-Gravity Rain 4.31%
  • Weather icon orangegravrain.png Gravity Rain 4.31%
  • Weather icon gravrainlight.png Light Anti-Gravity Rain 4.31%
  • Weather icon orangegravrainlight.png Light Gravity Rain 4.31%
  • Weather icon hurricaneelectric.png Electric Storm 4.31%
  • Weather icon darkblast.png Dark Matter Blasts 0.86%
Template:Cargo/weather/Chunk1 (edit) jungle
  • (clear) 80%
  • Weather icon rain.png Rain 10%
  • Weather icon storm.png Storms 10%
Template:Cargo/weather/Chunk1 (edit) lightless
  • Weather icon fu smog.png Smog 38.1%
  • (insanitystorm) 19.05%
  • (clear) 9.52%
  • Weather icon gravrain.png Anti-Gravity Rain 4.76%
  • Weather icon orangegravrain.png Gravity Rain 4.76%
  • Weather icon gravrainlight.png Light Anti-Gravity Rain 4.76%
  • Weather icon orangegravrainlight.png Light Gravity Rain 4.76%
  • Weather icon darkblast.png Dark Matter Blasts 4.76%
  • Weather icon rain.png Rain 4.76%
  • Weather icon staticcharge.png Static Charge 4.76%
Template:Cargo/weather/Chunk1 (edit) magma
  • (clear) 66.67%
  • Weather icon glowingrain.png Luminous Rain 16.67%
  • Weather icon fu smog.png Smog 16.67%
Template:Cargo/weather/Chunk1 (edit) magmaMeteor
  • (clear) 70%
  • Weather icon glowingrain.png Luminous Rain 20%
  • Weather icon meteorshower.png Small Meteorites 5%
  • Weather icon largemeteor.png Large Meteorites 5%
Template:Cargo/weather/Chunk1 (edit) metallic
  • (clear) 22.06%
  • Weather icon cosmicblast.png Cosmic Blasts 14.71%
  • Weather icon firestorm.png Fire Storm 11.03%
  • Weather icon glowingrain.png Luminous Rain 11.03%
  • Weather icon ironstorm.png Molten Iron Storm 7.35%
  • Weather icon fulightningstorm.png Lightning Storm 7.35%
  • Weather icon hurricaneelectric.png Electric Storm 7.35%
  • Weather icon gravrainlight.png Light Anti-Gravity Rain 7.35%
  • Weather icon gravrain.png Anti-Gravity Rain 2.94%
  • Weather icon orangegravrain.png Gravity Rain 2.94%
  • Weather icon gravrainlight.png Light Anti-Gravity Rain 2.94%
  • Weather icon orangegravrainlight.png Light Gravity Rain 2.94%
Template:Cargo/weather/Chunk1 (edit) midnight
  • Weather icon duststorm.png Dust Storms 100%
Template:Cargo/weather/Chunk1 (edit) moon
  • (clear) 87.5%
  • Weather icon glowingrain.png Luminous Rain 8.75%
  • Weather icon spacejunk.png Orbital Debris 3.75%
Template:Cargo/weather/Chunk1 (edit) moon_desert
  • Weather icon duststorm.png Dust Storms 50%
  • Weather icon windstorm.png Windstorms 20%
  • (clear) 10%
  • (sandstormlesser) 10%
  • Weather icon sandstorm.png Sandstorms 10%
Template:Cargo/weather/Chunk1 (edit) moon_shadow
  • Weather icon fu smog.png Smog 60%
  • Weather icon tarrain.png Tar Rain 20%
  • Weather icon darkblast.png Dark Matter Blasts 20%
Template:Cargo/weather/Chunk1 (edit) moon_stone
  • (clear) 80%
  • Weather icon fulightningstorm.png Lightning Storm 20%
Template:Cargo/weather/Chunk1 (edit) moon_toxic
