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Template:Cargo/codex/Chunk1 (edit) agarans-codex The origin of the Agaran species has long been disputed. There are many factors at play in the ongoing argument, but the largest contributor to their mystery is how they disperse themselves through the cosmos. While the rest of us require ships and technology, Agarans are able to simply <span style="color:green">emit a spore cloud</span> and eventually some will find their way through the atmosphere due to their unusually resilient structure. Even more unusual is how difficult these spores are to even examine! The structure of these spores is ever-shifting which makes any detailed analysis slow-going. We've been able to come to several conclusions based on the evidence presented thus far however: - All Agarans are quite fatally affected by any atmosphere lacking nitrogen. Any such place results in their eventual suffocation, and that's if they are able to survive the blistering that accompanies it (both interally and externally). - An Agaran is not merely hard to understand - their ability to create sounds relies on swift vibrations that creates a hum-like sound. Our translators are not able to mimic these tonal emissions. This makes the species quite unintelligible. - They are linked directly to Florans at the genetic level, despite having a completely re-arranged set of internal organs (and some new organs the purpose of which we can only guess). It is believed that spores affected Florans, and genetically mutated their hosts bodies. - The spores emitted from an Agaran are able to track sources of warm moisture (especially blood) from several kilometers away and use wind to reach their target. While not sapient, it is most certainly some sort of behavior previously not displayed by this sort of organism. The spores emitted by these creatures can prove <span style="color:red">exceptionally</span> fatal, and any individual killed by these spores will become a host to a parasite within. This parasite will immediately 'hijack' the hosts central nervous system. At this point the Agaran conciousness is born. I advise any explorers that notice a clan of this species to stay clear for this reason. There are tales of entire colonies being decimated in a matter of days by spore clouds.
Template:Cargo/codex/Chunk1 (edit) apexunderwaterlabs1-codex Aquaculture seems to be the wave of the future. By modifying traditional Hylotl agricultural practices, we have been able to increase nutrient paste output by approximately 200%. Needless to say, this has interesting ramifications for Apex society as a whole. ---- Fish, corals and vegetation work together to produce a superb closed ecosystem with minimal waste and outside inputs. Space is saved, even when one considers standard hydroponic setups. We are confident that in two years' time, ration books will be a thing of the past, breaking the greatest hold the resistance has on the populace. ---- Our only regret is that we have yet to produce a banana variant that will tolerate submersion in brine, but Delta Team appears to be onto some promising results. In the meantime, we suggest increasing allotments of 'I can't believe it's not banana!' banana flavouring to mollify citizens.
Template:Cargo/codex/Chunk1 (edit) blackbook5-codex First, you must carve the flesh from the bones of the sacrifice; be careful, for any tearing of the skin will result in severe repercussions. ---- Now, you must stitch the flesh into your own, starting at the toes and working up. Only once the full suit is complete may you begin the Black Chant. ---- Next, place the artifact in the center and begin the chant and the dance. His power guides you, should you be true to the call. Should the sacrifice struggle, end that struggle for the time has come. You shall be cleansed.
Template:Cargo/codex/Chunk1 (edit) catdiary-codex Personal Log: Stardate 9472.298. I barely escaped the Terrene Protectorate after the disaster... I'm trapped in orbit around a lush-like planet, which is convenient since it looks inviting. Transporter is working... for the moment. My ship's sensors seem to be picking up a small research outpost on the surface. Perhaps there is someone there that can help me out... ---- Personal Log: Stardate 9472.301. It's been several days since I've arrived. I'm so lonely... I still haven't found that research outpost- if it even exists at all. All I know is that I'm constantly hungry and it's always raining. I normally don't mind the rain, but my drafty little hut is constantly leaking and I really don't like having to sleep on a wet bed every night. It's the worst. Well, at least the food is plentiful on this little planet, even if I do have to go out and hunt for it. Oh what I wouldn't do for some catnip right now...
Template:Cargo/codex/Chunk1 (edit) elderarmorbook-codex To wear the armor of His flesh, you must pray at the Altar. Place various amounts of Nocxium within, with the fragments of Celaeno and a sacrament of his choosing. Only the correct combination will yield results, should you guess his desires correctly.
Template:Cargo/codex/Chunk1 (edit) elderpistolbook-codex The sidearm pictured seems to be crafted from 3 different core materials: An Elder Artifact, one Elder Fragment and an Elder Core.
Template:Cargo/codex/Chunk1 (edit) epsteinbook-codex Epstein didn't kill himself.
Template:Cargo/codex/Chunk1 (edit) extraalienjungle3-codex I've done all I can here. The Floran living amidst the ruins appear to be unnaturally savage, even by Floran standards, but they aren't my main problem. There are things deeper in the temple, and eyes and ears aren't their only senses. It's also getting harder to stay hidden. I had a close brush the other day while witnessing some kind of ritual. ---- Was too engrossed with watching one of the Florans drop a helpless bunny into an altar's concave surface and sacrifice it, consigning it to the flames. They have bunnies, but I think any critter would have been an appropriate sacrifice. ---- Needless to say, I almost got discovered and had to flee before their warriors homed in on my position. I'm done here - I'm not even going to stay long enough to pack up my equipment.
Template:Cargo/codex/Chunk1 (edit) extrahighway-codex (The poster appears to have been poorly translated from some other language. The center is focused on a blond man in a white bodysuit and wearing large sunglasses. Flanking him are a ninja with absurdly long hair, and a young woman with blue-feathered wings.) EIGHT GUARDIANS FIGHTS TO REGAIN PEACE OF THEIR ADVANCE CITY ---- 'Techno City, a city filled with advance technologies that it looks like a city from the distant future. Everyone wanted to live under this wonderful, highly advance city. 'Just then, the leader of the city became mad and started to wreck havoc all across. He created strong biomutants and powerful technological warriors, teamed up with his army of enhanced humans, the leader spreads his chaos all over the city. ---- 'In the midst of all the chaos, one man rose up against it. A young commander that controls 'SMASH', an elite unit functions as guardians of Techno City. With the help of his eight guardians, the 'SMASH' unit wages war with the leader. 'The battle for the fate of Techno City begins...'
Template:Cargo/codex/Chunk1 (edit) fenerox11-codex Okay. Kirhos make first real mistake for Fenerox friends. Introduce to horrifying monster peoples. THERE IS INSECTS WITH THINK, AND THEY HAVE SHIPS FOR PLANET JUMP. THIS NOT GOOD. NO. NO NO NO. Not like at all, and want squash terror-things until terror-things is gone. Kirhos say not worry, as Insect-men stupid alone and need group. BUT THEN THEY HAVE GROUP AND ARE HARDER TO SQUASH. WHY YOU LET THEM GROUP? ---- If we have say, we ask Protectorate to Illegal the terror-bug-men. Illegal them! Send to place without normal creatures. At home, insect bite is kill. In space, EVERY BUG MAN IS PROBABLY BITE KILL. NO. NO NO NO. NO. Make illegal.
Template:Cargo/codex/Chunk1 (edit) fenerox14-codex Terror. Fear. That is what dark-men are. No touch, no talk, not be around. Avoid dark-men. Is Gallupal of legend, for sure maybe. Gallupal is eating the sun and making the night, and night is good for hunt and baby-making. But remember Gallupal is always watch, always judge, and guarding of the death-world. You will not enter the death-world if you is bother dark-men. Respect only.
Template:Cargo/codex/Chunk1 (edit) fenerox21-codex Met otter. They called Lutrin. They is hunters, too. They is have sharp claws and teeths. They also carry big spear and wear metal clothing! They work alongside creepy thinky fish like we work alongside Kirhos, though we think is unease between Lutrin and Hylotl because of body language. Also interesting is that Lutrin speak similar to us. Did Fenerox get Lutrin language, or did Kirhos give Lutrin language, too? ---- Maybe Lutrin can hunt alongside Floran and Fenerox, too, see who is best hunter. Can tell that otter is hunter because they take down angry flying bird with big spear they is carrying. Kirhos later tell us Lutrin was hunter of Hylotl, but is now hunter for Hylotl, same as Fenerox is hunter for Kirhos. So Lutrin therefore think of Hylotl like Fenerox think of Avian. Still curious about who got language from who. Will ask later.
Template:Cargo/codex/Chunk1 (edit) fenerox6-codex Kirhos introduced us to Florans. Unsure why. Seem like us at first, always hunt, always tougher. Except one thing. Plants. How is plants make hunt? Why is plants make hunt? On homeworld, plants is for urine and berries. Not killing. ---- Floran also talk strange. Referring always to entire race and not self. Why? Explain? None make them change tongue, but Fenerox expected to speak Standard? Explain. Required needed information. Also, meat diet of Florans and being plant, them never need bathe. Smelling like rotten meat all time. We dislike. ---- But is not mean dislike. Friendly, because hunters. Compete is keen, and makes for good fun. We compete and see who better hunter is.