  • Weather icon acidrain.png Acid Rain 40%
  • Weather icon poisongasstorm.png Poison Gas 30%
  • Weather icon poisongasstorm2.png Dense Poison Gas 15%
  • (clear) 10%
  • Weather icon poisongasstorm3.png Deadly Poison Gas 5%
Template:Cargo/weather/Chunk1 (edit) mountainous
  • Weather icon snow.png Snow 19.05%
  • (clear) 19.05%
  • Weather icon rain.png Rain 9.52%
  • Weather icon storm.png Storms 9.52%
  • Weather icon fulightningstorm.png Lightning Storm 9.52%
  • Weather icon drizzle.png Drizzle 9.52%
  • Weather icon staticcharge.png Static Charge 9.52%
  • Weather icon glowingrain.png Luminous Rain 4.76%
  • Weather icon acidrain.png Acid Rain 4.76%
  • Weather icon mountainmass.png High-Mass Event 4.76%
Template:Cargo/weather/Chunk1 (edit) nitrogensea
  • (clear) 24.24%
  • Weather icon snow.png Snow 21.21%
  • Weather icon freezestormminor.png Minor Freeze Storm 18.18%
  • Weather icon snowstorm.png Blizzards 15.15%
  • Weather icon freezestormlesser.png Lesser Freeze Storm 12.12%
  • Weather icon freezestorm.png Freeze Storm 9.09%
Template:Cargo/weather/Chunk1 (edit) ocean
  • (clear) 80%
  • Weather icon rain.png Rain 10%
  • Weather icon storm.png Storms 10%
Template:Cargo/weather/Chunk1 (edit) penumbra
  • Weather icon groundmist.png Mist 19.8%
  • Weather icon fog.png Fog 19.8%
  • (fog2) 19.8%
  • Weather icon mistyrain.png Misty Rain 9.9%
  • Weather icon acidrain.png Acid Rain 9.9%
  • (insanitystorm) 7.92%
  • Weather icon gravrainlight.png Light Anti-Gravity Rain 4.95%
  • Weather icon orangegravrainlight.png Light Gravity Rain 4.95%
  • (clear) 1.98%
  • Weather icon darkblast.png Dark Matter Blasts 0.99%
Template:Cargo/weather/Chunk1 (edit) protoworld
  • (clear) 24.79%
  • Weather icon biorain.png Bio Rain 16.53%
  • Weather icon slimestormlesser.png Weak Slime Storm 16.53%
  • Weather icon fulightningstorm.png Lightning Storm 8.26%
  • Weather icon hurricaneelectric.png Electric Storm 8.26%
  • Weather icon acidrain.png Acid Rain 8.26%
  • (insanitystorm) 4.13%
  • Weather icon slimestorm.png Slime Storm 4.13%
  • Weather icon gravrainlight.png Light Anti-Gravity Rain 4.13%
  • Weather icon orangegravrainlight.png Light Gravity Rain 4.13%
  • Weather icon darkblast.png Dark Matter Blasts 0.83%
Template:Cargo/weather/Chunk1 (edit) savannah
  • (clear) 78.95%
  • Weather icon rain.png Rain 15.79%
  • Weather icon windstorm.png Windstorms 5.26%
Template:Cargo/weather/Chunk1 (edit) scorchedcity
  • (junkstorm) 25.77%
  • Weather icon fu smog.png Smog 25.77%
  • Weather icon poisongasstorm.png Poison Gas 25.77%
  • Weather icon poisongasstorm2.png Dense Poison Gas 15.46%
  • Weather icon poisongasstorm3.png Deadly Poison Gas 5.15%
  • Weather icon sandstorm.png Sandstorms 2.06%
Template:Cargo/weather/Chunk1 (edit) scorchedcityMeteor
  • Weather icon poisongasstorm.png Poison Gas 37.23%
  • (junkstorm) 26.6%
  • Weather icon poisongasstorm2.png Dense Poison Gas 26.6%
  • Weather icon poisongasstorm3.png Deadly Poison Gas 5.32%
  • Weather icon meteorshower.png Small Meteorites 3.19%
  • Weather icon largemeteor.png Large Meteorites 1.06%
Template:Cargo/weather/Chunk1 (edit) slimeworld
  • (clear) 19.86%
  • Weather icon mistyrain.png Misty Rain 19.86%
  • Weather icon slimestormlesser.png Weak Slime Storm 19.86%
  • Weather icon hurricaneelectric.png Electric Storm 9.93%
  • Weather icon poisongasstorm.png Poison Gas 9.93%
  • Weather icon slimestorm.png Slime Storm 9.93%
  • Weather icon poisongasstorm2.png Dense Poison Gas 4.97%
  • Weather icon acidrain.png Acid Rain 4.97%
  • Weather icon poisongasstorm3.png Deadly Poison Gas 0.7%
Template:Cargo/weather/Chunk1 (edit) snow
  • (clear) 50%
  • Weather icon snow.png Snow 44.44%
  • Weather icon snowstorm.png Blizzards 5.56%
Template:Cargo/weather/Chunk1 (edit) snowy
  • (clear) 40%
  • Weather icon snow.png Snow 40%
  • Weather icon snowstorm.png Blizzards 10%
  • Weather icon crystalrain.png Crystal Rain 5%
  • (coldstorm) 5%
Template:Cargo/weather/Chunk1 (edit) snowyfrozen
  • Weather icon freezestormlesser.png Lesser Freeze Storm 50%
  • Weather icon fusuddenchill2.png Severe Chill 25%
  • Weather icon fuearthquake.png Earthquakes 25%
Template:Cargo/weather/Chunk1 (edit) snowyfrozenlesser
  • Weather icon freezestormminor.png Minor Freeze Storm 50%
  • Weather icon fusuddenchill.png Sudden Chill 25%
  • Weather icon fuearthquakelesser.png Minor Earthquakes 25%
Template:Cargo/weather/Chunk1 (edit) snowyfrozensevere
  • Weather icon freezestorm.png Freeze Storm 50%
  • Weather icon fusuddenchill3.png Extreme Chill 25%
  • Weather icon fuearthquakesevere.png Severe Earthquakes 25%
Template:Cargo/weather/Chunk1 (edit) snowywet
  • (clear) 20%
  • Weather icon snow.png Snow 20%
  • Weather icon rain.png Rain 20%
  • Weather icon snowstorm.png Blizzards 20%
  • Weather icon freezestormminor.png Minor Freeze Storm 20%
Template:Cargo/weather/Chunk1 (edit) snowywindy
  • (clear) 20%
  • Weather icon windstorm.png Windstorms 20%
  • Weather icon snow.png Snow 20%
  • Weather icon snowstorm.png Blizzards 20%
  • Weather icon freezestormminor.png Minor Freeze Storm 20%
Template:Cargo/weather/Chunk1 (edit) star
  • (clear) 62.5%
  • Weather icon glowingrain.png Luminous Rain 25%
  • Weather icon fog.png Fog 12.5%
Template:Cargo/weather/Chunk1 (edit) sulphuric
  • Weather icon sulphurstormlesser.png Mild Sulphuric Storm 24.81%
  • (sulphuracidrain) 21.26%
  • Weather icon tarrain.png Tar Rain 14.17%
  • (clear) 10.63%
  • Weather icon sulphurstorm.png Sulphuric Storm 7.09%
  • Weather icon sulphuriccloud.png Sulphuric Fog 7.09%
  • Weather icon fulightningstorm2.png Severe Lightning Storm 3.54%
  • Weather icon fulightningrain2.png Severe Rainy Lightning Storm 3.54%
  • Weather icon fu smog.png Smog 3.54%
  • (fog2) 3.54%
  • Weather icon fuearthquake.png Earthquakes 0.71%