Template:Cargo/codex/Chunk1 (edit) ffguidepower-codex In Frackin' Universe, there are many generators and power sources to fuel your labs and factories. In this codex, each type of generator, its functionality and its mechanics are described. <span style="color:blue">------------------------</span> <span style="color:#aa6070">A Note on Batteries</span> <span style="color:blue">------------------------</span> Eight kinds of batteries can be crafted in Frackin' Universe. These store energy and dispense it as needed at any level of power, allowing even a weak generator to fuel a very power-hungry machine, if only slowly. It is always beneficial to use a battery in any power setup, no matter how small or how large, and it will help eliminate problems where a generator produces power at a different rate than the machine expects it. <span style="color:blue">------------------------</span> Table of Contents <span style="color:blue">------------------------</span> <span style="color:green">Renewable Power</span> <span style="color:#f9f193">Solar Panels</span> <span style="color:#aa6dff">Nocturn Panels</span> <span style="color:#bbe5e8">Wind Turbines</span> <span style="color:#ff612f">Fuel-Based Generators</span> <span style="color:#ba893f">Alternator Generators</span> <span style="color:gray">Combustion Generators</span> <span style="color:#aa6070">Neuro-Psionic Generators</span> <span style="color:#8cbef2">Quantum Reactors</span> <span style="color:#ffc600">Precursor Reactors</span> <span style="color:#aaaa00">Decay-Based Generators</span> <span style="color:red">Hydraulic Dynamos</span> <span style="color:#cef400">Fission Reactors</span> <span style="color:#b7e3e5">Small Fusion Reactors</span> <span style="color:#008888">Large Fusion Reactors</span> <span style="color:blue">------------------------</span> <span style="color:green">Renewable Power</span> <span style="color:blue">------------------------</span> Green energy. Low-powered, situational, inconsistent but completely free to operate, renewable energy is suitable for low-power setups or where power is needed infrequently enough that it can be left to build up in a battery for later use. If intending to explore renewable energy sources it's recommended to craft the Weather Beacon, researched in the initial node of the <span style="color:#c06500">Electronics tree</span>. It can be used to determine the power that renewable energy sources would output at that location, to determine whether a planet is suitable for renewable energy. <span style="color:#f9f193">Solar Panels</span> Solar panels come in three varieties. The <span style="color:#f9f193">Solar Panel</span>, <span style="color:#c06500">Solar Array</span> and <span style="color:red">Solar Tower</span>. When placed on a planet, they generate power during the day and when the natural light is bright enough - up to <span style="color:#f9f193">4W</span>, <span style="color:#c06500">10W</span> and <span style="color:red">24W</span> respectively on a typical planet, such as a Lush world. On some rare planet types, the light can exceed normal levels and produce significantly more power. Artificial light sources cannot power a solar panel, and panels will not function when submerged in liquid. On a ship, space station, or in a star-orbiting asteroid belt, there is no day-night cycle and so solar panels will always produce a fixed amount of power - <span style="color:#f9f193">3.5W</span>, <span style="color:#c06500">8.75W</span> and <span style="color:red">21W</span> respectively. They're a much more reliable source of energy when the sun never sets. <span style="color:#aa6dff">Nocturn Panels</span> Similar to solar panels, Nocturn Panels care about the level of light falling upon them. Unlike solar panels, however, Nocturn Panels fear the light and thus produce more energy in a darkened space - up to <span style="color:#aa6dff">10W</span> in the pitch black. Nocturn Panels are perfectly content underground and do not care whether it is day or night. They're happy to be contained within a lightless box, producing the same level of power eternally, but they do not function when submerged. Nocturn Panels are the product of <span style="color:#c06500">maddened research</span>, and function anywhere. <span style="color:#bbe5e8">Wind Turbines</span> Wind Turbines come in one variety, which can produce up to <span style="color:#bbe5e8">12W</span> in ideal conditions. The amount of power produced depends on how windy the current weather is, and the weathers available depend on the planet and how it generates. Some planets have eternally windy weather and will produce a constant <span style="color:#bbe5e8">12W</span> of power, while some will never produce any power at all, and others will vary. Experimentation and the Weather Beacon will help identify the best planets to use Wind Turbines on. Wind Turbines do not function on ships, space stations, and in asteroid belts. <span style="color:blue">------------------------</span> <span style="color:#ff612f">Fuel-Based Generators</span> <span style="color:blue">------------------------</span> Bad for the environment and good for your factory, fuel-based generators are the backbone of any serious early- to mid-game lab or factory, producing significant power. All fuel-based generators work using a Heat system. When fuel is first placed in the generator, or it is turned on, it will consume one fuel item and begin heating up. Its heat level, which reaches maximum productivity after 18-20 seconds, either partially or fully determines the power output of the generator. In some generators the chosen fuel determines only how quickly the generator consumes fuel, and in some the chosen fuel also provides power on top of that generated by its heat. When a fuel-based generator is turned off, by supplying an 'off' signal to its first blue input node, it will finish consuming its current fuel item before ceasing operation to avoid wasting fuel. <span style="color:#ba893f">Alternator Generators</span> The first generator a player will gain access to. The Alternator Generator can only consume wood and coal, though these materials are abundant on Lush and Forest worlds and so it is trivial to fuel. The Alternator Generator will only produce <span style="color:#ba893f">4W</span> at full heat (reached after 18s), and so it should be quickly replaced by the <span style="color:gray">Combustion Generator</span> or another power source. Accepted fuels (burn time): ---------- Wooden Log (10s), Coal (16s), Golden Wood (20s), Redwood Bark (20s), Penumbral Bark (30s), Alien Weird Wood (40s), Energy Wood (50s), Aen Wood Log (60s) <span style="color:gray">Combustion Generator</span> A serious power source for a growing industrialist, the Combustion Generator accepts the greatest variety of fuels of any generator in the game and can produce a respectable amount of power from both solid and liquid fuels, including wood, erchius and fuel canisters. The Combustion Generator produces <span style="color:gray">12W</span> of power at full heat (reached after 18s). Accepted fuels (burn time): ---------- Paper (1s), Unrefined Wood (2s), Wooden Log (5s), Coal (8s), Hydrogen (9s), Methanol (9s), Liquid Erchius Fuel (10s), Oil (10s), Redwood Bark (10s), Biofuel Canister (10s), Crystal Erchius Fuel (12s), Unrefined Fuel (13s), Refined Fuel (15s), Penumbral Bark (15s), Golden Wood (15s), Erithian Biofuel Canister (15s), Protocite Fuel Canister (20s), Alien Weird Wood (20s), Energy Wood (25s), Erchius Crystal (25s), Aen Wood Log (30s), Crunchy Chick (30s) <span style="color:#aa6070">Neuro-Psionic Generators</span> The product of <span style="color:#c06500">maddened research</span>, Neuro-Psionic Generators use neurological power, drawn from stolen brains, to fuel your mad experimentation. Brains are a plentiful resource with the right equipment, and so a budding mad scientist can easily provide for all their power needs if they're not afraid to get their hands dirty. Neuro-Psionic Generators can produce <span style="color:#aa6070">60W</span> of power at full heat (reached after 18s). Accepted fuels (burn time): ---------- Inferior Brain (10s), Superior Brain (20s), Artificial Brain (60s), Perfect Brain (60s), Psi-1 Energy (60s), Psi-2 Energy (80s), Psi-3 Energy (100s), Psi-4 Energy (120s), Brain in a Jar (200s), Superior Brain Housing (360s), Artificial Brain Housing (360s), Advanced Brain Housing (520s) <span style="color:#8cbef2">Quantum Reactors</span> An incredibly efficient and powerful generator, a single Quantum Reactor is sufficient to power a substantial lab all by itself, and can be trivially powered by infinitely-obtainable fuel sources in the late game. The Quantum Reactor's output depends on its fuel source, and can reach <span style="color:#8cbef2">620W</span>, of which <span style="color:#8cbef2">20W</span> is heat built up over 20s of use. Accepted fuels (power, burn time): ---------- Biofuel Canister (60W, 40s), Erithian Biofuel Canister (70W, 50s), Uranium Rod (70W, 50s), Energiflower (80W, 60s), Plutonium Rod (80W, 60s), Helium-3 (90W, 70s), Liquid Protocite (100W, 80s), Neptunium Rod (110W, 90s), Thorium Rod (110W, 90s), Energy Wood (125W, 105s), Enriched Uranium Rod (150W, 130s), Essentia Obscura (170W, 150s), Protocite Fuel Canister (220W, 200s), Enriched Plutonium Rod (240W, 220s), Metallic Hydrogen (275W, 255s), Deuterium Rod (300W, 280s), Tritium Rod (320W, 300s), Solarium Star (470W, 450s), Ultronium Rod (520W, 500s), Liquid Metallic Hydrogen (570W, 550s), Liquid Deuterium (620W, 600s) <span style="color:#ffc600">Precursor Reactors</span> The most powerful generator in the game bar none, Precursor Reactors create phenomenal amounts of power but cannot be crafted, and are instead found in the abandoned colonies and factories of the extinct Precursors. Unlike other generators, they have an additional requirement - to channel the power sources of the ancients, you must place one Neutronium Rod and one Anti-Neutronium Rod, both products of <span style="color:#c06500">maddened research</span>, in the designated slots. For your trouble, Precursor Generators can produce up to <span style="color:#ffc600">1055W</span> depending on their fuel source, of which <span style="color:#ffc600">95W</span> is heat, reaching their full output (50%+ heat) after 20s. Accepted fuels (power, burn time): ---------- Poop (135W, 40s), Crunchy Chick (195W, 100s), Essentia Obscura (315W, 220s), Quantum Fluid (515W, 420s), Ultronium Rod (745W, 650s), Dimensional Cell (1055W, 960s) <span style="color:blue">------------------------</span> <span style="color:#aaaa00">Decay-Based Generators</span> <span style="color:blue">------------------------</span> Make sure to dispose of the waste cleanly (or profitably). Decay-based generators output power by gradually and randomly consuming isotopes over time. Uniquely, these generators come with multiple fuel slots, giving them the ability to vary their power output by filling the desired number of slots to adapt to any required