  • Weather icon largemeteor.png Large Meteorites 0.07%
Template:Cargo/weather/Chunk1 (edit) sulphuric2
  • Weather icon sulphurstormlesser.png Mild Sulphuric Storm 27.27%
  • (sulphuracidrain) 27.27%
  • Weather icon sulphurstorm.png Sulphuric Storm 18.18%
  • Weather icon sulphuriccloud.png Sulphuric Fog 9.09%
  • Weather icon fu smog.png Smog 4.55%
  • (fog2) 4.55%
  • Weather icon fuheatblast2.png Severe Heatwaves 2.73%
  • Weather icon fulightningstorm2.png Severe Lightning Storm 2.27%
  • Weather icon fulightningrain2.png Severe Rainy Lightning Storm 2.27%
  • Weather icon fuheatblast3.png Extreme Heatwaves 1.82%
Template:Cargo/weather/Chunk1 (edit) sulphuriccalm
  • (clear) 20%
  • Weather icon tarrain.png Tar Rain 20%
  • Weather icon sulphurstormlesser.png Mild Sulphuric Storm 20%
  • (sulphuracidrain) 20%
  • Weather icon fu smog.png Smog 10%
  • (fog2) 5%
  • Weather icon sulphuriccloud.png Sulphuric Fog 5%
Template:Cargo/weather/Chunk1 (edit) sulphuricinsane
  • Weather icon sulphurstormlesser.png Mild Sulphuric Storm 25.73%
  • Weather icon sulphurstorm.png Sulphuric Storm 25.73%
  • (sulphuracidrain) 25.73%
  • Weather icon tarrain.png Tar Rain 8.58%
  • Weather icon sulphuriccloud.png Sulphuric Fog 8.58%
  • Weather icon fuheatblast2.png Severe Heatwaves 2.57%
  • Weather icon fuheatblast3.png Extreme Heatwaves 1.72%
  • Weather icon fuearthquake.png Earthquakes 0.86%
  • Weather icon meteorshower.png Small Meteorites 0.43%
  • Weather icon largemeteor.png Large Meteorites 0.09%
Template:Cargo/weather/Chunk1 (edit) tentacles
  • (clear) 100%
Template:Cargo/weather/Chunk1 (edit) thickjungle
  • (clear) 19.05%
  • Weather icon rain.png Rain 19.05%
  • Weather icon mistyrain.png Misty Rain 19.05%
  • Weather icon heavyrain.png Torrential Rain 9.52%
  • Weather icon fog.png Fog 9.52%
  • Weather icon staticcharge.png Static Charge 9.52%
  • Weather icon hurricane.png Hurricane 4.76%
  • Weather icon hurricaneelectric.png Electric Storm 4.76%
  • Weather icon windstorm.png Windstorms 4.76%
Template:Cargo/weather/Chunk1 (edit) tidewater
  • Weather icon rain.png Rain 28.12%
  • Weather icon fog.png Fog 18.74%
  • (fog2) 9.37%
  • Weather icon drizzle.png Drizzle 9.37%
  • Weather icon poisongasstorm.png Poison Gas 9.37%
  • (insanitystorm) 4.69%
  • Weather icon poisongasstorm2.png Dense Poison Gas 4.69%
  • Weather icon staticcharge.png Static Charge 4.69%
  • Weather icon hailstones.png Hail 4.69%
  • Weather icon hurricaneelectric.png Electric Storm 4.69%
  • Weather icon sulphuriccloud.png Sulphuric Fog 0.94%
  • Weather icon poisongasstorm3.png Deadly Poison Gas 0.66%
Template:Cargo/weather/Chunk1 (edit) tidewater2
  • Weather icon rain.png Rain 28.57%
  • Weather icon hailstones.png Hail 19.05%
  • Weather icon fog.png Fog 9.52%
  • (fog2) 9.52%
  • Weather icon drizzle.png Drizzle 9.52%
  • Weather icon hurricaneelectric.png Electric Storm 9.52%
  • (insanitystorm) 4.76%
  • Weather icon spacedustshower.png Stardust 4.76%
  • Weather icon staticcharge.png Static Charge 4.76%
Template:Cargo/weather/Chunk1 (edit) tidewater3
  • Weather icon heavyrain.png Torrential Rain 47.62%
  • Weather icon crystalrain.png Crystal Rain 19.05%
  • Weather icon fog.png Fog 4.76%
  • (fog2) 4.76%
  • Weather icon fulightningstorm.png Lightning Storm 4.76%
  • Weather icon fulightningrain.png Rainy Lightning Storm 4.76%
  • Weather icon fulightningrain2.png Severe Rainy Lightning Storm 4.76%
  • Weather icon fulightningstorm2.png Severe Lightning Storm 2.38%
  • Weather icon staticcharge.png Static Charge 2.38%
  • Weather icon hailstones.png Hail 2.38%
  • Weather icon hurricaneelectric.png Electric Storm 2.38%
Template:Cargo/weather/Chunk1 (edit) toxic
  • Weather icon acidrain.png Acid Rain 60%
  • (clear) 40%
Template:Cargo/weather/Chunk1 (edit) tundra
  • Weather icon snow.png Snow 50%
  • (clear) 30%
  • Weather icon snowstorm.png Blizzards 20%
Template:Cargo/weather/Chunk1 (edit) urbanwasteland
  • (ashstormlesser) 23.68%
  • Weather icon ashstorm.png Ash Storm 15.79%
  • Weather icon ash.png Ashfall 15.79%
  • (insanitystorm) 7.89%
  • Weather icon poisongasstorm.png Poison Gas 7.89%
  • Weather icon tarrain.png Tar Rain 7.89%
  • Weather icon sulphuriccloud.png Sulphuric Fog 7.89%
  • Weather icon poisongasstorm2.png Dense Poison Gas 3.95%
  • (clear) 1.58%
  • Weather icon gravrain.png Anti-Gravity Rain 1.58%
  • Weather icon orangegravrain.png Gravity Rain 1.58%
  • Weather icon gravrainlight.png Light Anti-Gravity Rain 1.58%
  • Weather icon orangegravrainlight.png Light Gravity Rain 1.58%
  • Weather icon darkblast.png Dark Matter Blasts 0.79%
  • Weather icon poisongasstorm3.png Deadly Poison Gas 0.55%
Template:Cargo/weather/Chunk1 (edit) volcanic
  • (clear) 82%
  • Weather icon ember.png Cinder Showers 12%
  • Weather icon lightash.png Light Ashfall 3%
  • Weather icon fu smog.png Smog 3%
Template:Cargo/weather/Chunk1 (edit) volcanicMeteor
  • (clear) 84.21%
  • Weather icon ember.png Cinder Showers 13.68%
  • Weather icon meteorshower.png Small Meteorites 1.58%
  • Weather icon largemeteor.png Large Meteorites 0.53%
Template:Cargo/weather/Chunk1 (edit) wasteland
  • (ashstormlesser) 23.87%
  • Weather icon ashstorm.png Ash Storm 15.91%
  • Weather icon ash.png Ashfall 15.91%
  • (insanitystorm) 7.96%
  • Weather icon poisongasstorm.png Poison Gas 7.96%
  • Weather icon tarrain.png Tar Rain 7.96%
  • Weather icon sulphuriccloud.png Sulphuric Fog 7.96%
  • Weather icon poisongasstorm2.png Dense Poison Gas 3.98%
  • (clear) 1.59%
  • Weather icon gravrain.png Anti-Gravity Rain 1.59%
  • Weather icon orangegravrain.png Gravity Rain 1.59%
  • Weather icon gravrainlight.png Light Anti-Gravity Rain 1.59%
  • Weather icon orangegravrainlight.png Light Gravity Rain 1.59%
  • Weather icon poisongasstorm3.png Deadly Poison Gas 0.56%