workload without changing the fuel type, though each fuel slot may use different fuel if desired. Decay-based generators will turn off immediately when an 'off' signal is supplied to their first blue input node, and will not waste fuel in doing so. <span style="color:red">Hydraulic Dynamo</span> An honourable inclusion, the Hydraulic Dynamo is an early-game generator that evaporates water using hot solids and liquids (or liquid nitrogen) in order to generate power. Although very large, it outperforms many other early generators despite being craftable on the first world and fuelled by trivially-obtainable substances such as lava and core fragments. The Hydraulic Dynamo can generate up to <span style="color:red">21W</span> at maximum output, but will not function without water, consuming one for each fuel item used. The Hydraulic Dynamo has three fuel slots. Accepted fuels (power per fuel slot, average decay time): ---------- Lava (4W, 10s), Core Fragment (5W, 40s), Liquid Iron (6W, 32s), Volatile Powder (7W, 40s), Scorched Core (7W, 180s), Liquid Nitrogen (6W, 20s) <span style="color:#cef400">Fission Reactors</span> Good old-fashioned nuclear power, the greenest thing about it is the uranium it consumes. Fission Reactors are an affordable way to create significant amounts of power, reaching up to <span style="color:#cef400">360W</span> across their four fuel slots. Uniquely, this generator creates Tritium Rods as a by-product of its fission, with a 50% chance for one to be made each time a fuel item is consumed. It will also create Toxic Waste, two if Tritium is created and one otherwise. While active, depending on how long it's been operating and how much power it's generating, the Fission Generator will begin to flood its nearby area with Moderate Radiation, up to 16 tiles away. Walls and other containment will not block this, only distance and Moderate Radiation immunity will help. Accepted fuels (power per fuel slot, average decay time): ---------- Tritium Rod (10W, 40s), Deuterium Rod (15W, 50s), Uranium Rod (20W, 90s), Plutonium Rod (30W, 90s), Neptunium Rod (40W, 90s), Thorium Rod (50W, 90s), Enriched Uranium Rod (60W, 120s), Enriched Plutonium Rod (80W, 180s), Solarium Star (80W, 240s), Ultronium Rod (90W, 300s) <span style="color:#b7e3e5">Small Fusion Reactors</span> Harness the power of the stars for your lab, albeit on a very small scale. Fusion Reactors of both kinds fuse light isotopes together, releasing nuclear energy from them to create power. Like the Fission Reactor, Fusion Reactors generate Moderate Radiation the longer and more productively they operate, which cannot be blocked. Small Fusion Reactors have four fuel slots, and can generate <span style="color:#b7e3e5">360W</span> when filling all of them. They must be given coolant to continue operating or will quickly overheat and shut down, releasing a burst of radiation, though water is typically sufficient. Each consumed fuel will create one Toxic Waste, which can be used as coolant in a pinch. Accepted fuels (power per fuel slot, average decay time): ---------- Hydrogen (15W, 50s), Tritium Rod (25W, 60s), Helium-3 (45W, 80s), Solarium Star (55W, 150s), Deuterium Rod (60W, 120s), Ultronium Rod (90W, 700s) Accepted coolants (heat reduction per item) Toxic Waste (10), Salt Water (30), Water (30), Liquid Nitrogen (80), Cryonic Extract (125) <span style="color:#008888">Large Fusion Reactors</span> Originally pioneered by the Skath, Large Fusion Reactors are simply better-built, scaled-up versions of Small Fusion Reactors with a greater power output. Filling their four slots, they can generate up to <span style="color:#008888">600W</span>. They generate radiation and produce Toxic Waste as Small Fusion Reactors do. Accepted fuels (power per fuel slot, average decay time): ---------- Hydrogen (35W, 50s), Tritium Rod (55W, 60s), Helium-3 (60W, 80s), Solarium Star (105W, 150s), Deuterium Rod (90W, 120s), Liquid Deuterium (90W, 120s), Ultronium Rod (150W, 700s) Accepted coolants (heat reduction per item) Salt Water (20), Water (30), Toxic Waste (40), Liquid Nitrogen (80), Cryonic Extract (125)
Template:Cargo/codex/Chunk1 (edit) foodprep-codex A Floran cook-book. It features a myriad of recipes, all carnivorous in nature. Each recipe section corresponds to a different sentient species. This has resulted in it being banned from the majority of Protectorate space.
Template:Cargo/codex/Chunk1 (edit) fuancientprayer-codex Almighty Sunborn We spread our wings and fly Guide us as we soar Deliver us from turbulence And save us from the ground. ---- May your wisdom guide us May your augurs watch us May your glory enlighten us Almighty Sunborn Carry us on golden wings.
Template:Cargo/codex/Chunk1 (edit) fuapexorigins-codex From as far back as Apex history can be traced, all that is known is the rule of the majestic Big Ape and his benevolent Miniknog. Of course, Apex history only reaches back about one hundred years, due to a series of accidental fires, explosions and rogue mech accidents which destroyed all of the archives ever. ---- Big Ape assures the populace, however, that he has been in charge since the dawn of time, and will continue to be in charge until the last star supernovas. Any Apex who steps out of line, says the wrong thing, eats the wrong banana or looks at one of the many hidden cameras in a funny way will be subjected to Miniknog Therapy, designed to improve the species. In fact, all Apex should volunteer for this. Sign up now.
Template:Cargo/codex/Chunk1 (edit) fuaviantraditions-codex by K'arn Hollowbeak, Avian scholar It is common for some of the richest Avians to be buried with their worldly possessions. I have always found this a strange practise, but it transpires that many other species do the same. As a historian, it seems a shame to me to seal away sometimes-unique items, but I do also see the romanticism in being able to take your treasured things into the afterlife. ---- However, because of this trend, Avian tombs are often the targets of robbery, hence the employment of Tombkeepers, individuals who dedicate their lives to living in the tombs for a period of no less than ten years.
Template:Cargo/codex/Chunk1 (edit) fugreenfingercodexdry2-codex It soon became clear that injecting Drysap into living Florans prompted exceptional results. The sap quickly reproduces within Floran veins, replacing their own with a stronger, hardier substance that leaves the Floran body requiring almost no water. To an extent, this is a miracle serum. ---- But there are caveats; it has been found that the more intellectually advanced the Floran, the more susceptible they are to rejection of the Drysapping process. Those whose bodies reject the Drysap soon grow enraged and antisocial, reporting visions and night terrors. ---- Perhaps it is too early to allow Drysap treatment to gain mass circulation. Perhaps I shall send it to The Dust. At least there, any Floran Greenguard who succumbs can be marched straight into a cell.
Template:Cargo/codex/Chunk1 (edit) fugreenfingercodexlooseends-codex Unhappy to have left the Apex compound. Sharing our species' secret is not something I take lightly. My acquaintance, the Apex scientist Doctor Lax, can be trusted. I have utter faith in her. ---- And yet, this is not something I can leave up to faith. I was barely off-planet before putting the call in to Thornwing. The Ring of Thorns have been dispatched. No loose ends. It is how we've survived thus far, and how we will continue to survive. ---- I am sorry, Doctor.
Template:Cargo/codex/Chunk1 (edit) fuhca1-codex I find myself in a Miniknog-controlled Apex town. But oh, control is such an ugly word, isn't it? The Apex here are all so polite, and friendly. They bow and grovel as I pass, my Miniknog entourage only occasionally having to knock them back! ---- It's all very exciting. An audience with Big Ape! Greenfinger told me he's heard about my exploits, and would like to pick my brain. I mean gosh, I've heard rumours about Big Ape picking peoples' brains, but I don't think it means that this time.
Template:Cargo/codex/Chunk1 (edit) funightardoc4-codex This absolutely enormous tome is three thousand pages of sword study, techniques, patterns, stances and so much more. Truly a wonderful find for a historian or someone looking to learn swordplay in the style of the Nightar. There are entire chapters devoted to proper cleaning of blades, how to remove rust and improve the blade by a process called Shadow-Tempering, and proper resolutions to common problems in their society such as stolen blades and intentional damaging of heirloom weapons. ---- The rest is entirely devoted to proper Arena etiquette, dispute settling and Kingsryche rules and regulations, and on the proper observation of honor in all things.
Template:Cargo/codex/Chunk1 (edit) funightarhistory1-codex The Nightar are actually pre-disposed to extreme xenophobia at the genetic level. They fear the unknown in ways we don't fully understand. Imagine what it is like to hate and fear sunlight! It is in our ignorance of that life that the Nightar gain their power in the political spectrum. Their dislike of the light keeps them well away from affairs of state for other species, always quiet in the background. At home in the dark, they excel at stealth in ways the rest of us simply cannot match. This has led to them knowing many secrets of the various players in galactic politics > ---- though they would never disclose this fact (both out of respect and for their own survival). If you cross a Nightar who has taken a keen liking to less 'savory' sorts of work...hire them, before your enemies do. A word of advice: Trade with these people using metal coinage rather than electronic funds, and pay up front. Their people adore metal due to complex socioeconomic reasons on their homeworld.
Template:Cargo/codex/Chunk1 (edit) funightarhistory7-codex The white mask of the Nightar warrior should be observed very carefully. There are many reasons to this, the most visible being this: the more plain the mask, the more skilled the warrior. The highest ranked among their kind wear one that is plain white, with only narrow slits for eyes. ---- The lower the rank of the warrior, the more vibrant the mask will become. Unblooded warriors (those with no battlefield experience) instead wear a black mask adorned with a singular blue stripe in the center. Their low rank also means they serve as envoys to the galaxy at large. ---- Those among the top 200 warriors do not communicate with anyone that is not of their race. Ever. Their code forbids any form of verbal congress outside of their people, no matter the reason. They will, however, communicate with gestures using head, limbs and digits. ---- Low-ranked warriors are permitted to socialize with whom they please, though doing so with too much frequency will earn them the title of Vilmaehkt. This is a grave insult, meaning Red-Blood. On their world, due to low oxygen, their blood is blue. A Vilmaehkt is a 'filthy outsider', unworthy.
Template:Cargo/codex/Chunk1 (edit) greg10-codex Somehow our air system was compromised last night. Air from outside has found its way within the complex. We are all infected with the virus, and are living on borrowed time. The rest of the team agrees that we need to speed up research on Greg's cure. ---- Two days later, and not a one of us is any more ill. At least half of us should be dead by now, given the track record that the Shaxxral virus has. Something has impeded the capacity it has to affect our cells. Greg still can't communicate with us, but I would wager his cure has something to do with it. ---- Whatever that fluid did to this agent, I am recommending the destruction of all remaining samples. These are too dangerous to be allowed to survive for further research. I am commencing tests on blood samples obtained from fellow staff members, as we have grown concerned that somehow Greg's experimental prion is spreading. ---- I don't understand what is happening! Somehow our *other* facilities in entirely different sections of the galaxy are also experiencing the exact same issues. The prion...or whatever it somehow spreading to populations across the vast gulf of space! How this is even possible is utterly beyond my capacity to theorize on. ---- I've begun to hate. Not people here in the lab. Just...the uninfected. Specifically, I have unavoidable visions of brutally murdering them however I possibly can. It's not unlike having a 'wet dream', and when I awake I feel aroused. The others also remark on having the exact same....dreams? Visions? Either way, we're terrified. ---- Someone opened the main doors last night. It's out, free, and able to spread. The plus side is that the virus eradicating our people will be cured. Unfortunately, I can make no assurances on long-term implications of what this cure will do to us as a species. ---- My....mind. Slips. Seeing things I shouldn't. Greg. Hard to formulate thoughts in language. Gregga. Name easier. Feel connected to source virus, like hive mind. Greg. Be Greg. ---- I...Door...Greg. Gregga greg gregga.
Template:Cargo/codex/Chunk1 (edit) greg3-codex The plague has torn through our people like wheat to a scythe, and it's been particularly difficult to reach the point we finally did today. Greg found a cure! Or, rather, a potential one. We're going to try it on the rat-things today and begin observation. It should be noted that initial trials on genes in the lab were successful, though the method of transmission is unclear. ---- Subject rat C7 appears to be fine, and even the blistering lesions are rapidly fading. Finally, a result we can work with! I do wonder how Greg solved the issue with the prion being so aggressive. He swears he didn't use the strange fluid we found on that moon orbiting Coronis IV. I am uncertain that I believe this, as Greg is not exactly the sort to accept delays on his results. ---- We've re-integrated the rat into the general population to see what happens. Should normal rat behavior resume, we'll know the cure functions and can begin mass-production and hopefully save our people. Should the results not be favorable...I fear we may be too late. ---- Normal rat socialization appears to be taking place, and our ill rat is completely free of the viral load he was carrying. Greg has done some good work here! We're going to observe and record until absolutely certain that the results are working to our favor. ---- Every single rat in the enclosure appears to have died in agony. Their corpses are all over the enclosure, some in various states of....we'll just call it decay. C7 is the sole survivor of this event, and is apparently the cause of death. Somehow.
Template:Cargo/codex/Chunk1 (edit) greg5-codex No sign of Greg for a few days now. We can hear him tinkering in his office, but any time we knock he refuses to answer or even acknowledge us. Reason unknown. Probably just hyper-focused. ---- Subject C7 has...resurrected. Brain functions in the rat have resumed ordinary function. However, subject appears to have forgotten how to be a rat and is busy screeching at other rats in the room. Prion count is absurdly high. We won't merge him with the population this time as I have no desire to clean rat viscera off of every surface in the lab again. ---- I can't explain it, but somehow other subjects in the lab are now infected with whatever caused issues to C7. They exhibit the same symptomology, despite being in a clean-room with a dedicated air supply, glass walls and no direct contact to the subject. I checked the tapes from the night: no one entered or tampered with the experiments. ---- Every single rat has been 'changed' by C7. The upside is that all traces of the hostile virus have been removed from the host. Our prion works! Without some means to remove the negative effects, however, we will not be able to use it. I doubt everyone wants to lose who they were just to remove a sickness. ---- After closer inspection, it seems that any and all stimulus experienced by C7 are also at least partially experienced by other subjects in the lab. When presented with a small amount of narcotic, C7 was rendered intoxicated. C6 through C24 all simultaneously shared the same precise physical actions for a period of 72 minutes. ---- Greg finally came out of his room after 2 full weeks. He is...different. He keeps repeating his name, over and over again. Nothing more. He becomes increasingly agitated trying to communicate with us. He clearly *thinks* he is talking fine. Yet all that comes out is 'Greg'. I've recommended he stay contained due to how the rats reacted to C7.
Template:Cargo/codex/Chunk1 (edit) greg7-codex I got Greg to admit it: He put that weird fluid in his mix. According to him, testing showed that the effect it has on biological samples is astounding and was worth a test if it meant the safety of our species. He seems a bit overly defensive , despite my assurances that he was not in any form of administrative trouble.
Template:Cargo/codex/Chunk1 (edit) lotus1-codex The gift of fire was given to the Eld'uu in an age before warmth ever touched this planet. ---- For aeons, our people had wandered aimlessly through the dark with only the crystals to guide them, clinging to each other to survive in the harsh landscape. ---- The Lotus took pity on our struggling race, and, descending from a bright light in the sky, she touched the foreheads of two Eld'uu. One male, one female. ---- In her gentle voice, she urged the pair to spread their gift, to restore the cold, unforgiving landscape of our planet. ---- For a time, peace and prosperity was the order, the Eld'uu had found a way of survival through these two chosen. ---- It was not to last.
Template:Cargo/codex/Chunk1 (edit) luridmagazine3-codex This rather...revealing publication appears to contain humans in various states of undress engaging in mating rituals of just about every imaginable sort. And some that are not all that imaginable. It would seem (at least before the end of Earth) that Humans document their mating acts. And sell it to other humans. Strange.
Template:Cargo/codex/Chunk1 (edit) mantizi4-codex ...long held as the finest wine in the known galaxy, Mantizian vineyards are viewed with utmost respect by virtually all respected wine connosieurs. Few are those among the elite who are not familiar with the narcotic qualities of these wines. Highly sought, their value on the black market is insultingly astronomical. ---- For the Mantizi themselves, however, the wine is simply delicious. Their natural immunity to the toxin common in the grapes they use gives them no ill effects. Meanwhile, Avians are well-known to be especially susceptible. Most Mantizi hoard a few bottles at any given time (if they have access to stores of them in their family holdings) but are loathe to part with them. In some of the more lawless sectors, Mantizi are captured and 'inspired' by pirates into 'donating' their supply. ---- Were it not for the recent collapse of the Mantizi Empire, this would not be the case. Supply and demand is a cruel mistress, and demand has long since outstripped supply.
Template:Cargo/codex/Chunk1 (edit) mantizi6-codex We must never forget how close we came to annihiliation. The Thelusians were a formidable adversary for nearly 200 years, and managed to fight us to a standstill despite our best efforts. They accomplished this not with numbers, nor with their tough chitin. No, it was their skill. Until we were able to create the Yashvarra Nyi (Light Spear) using the strange lore of the ancients as a guide...we were nothing. Once the Doctrine was in practice, and the Yashvarra perfected they were beaten back with ease. ---- Should their formed Hive-Mind collapse as it did in those days, there will again be a war. They cannot help themselves, for we are a natural food to them, and their voracious appetite requires near constant feeding. However, we must also not forget the Doctrine. The are not our enemy at present, and the Oracles forbid war unless it is in defense of the People.
Template:Cargo/codex/Chunk1 (edit) networkguide2-codex For a detailed guide on how to operate the ITD networks, from setup to execution, please refer to the following URL (located on the Steam page and CF Forums pages of FU as a link, as well): ---- Also, check out the official wiki page on ITDs here:
Template:Cargo/codex/Chunk1 (edit) penumbrabiome3-codex Day 3 - I found a small natural cave system, and decided to take a rest. The rock found on these planets is unusually hard, and it has this weird property that absorbs light. Even shining my flashlight directly at this rock, I can't see very much of anything around me as the rock appears to eat the light coming out of my flashlight. I lit a campfire in here, after I felt a breeze slipping through the cracks, hopefully I don't choke myself with the smoke. I can see more caves below, I'll explore those in a minute. ---- This place is fascinating, I'm definitely saving these coordinates to come back here later. I just want a sample of this ore SAIL told me about...
Template:Cargo/codex/Chunk1 (edit) penumbrabiome5-codex Day 5 - Yuck. While trying to get away from the sea of transparent metal, I found myself in another cave system, the floor of which oddly did not absorb my light like the rock had before. I probably should have been more careful, but one step on this stuff, and I found myself sliding down a steep incline, and when I landed, I bounced around the room several times and wound up face-first in some of the most disgusting tar-like substance I've ever seen! I managed to somehow crawl out of the junk and back up onto more rock. ---- Whatever that stuff was I now I feel sick in the stomach. I already threw up twice. I need to get back out of here...back to the surface. It gets worse by the moment, and unless I get help I fear I may die.
Template:Cargo/codex/Chunk1 (edit) penumbrabiome6-codex Day 6 - I found it! Too bad I am so deep in, I'm not sure I could possibly get back out. I found the ore... you can't miss it. It glows with this gentle sky-blue color, lighting entire cave systems up. For some weird reason, the rocks that ate my flashlight beams, don't eat this type of light. I wish I could get a sample of this to a lab... but sadly I don't think I'm going to make it. If anybody finds this... please... take this book back to Earth and give it to my family... - M. Hodgins
Template:Cargo/codex/Chunk1 (edit) pharitu3-codex As time wore on, they learned to harness the power of their Shakta and formed societies with the aid of this power: they learned that through a group-think, they could literally turn stone into nearly impenetrable material capable of withstanding the electricity that for so ---- long had threatened their safety. Now, their world is covered in bastions of stone craftsmanship the galaxy has never before seen; This led to a rennaisance among their species and has earned them a reputation as the foremost craftsmen in the known universe. If you need ---- it built to last, then you find a group of Pharitu willing to sell their services. This comes at a price, however - Pharitu have no use for conventional money. Gems are their currency. The rarer, the better. The reason for this is due to their need to constantly fuel their ---- Shakta, or risk death or insanity. How is this achieved, you wonder? Well, my friend ... this is where things get complicated. I mentioned weather earlier, and that is where we must now return. You see, there are storms on their world which they call Highstorms. On the ---- surface, these rage like a deadly tempest, threatening to tear even mountains down. But with these storms comes energy. And this energy can be harnessed to infuse gemstones with power they are able to siphon into their own bodies. Their food. The more condensed and rare ---- the gem, the greater the energy it can hold. And so, on Highstorm days, Pharitu will tunnel towards the surface. There, they will lay their most treasured gemstones, returning later to gather them once the storm has died down. They then carry them wherever they travel ---- should they ever need to draw forth the energy therein to restore themselves.
Template:Cargo/codex/Chunk1 (edit) precursorcodex1-codex <Thankfully, translators are available for some Precursor language. While still spotty, you can glean that this is an important find. Continuing translation:> ---- Entry 1: We have at long last <span style="color:red"><unknown></span> the threshold. Through lacing the singularity with <span style="color:red"><unknown></span> we have managed to cross through. Without the Core, this would not have been possible. TK-7A Test subject appears to retain normal faculties. We may finally be able to return to our universe. ---- Entry 2: Carefully resyncing the <span style="color:red"><unknown></span> formula has gained us further insight into the new <span style="color:red"><unknown></span>. The portal, unfortunately, is unstable. Despite our efforts at <span style="color:red"><unknown></span>, it appears to resist becoming self-sustaining. Unfortunate, but not unexpected. ---- Entry 3: <span style="color:red"><unknown></span> the Proletariat! Because of their insistence on experiments, we have <span style="color:red"><unknown></span> the people! The portal is stable and growing at a geometric rate, but it no longer goes where it should. Nothing seems to affect it. Desperation may soon give way to <span style="color:red"><unknown></span>. ---- Entry 4: Should this record reach any species that follows in our footsteps: Do not attempt <span style="color:red"><unknown></span> at Delta Freya II. This world is tainted, and we dare not share why. Under no circumstances should you explore this world. Doom awaits.
Template:Cargo/codex/Chunk1 (edit) precursorcodex11-codex Our greatest, our greatest joy! At long last we have created the perfect servitor race. A blend of avian and reptilian traits, we've fortified them with non-carbon based cells. This should allow them to survive on the harsh outer rim worlds we are seeding with their genes. ---- They say we should name them, but I deemed that most unwise. At least, not until they have earned it. A fledgeling race still learning to be a species, these beings should provide us with the extra labor we require if the Generator is to be created in any decent period of time. With our physical bodies beginning to erode...time is precious. ---- <this book appears to span centuries. There are countless entries about this unnamed species they created , but none that give anything useful until roughly 824 years after the first entry.> It was assumed they would retain their docile traits, as we specifically erased the capacity for anger and rage in the initial generations. ---- Nature, on the other hand, had other ideas. They are rising up and revolting now, refusing our commands and worse...they are angry about it. While still the ideal candidate species, they have been unable to facilitate our requirements for construction on the Generator. Recommend expunging genes through purge. ---- The purge has failed! Somehow, they have taken control of the command vessels. I suspect inusurrection, most likely from the Naturalist caste. They sympathize with the plight of the Servants. Why they would side with fuzzy beyond me. We have been forced out of the system, and command has instructed us to simply abandon it, leaving the servants to their own devices.
Template:Cargo/codex/Chunk1 (edit) precursorcodex14-codex After only 20 generations we have observed them not only develop sapience on their own, but also develop more and more complex tools. The downside is that the length of time chosen for the experiment is much too long, and our empires expansion in this dimension has effectively limited our funding. We are unable to we have opted to speed things up a tad. ---- Rather than allow a further 20 generations (510 additional rotations around the sun) to pass uninfluenced, we have gone ahead and shown our little slave-race the secrets of the universe. We left behind a drone and three combat units, completely deactivated. We have estimated a 500% increase in technological advancement within 20 years time. These once docile fuzzy raptors will soon be truly entertaining.
Template:Cargo/codex/Chunk1 (edit) precursorcodex15-codex Dense materials can easily be repurposed via the Viadarra Engine, should we find ourselves low on materials on the opposite side of this unusual rift in space-time. We have decided to breach it tomorrow, as the potential for exploration is too great to pass up. We are, of course, bringing the Armada as well. We cannot risk splitting our society in two. ---- Initial scouting parties report favorable results. We are therefore authorizing full mobilization, and moving the Empire into the breach. We are going to risk the Core, as well. We may require the near-limitless power it offers. The Regent insists that it is in the best interests of the Hegemony for this to proceed without question. And so, we obey.
Template:Cargo/codex/Chunk1 (edit) precursorcodex16-codex Transitioning into a new dimension was probably the best thing we could have possibly hoped for for the Hegemony. Not only has this effectively stopped the in-fighting among the castes, but the Great Houses are even willing to listen to each other now...because every last one of them is looking to us for leadership. Their faith in the empire has allowed our power to truly expand. ---- As of today, we are moving forwards with the new initiatives. Specifically, the new Scientific Priority Doctrine and all of the various laws and regulations related to it. With this change in agenda, our people can move forward into a glorious age of new discovery. This dimension affords us new chances previously unimagined to us as a people!
Template:Cargo/codex/Chunk1 (edit) precursorcodex17-codex Careful experimentation reveals that not only do <span style="color:green">the laws of physics</span> operate completely uniquely in this new universe, but also that we are able to <span style="color:#c06500">directly influence</span> these forces without the need for any sort of <span style="color:red">thaumaturgical</span> aid! The potential uses are terrifyingly promising!
Template:Cargo/codex/Chunk1 (edit) precursorcodex5-codex <Translation: First, they did not believe me about <span style="color:red"><unknown></span>. Then they said I was crazy to even think such a creature could exist. And now they are <span style="color:red"><unknown></span> right where I told them to avoid. Twice, in fact. Yet here I sit in this cell, awaiting my death due to <span style="color:red"><unknown></span> lies ---- while they investigate the very thing that I was told could not exist in this reality. <span style="color:red"><unknown></span> the Hegemony! They are fathers of lies, and of deceptions. And now they have doomed our people in their greed. In a way, I suppose it is poetic justice for sticking our nose where it doesn't belong. Science ---- is not meant to know all things. And now our own hubris consumes us forever. If any of my people read this, seek out the cybernetic worlds our forebears created, and join there to flee. Do not fight! They will wipe us out! The Hegemony is wrong, and the proof is staring them in the face!>
Template:Cargo/codex/Chunk1 (edit) precursorcodex6-codex <Translation: We are at war. We have no idea who <span style="color:red"><unknown></span> are or where they came from, but they are a truly horrible race. Their sense of morality is non-existent (perhaps they don't even understand the concept), and the unspeakable atrocities carried out on our people...unimaginable.> ---- <<span style="color:red"><unknown></span>, our most revered General, has fallen in battle. Without his mind, I remain uncertain on how we will achieve victory even with our recent discovery of the <span style="color:red"><unknown></span> technology. Our most dangerous weapons appear to be a mere annoyance to these abominations.> ---- <<span style="color:red"><unknown></span> claimed they were coming. He warned us of their point of origin. We mocked him. We imprisoned him. We sentenced him to death for treason. But he was right. We should have listened. we all die.>
Template:Cargo/codex/Chunk1 (edit) radien11-codex Recently, we discovered a massive hologram depicting canid-looking beast well over the size of a planet, tucked in the remains of one of the X'i ghost towns. It barely functioned, but the Ancient tech was resilient enough to withstand the eons since it was last used. When activated, the giant hologram appeared, animating and depicting this canine creature making a blessing motion over a series of eight worlds. Light left its body to infuse each of these eight worlds, and this action repeated approximately every 60 seconds thereafter until we deactivated the device. We speculate that this is one of the gods they may have worshipped at one point in time. The translation of its name from runes appears to be <span style="color:#c06500">'ORANA'</span>, if the paper from our X'ian friend is accurate. With only this to work with we have little other choice than to assume it is, at the very least, usable. The device itself was found while scavenging through a nearly intact X'ian city (if you can call this place a city...I am not sure how best to name it) composed of strange looping patterns of graphite and cobalt merged together to form myriad structures that towered above like skyscrapers but composed of octogonal 'units' that could very well have been individual apartments. What would have passed for windows at some point were now empty portholes devoid of decoration, allowing us to see inside of these strange compartments without much issue. Covering nearly all of the structures was a thin layer of an ash-like substance that gave everything the appearance of having been burned in a great conflagration in the ancient past. Samples we took soon dispelled that idea, however. No, instead what we had discovered was a thin film of X'ian remains broken down over millenia into nothing but a fine dust. It's sad when you think about it : The collective accomplishments, memories, knowledge, hopes and dreams, children, brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers, dreams and nothing but dust. We explored much of this city, which in total covered more than 30km of territory. Very little was found that could be used or identified due to the fact that the majority of X'ian creations are made *of* X'ians and had long since decayed. As with all previous forays to locate ancient X'ian lore or technology, this trip met with near total failure. Until the last day. You see, we had stumbled onto what appeared to be an arena or stadium (insofar as its shape was concerned). We had prepared to assume it was nothing but a sporting facility until a curious odor struck us. We felt compelled to investigate. Within, a vast field of 'junk' lay, most of it long since decayed. Despite this, a few pieces were intact. One, a statue composed of greenish stone, about the size of a two men. This statue featured a figure of amorphous aquatic nature squatting horribly on a pedestal of sorts. Adorning this statue was a dense script of characters I had not previously seen. Perhaps the ancient language of the X'i? Maybe this figure was one of their deities! The second intact object was a small computer-like device smaller than a Tricorder. While non-functioning, was clearly of X'i design (the familiar vine-like style was apparent). It utilized internal parts for computing that bear no resemblance to anything used in the galactic community. Further study revealed it to be a Protein-based computer. This was a momentous discovery...until it began to decay the second we left orbit. The final object of note was the remains of a single X'i. Resting atop the pile, and clearly killed there, it was unusually intact despite being deceased. Through its torso protruded an enormous spear (length: 3 meters) that anchored it into the refuse pile. It had not reverted to the graphite-like stone typical of their kind, however. It remained pliable as if recently killed. Dating indicated that the figure was more than 200,000 years dead. Upon inspection, the spear returned unusual results: it was made of a strange greenish metal none of us were able to identify. Perhaps whatever this material is prevents the decay of X'i?
Template:Cargo/codex/Chunk1 (edit) radien5-codex July 23rd. Today a X'i offered me a 'sundae'. Flattered, I accepted. She'd given me a bowl of rocks. We have vastly different ideas on what a 'sundae' is. It took breaking three incisors to realize my terrible mistake. It turns out I was misunderstanding their unusual language and was taking a bite out of a rock.
Template:Cargo/codex/Chunk1 (edit) radien8-codex It isn't well known how X'i have access to Ancient-style holograms. They deny the existence of the Cultivator, yet use Ancient technology in their old structures. Perhaps these beings are far, far older than we originally thought and lived alongside Ancients, and know what they were truly like? It is all so exciting. Proving anything, of course, will prove quite difficult given how seldom one encounters a X'i. Finding one that can speak common and is able to recount ancient history is of the highest level of improbability.
Template:Cargo/codex/Chunk1 (edit) randombook12-codex I am forced into speech because men of science have refused to follow my advice without knowing why. It is altogether against my will that I tell my reasons for opposing this contemplated invasion of the antarctic with its vast fossil-hunt and its wholesale boring and melting of the ancient ice-cap—and I am the more reluctant because my warning may be in vain. Doubt of the real facts, as I must reveal them, is inevitable; yet if I suppressed what will seem extravagant and incredible there would be nothing left. ---- The hitherto withheld photographs, both ordinary and aerial, will count in my favour; for they are damnably vivid and graphic. Still, they will be doubted because of the great lengths to which clever fakery can be carried. The ink drawings, of course, will be jeered at as obvious impostures; notwithstanding a strangeness of technique which art experts ought to remark and puzzle over. ---- In the end I must rely on the judgment and standing of the few scientific leaders who have, on the one hand, sufficient independence of thought to weigh my data on its own hideously convincing merits or in the light of certain primordial and highly baffling myth-cycles; and on the other hand, sufficient influence to deter the exploring world in general from any rash and overambitious programme in the region of those mountains of madness. It is an unfortunate fact that relatively obscure men like myself and ---- my associates, connected only with a small university, have little chance of making an impression where matters of a wildly bizarre or highly controversial nature are concerned.
Template:Cargo/codex/Chunk1 (edit) randombook14-codex This document is only meant to be viewed by U.S.C.M bio-engineering staff of classification level 5 or higher. In the events this document is read by other eyes, it is meant to be destroyed. If you, are reading this, without being of any classification, you are about to uncover some truths. ---- 09 - 4 - XX,05:00 AM A product case was suggested to the head of the leading science and recreation division of the science outpost, the location of which is disclosed to anyone without a direct invitation to the facility, or with means to contact them otherwise. Dr. V. was asked to conduct advisory roles for the development of project Termite Hill, ---- for the U.S.C.M. Termite hill is a classified project, but as this is a final report on the matter, I will be honest. We tried to make humans more disposable as before, by making - imperfect - clones. Clones close to humankind but in multiple ways genetically different so those soldiers would not be able to be traced back to us, nor mankind. An elite ---- task force, with no name, no past, no future. Production went well. 22 - 6 - XX The production passed its testing phase with flying colors, the clones were brought up from infantile sizes to full-grown produce. Trained in black ops combat, and tested against small villages of hostile alien species. Most of which unknown to the united federation of ---- space inhabitants. Those that are known are the [REDACTED]. 13 - 7 - XX Dr. V was disclosed from the project at his request, every involvement is erased and any technology provided reproduced. As such, efficiency in productivity dropped by 22%. But it was a sacrifice we were willing to take. Dr. V never spoke a word about it since. ---- 08 - 8 - XX Our badly reproduced machinery have created a heat-signature strong enough to pass through our reinforced walls of the underground base on planet [REDACTED] - A Floran Armada picked up on the signature and invaded, making short work of the unprepared minimal security force, and several of the scientists on the work floor. Only a handful, including ---- myself, escaped with our lives, and only minor injuries. We lost the project and our facility to the Florans that very day. ---- Present Day We have seen that several new food items have been universally spread by Floran distributors. Prepared human-like faces, and baby-heads on a stick. The baby heads have an exact match with the scrambled DNA sequence we had given the clones. It is clear what happened to our facility, and its clear what the Floran have turned it into. To this day, no-one has linked it back to humankind, nor the U.S.C.M
Template:Cargo/codex/Chunk1 (edit) randombook4-codex Reading through historical documents has revealed an astonishing truth: The Ancients were an artificial race, built from energized stone and often stationed as sentries. We can't be sure who or what made them, but we are one hundred percent certain they did not simply come about from nowhere. No, these stone goliaths were built by hand, designed to replicate themselves and protect their creators. ---- We even found prototype blueprints in these texts. This is a huge game changer! Our entire view on these mysterious beings has been flipped upside down. Now a greater question remains... where did they go?
Template:Cargo/codex/Chunk1 (edit) randombook6-codex Some believe they came from elsewhere. Another universe, subspace...whatever. I say nonsense to this. Nonsense! Only the Pure can come from beyond! Precursors are unholy abominations. Enablers of the Ancients. Slayers of Worlds. A pox upon their kind! A pox of our design. ---- Instead, turn your attention to those who came before, and gaze upon their spendour as they gnash and devour the order of things and give rise to the glorious cadence cast by absolute entropy. True chaos. Smile, and be reborn as they wipe clean your mortal mind. Be laid bare before their might and have all that you were before purged! Let Them change you. ---- First, you must gather the artifacts and drive them into the Cazl Tide. There they will grow and become the Devourer. Only then can you birth the Watcher from the stygian blackness beyond time and space. Through him, we will be torn asunder...and the death of the universe will give rise to a new one. Its newborn form, however, is fragile. ---- To protect the Stillborn God, you must call upon the cleansing power of Yaz'guul and drench the bones of Uniadelz'ik in the rendered fat of a Diluvian. Should no Diluvians remain in existence, instead you must locate a place known as Maine, on a planet known as Earth. There you shall find a town known as Innsmouth. Seek the temple. The blood of Dagon is required. ---- With the blood secured, then you must drink of it under the light of a Reinkarrd moon. Sadly, these occur only within the event horizon of black holes sufficiently aged. Should you locate one, you may proceed to the next step...[well over 2,000 pages remain. The first half of this process ends on page 800. Reading more would be pointless].
Template:Cargo/codex/Chunk1 (edit) skathfallenfortress-codex Recent discussion has led me to believe that the answer to the Skath problem and the Thelusian problem is one and the same. I suggest we find a way to encourage a war between these two species in order to reduce their surplus populations, lest we all suffer the consequences of unchecked growth. We will otherwise choke on their numbers. ---- I realize it is not moral. I also am quite aware that it is necessary, whether we like it or not. I have no urge to wake up next week facing a ten-trillion strong Thelusian fleet in need of food. Do you? Imagine what could happen if left to their own devices? We'd face annihilation at best...slavery at the worst. There is no winning in the face of such numbers.
Template:Cargo/codex/Chunk1 (edit) skathhistory5-codex With the discovery of Plasma, our weaponry became extraordinary deadly. All non-scientific vessels were recalled and assembled into a single massive fleet. A guardian to ward off aggression. We were ready for another attack, should anyone try to invade us again. ---- But after we felt safe, our scanners detected a tiny fleet traveling across one of our colonized systems. They weren't one of us and besides...some people were curious about who these interlopers were. A large portion of Skathkind was afraid that these might be Valorian remnants. Thus a huge mistake was made: The mysterious fleet was shot down by Admiral Yethix. ---- After that, everything escalated quickly and we soon found ourselves in open conflict with a new race. These ones called themselves 'Hylotl'. It was, thankfully, short. Another government called the 'Terrene Protectorate' made contact and intervined to stop hostilities. ---- Even many years later, relations remain sour between Hylotl and ourselves, and there is little we can hope for in regards to making amends anytime soon. Not that we have to, really. We have no treaties with them nor any desire for trade with this Protectorate.
Template:Cargo/codex/Chunk1 (edit) skathhistory6-codex We prefer to remain isolated whenever possible, away from the prying eyes of other species. At least, that was my understanding of things. The Council, unfortunately, appears to have other plans for the galaxy. Just last week I received word that Veilak Tiss (yes, the assassin responsible for Gressvels demise) was being activated to help with matters directly. ---- No indication was given as to what exactly that meant, but if Tiss is involved there is most certainly death following not far behind her. And that's just one agent. Undoubtedly our 'benign' leadership has seen to it that we have dozens active at any point, and it is my personal belief that they are attempting to strengthen the League for open hostilities with ---- the forces of the Protectorate now that they are at their weakest. A homeworld -obliterated-, and our council wants to attack them after such a tragedy? Unthinkable. They should instead remember what happened to *our* world after an invasion. I cannot stand this scum any longer. You can bet that they have waited centuries to play this card, and the time is ripe.
Template:Cargo/codex/Chunk1 (edit) skathwarcodex3-codex Article 5, Paragraph 21. About the use of Weapons of Mass Destruction It is not permitted to use any kind of weapons of mass destruction outside of war. This includes orbital bombardment, the use of energy projectors or plasma bombs. Such an incident will result in the dismissal and expulsion of the leading General, Commander or Admiral. Participants of the incident will also be punished.
Template:Cargo/codex/Chunk1 (edit) slime2-codex First my beloved Steven lapses into a coma. For three months, nothing but worry! The doctors didn't know what the hell was wrong, and I just had to sit there waiting. Then, he wakes up babbling nonsense...or rather 'Greg gregga greg' over and over again! Then he passes painfully...but what came next was worse! ---- We thought the lifeform was dormant. The lab techs had it in a vat near the second Steven passed on it just...ripped through the glass like it was nothing! It latched right onto his body! Some foul thing lashed out, penetrated his head...and then he...he.....HE STOOD UP! ---- But it wasn't Steven anymore. Not even remotely. The language was all different, and his whole body was coated with this...gross goop. I begged them to kill it, to burn it...but the doctors just stared! And then one tranquilized Steven and...and then me. I don't know how I got back to Earth but that's where I was when I woke up. ---- What did they do with my Steven? Where did he go? What was that thing?
Template:Cargo/codex/Chunk1 (edit) slimepersondiaryINFO-codex Created as a means to clean up battlefields, as the very nature of such a cleanup in a multi-species Republic is complex due to the variety of ailments that are capable of cross-species infection. ---- The virus was once a simple organism, but mutated and gained sentience. At this point it becomes an aggressive prion capable of quantum relocation across dimensional wavelengths through sheer luck. Infecting people, it becomes known as GREG-771 ---- Mutating further, it gets loose. Upon its final mutation it begins to breed sentient parasites. These infect a host corpse, and latch onto its cerebellum as they mature. Once reaching maturty, the Parasite enters a pupae stage and forms a cocoon within the corpse. ---- It devours the corpse during this transition, leaving behind a slimey outline matching that of the original host. Once this host corpse is digested, the Symbiote is birthed from the slime sack as a fully mature slime. ---- These are immediately taken in by elder variants who teach them of their new lives and civilization, as their brains are fresh and new. They are fully capable of adult human reflexes from birth. ---- These new beings are in no way related to the original prion infection. They are not invaders...they simply are born from misery. The poor dears.
Template:Cargo/codex/Chunk1 (edit) thelusian1-codex Very little is known of the social structure of the Thelusians, as they permit no living being not of their own Hive Brood into the hive. Quite literally anything else entering will be immediately killed and devoured without any attempt at diplomacy. This strong protection instinct has kept their kind alive for billions of years, and contributed heavily to their reputation.
Template:Cargo/codex/Chunk1 (edit) thelusian2-codex The Thelusians are not known as such to their own kind. Their language is completely unusable by other known spacefaring races due to their unique vocalizations. While they can mimic the speech of other races, it will never sound right and always contain a sort of buzzing-tick.
Template:Cargo/codex/Chunk1 (edit) thelusian5-codex We know of several breeds of Thelusian. The most common, seen all over the galaxy now, are Workers. They explore, collect and collate data for the Hive Queen. Warriors are second most common, and are typically found in mercenary companies or employed by wealthy clients. ---- Then, you have Drones who have one single function: Breed. They are expendable and left to die at the end of every breeding cycle outside of the hive. Finally, the Queen rules the roost. We don't know if there is a single queen for all Thelusians or if each hive has a unique Queen. They aren't telling, and we've no way to know otherwise.
Template:Cargo/codex/Chunk1 (edit) veluuish3-codex The Vel'uuish homeworld is inhabited mostly by Kir'vat, and is used as a massive store for the knowledge that they have gathered over the time that their race has existed. The Vat'iish, naturally, stay away from the homeworld as much as possible, although in times of great emergency, they willreturn home to offer their strength should it be needed, for a price. ---- The Kir'vat hope that one day the Vat'iish will see that there is strength in unity, and as such do not resent the Vat'iish for their prickly nature. Until then, they are content to exist in relative safety, knowing that despite their differences the Vat'iish are reliant on them in order to survive: who else is going to make the weapons and prepare the food rations?
Template:Cargo/codex/Chunk1 (edit) wagner2-codex MacReady has been acting strange lately. I can't place my finger on it, but ever since that...thing...fell under his operating knife he's changed. It's unsettling. I think it may be in his eyes. It's almost as if he sees you and...knows you in ways he shouldn't. He even made comments on events in my life he wasn't present for. ---- We found one of the dogs this morning. It had been strung up and vivisected. Its organs were in a neat pile beside it on the floor, stacked to resemble that malign aberration we found in the ice. I suspect MacReady, but nobody has seen him leave his lab in three days. ---- MacReady joined us for breakfast this morning, though all of us were more than a bit unsettled. There were noticable changes in his behavior, especially in regards to social communication. When asked to stop behaving strangely, he savagely lunged at Doakes and attempted to bite him. We had to restrain him to inject him with a sedative. ---- We've confined MacReady to the labs. He's totally lost it. We'd rather risk locking him in the lab with that...thing...than have him trying to attack us. It's safer for everyone this way, and allows us a limited measure of control during this unusual period. ---- We all agreed that I should investigate beyond where we found the thing in the ice. We need to determine if there is anything more to this strangeness beyond the nearby cliffs. I'll need a <span style="color:#c06500">grappling hook of some sort</span> to make any real progress. I'll have Doakes whip one up for me.
Template:Cargo/codex/Chunk1 (edit) war1-codex An extremely long and drawn out accounting of an ancient war fought by two long-forgotten races. It appears that this entire war was based solely on the misappropriation of four muffins and a pound of baking flour. This somehow takes 11,456 pages to accomplish.
Template:Cargo/codex/Chunk2 (edit) atropusbiome-codex Little is known of what have been dubbed 'Atropus' worlds. The reference to atrophy is apt, for the innate strangeness of these celestial bodies cause murmurs of fear in every known species inhabiting the galaxy. Many theorize these fleshy worlds are sapient. Preposterous, but people will always be superstitious. Still, one must give credit where it is due: These places are unsettling. ---- The stench can only be tolerated for so long. Eventually the rankness permeates even the most adequate protections. At that point it becomes almost impossible to keep a mask on. Involuntarily, you will eventually try to pry it off, despite knowing the air makes you crazy. The team has dubbed it 'the meat fever' and it is liable to be the death of us if care is not taken.
Template:Cargo/codex/Chunk2 (edit) blackbook3k-codex Some moons will fall, answering the Call. Balance their mass; by twos shalt thou pass.
Template:Cargo/codex/Chunk2 (edit) cultarmorpantsbook-codex ...and that, my friend, is why the Hounds of Tindalos are not to be treated like a puppy. Anyhow, I rambled off again. Get yourself your five Nocxium Bars, and Unknown Reactor and a Trapezohedron and you'll have the finest lower-robe a cultist could hope for!
Template:Cargo/codex/Chunk2 (edit) elder_research1-codex Day 456 - Wagner came back from the dig site very excited today. It seems he found something while digging for core samples in the ice. I await the specimen for study. It's likely nothing interesting. ---- Day 457 - Autopsy Report: The specimen, which I cannot name at present, is not a match to anything I have ever before seen in my travels or studies. No terms produce results when searched. Whatever it is, its organs are quite different from ours. I can't even fathom their purpose. ---- Day 461 - I don't think it's dead. At least, not in any way I can quantify as likely. The cells regenerate far too fast to be anything less than miraculous, and no amount of damage seems to fully eradicate them. I'm in awe of this lifeform. ---- Day 462 - I didn't do the thing they say I did. That dog wasn't from me. I it. In any case, I can't locate the corpse. It vanished. Then it autopsied the dog like I did to it. I hope it left. I really, really do. ---- Day 469 - I've been locked in here for days now. Almost out of food. And I think I may be food myself fairly soon. The leftover specimen, a few cells at the time, is now moving around like some sort of freakish worm. It gets larger by the hour. I don't know what to do. The only thing left is to freeze it again. ---- Day 470 - I'd frozen the specimen and all was well. And then Wagner returned from his expedition beyond the mountain. And he brought more of...them. There's nothing I can do now but try the wards I've been getting in my head. I'll need blood. Simmons will do. He's infected anyway.
Template:Cargo/codex/Chunk2 (edit) elder_research2-codex Apparently, this specimen is infectious. I have come down with a strange sickness I cannot detect in my cells. It's changing me somehow, and I don't think I like it. I won't tell the others, though. The last thing we need is a panic with everything else already going on. I'm sure it'll be fine.
Template:Cargo/codex/Chunk2 (edit) elderbladebook-codex Should you wish to vanquish the enemies of the true faith by blade, you need pay homage at His altar. Place a Tome, a Celaeno Fragment and five Blade Shards upon it and pray for his wrath.
Template:Cargo/codex/Chunk2 (edit) eldergrapplerbook-codex ...and by properly combining these artifacts, you'll be able to grapple with amazing ease and throw yourself long distances: An Elder Artifact, an Unknown Reactor and an Elder Fragment. Be sure to utter the prayer correctly. The gutteral language is difficult but accuracy is survival, in this case.
Template:Cargo/codex/Chunk2 (edit) elderripperbook-codex One Elder Artifact, one Rune Wand and one Elder Core can be combined into a strange sort of bio-energy weapon with terrifying interdimensional capabilities.
Template:Cargo/codex/Chunk2 (edit) elduukhar1-codex <Written in Eld'uukharic script, this draconic guide informs the user on the best method of growing various crystals to what it describes as 'most holy perfection'.
Template:Cargo/codex/Chunk2 (edit) elduukhar10-codex Eld'uukhar choose a mate for life, and when a life mate is chosen, the couple must ask to be blessed in a temple by a priest representing Sahkris, and a priestess representing Ahvis. In order to gain this blessing, each consume one half of a Rasiline crystal - which has similar chemical properties to Exonite - and if they can endure the hallucinations that follow, they can continue with the ceremony.
Template:Cargo/codex/Chunk2 (edit) elduukhar5-codex I took a trip recently to the Eld'uukhar inhabited planet in the system Magna Ilo to trade for a few crystals. The cities of this planet were just as opulent as I had heard, buildings crafted from crystal and gold, towering spires that touched the sky. Their temples were a sight to behold. I did not venture inside out of respect for the worshippers ---- but I'd imagine the inside to be just as beautiful. Despite the wonders I have seen there, I have left that planet with a feeling of unease. I had taken a wrong turn and found myself in a sector that seemed to be abandoned. The temples that I had seen were here also, but as piles of dirty rubble, and banners embroidered with a symbol I had not seen before were laid torn and ruined on the ground. ---- I came to what could only be described as a slum. Male Eld'uukhar dressed in rags were huddled by clusters of Thanatite crystal to keep warm, horribly thin from a lack of food. Haunted, I left that place quickly, and the planet soon after. I doubt I'll be making another trip.
Template:Cargo/codex/Chunk2 (edit) elduukhar8-codex The head of the council is chosen once every ten years through this method, a male one decade, and a female the next. It is considered their divine right to rule, and their word sways the entire races' social/economic development for the next ten years. In more recent times, this has been abused, and the current head of the temple council - Ka'tir Upitah - intends to keep her rule until she eventually dies, claiming to be a direct messenger from the deity Ahvis.
Template:Cargo/codex/Chunk2 (edit) extraalienjungle1-codex                            ----                   
Template:Cargo/codex/Chunk2 (edit) extraavianhydro1-codex It is strange to build a temple so far into the water away from the sky, but it must be done. Filtering the seawater of this planet is the only expedient way to acquire the necessary resources for the project. ---- The necessity might be there, but the damp and salt make maintenance a chore. There's always something to replace or repair. That's not to mention the seawater weakening the mortar of the walls. ---- It would be a shame to let this place fall into disrepair when we're done here, but the upkeep is simply too much for it to be justified.
Template:Cargo/codex/Chunk2 (edit) fenerox10-codex First we are not believing more than one ape is having enough think to make ships for space. And then we is meeting Human. Human is...different. Not Apex scary murder. More...sneaky? Not trust, because using teeth to make many gestures. Also, too much chest and leg muscles. Not normal. ---- Humans still quite interesting, despite muscles and teeth-display for happy. Humans generally treat nice. One said we as people is 'cute'. Unsure what this means, but assume is respect sign. He then pet me under chin. I like pets under chin. But why is human attempt mating ritual with me? Is wanting baby-make with foreign species? Is human do this? Why? ---- Also, human seem to not care what place is living in. Always adapts. Puts on many layers, walks into danger without think. Somehow survive and be stronger. Respect. But also fear.
Template:Cargo/codex/Chunk2 (edit) fenerox13-codex Met today for first time, puke-person. Yes, reading that right. Slimey, blobby puke that has talking parts and is thinking. Sense? None. But still happens. Kirhos not told us there was talking vomit. First time us is meeting new races that not wonder about flavor. No one eat vomit. Is not food.
Template:Cargo/codex/Chunk2 (edit) fenerox19-codex Nope. That is new word from Human. Nope. Is mean 'no' but sound nicer. Using to describe new race we met. X'i. Is radiation with rock skin. Can release seeds like poop, and use to make things. But standing near is unwise, we are thinking. They is eating poison glow rods for food. Remember on homeworld when Yassh Vix did, and died from lumpy growths on body? No eating of poison glow rods. Yet X'i not sick and die. Is instead get better from. Not trust. ---- Also, X'i is not speaking like any other race. Hard understand, which means not trust because cannot make deal. Kirhos is saying deal always mark of trust. No trust. Glow people with plant feces not good. Avoid.
Template:Cargo/codex/Chunk2 (edit) fenerox8-codex Fenerox people dislike fish. Savannah not really have fish, or many of lizurds and amfibyuns. Not understand how horrifying monster from water places is having thinking brains. Even more surprise: Hylotl is -really- thinky. Always thinking. Using lots of words and writings to explain things. Annoying. ---- Mostly, Hylotl scary. Avoid if can, because them will talk, and when them does their three eyes do watching. Ever been watch by *three* eyes? No? Shiver-scare always. Also, eyes not really blink normal like mammal eyes. Instead, is soul-empty and horror. Avoid! Fish men keep to seas, so is easy.
Template:Cargo/codex/Chunk2 (edit) ffguide-codex This guide will brief you on what you need to know to play with Frackin' Universe effectively. You need to keep in mind that a lot of the default play of Starbound has been altered by many aspects of the mod. <span style="color:blue">--------------------------------------------------</span> <span style="color:#aaaa00">The Tricorder - Your Best Friend: </span><span style="color:blue">--------------------------------------------------</span> This device is the <span style="color:#008888">singlemost useful item in your inventory</span> at any time. It provides access to the <span style="color:#c06500">Research System</span>, along with numerous other functions accessed via the icons on its screen. It also has the following additional functions: <span style="color:green">Right Mouse Button</span> - Accesses the Quest tracker. This will provide you access to the FU tutorials and a wealth of useful rewards. It's well worth your time. <span style="color:green">Shift + Click</span> - Accesses the Configuration menu. Through this you can customize your Matter Manipulator output, and can even swap your own chosen tools into slots normally occupied by the paintbrush, wire tool, etc. Very handy. Using this, you can make the Tricorder a permanent hotkey item! <span style="color:blue">--------------------------------------------------</span> <span style="color:#008888">Research? What do you mean, Research?</span> <span style="color:blue">--------------------------------------------------</span> FrackinUniverse now introduces a progression overhaul we've called the <span style="color:#c06500">Research System</span>. Accessed through your <span style="color:#c06500">Personal Tricorder</span>, <span style="color:#c06500">SAIL Computer</span> or <span style="color:#c06500">Quickbar</span> , it is the sole means by which you learn new blueprints for crafting. To unlock new blueprints you'll need resources as well as the important currency known as <span style="color:green">Research</span>. Through this system, you'll be able to custom-tailor the new unlocks you want and in the order you choose to pursue them. You gain <span style="color:green">Research</span> at a rate of 1 every second, passively, as long as you are playing. This rate increases by +1 per planet tier. Thus, a Threat 6 planet will provide 7 total passive gain. You can also gain <span style="color:green">Research</span> through other means, including: <span style="color:#008888">Laptops and Data Centers</span> <span style="color:#008888">Fossil Collection</span> <span style="color:#008888">Microscopes</span> <span style="color:#008888">Having high Madness</span> <span style="color:#008888">Certain armor and gear</span> <span style="color:green">Protheon / 10</span> (to a maximum of +10) In short, play and experiment and you'll get all the research you need. <span style="color:red">NOTE: Research gain slows down while you are not exploring. AFK collection to easy-mode progression will not work.</span>. If you have unlocked things that <span style="color:red">should</span> appear at a station but do not seem to: Be sure you have <span style="color:#c06500">upgraded</span> the station. That still needs to be done to create higher-tier items. <span style="color:blue">--------------------------------------------------</span> <span style="color:#008888">What the heck is Protheon</span> <span style="color:blue">--------------------------------------------------</span> A rare currency resource, it will allow you to procure tons of Research by converting it at certain shops or processes. It can affect you in other ways when amassed, however, allowing you to work Madness off at a much faster rate (especially in an Insta-Freud) as well as increase your Research gain rates. Obtaining this Protheon resource will require artifacts and luck. <span style="color:blue">--------------------------------------------------</span> <span style="color:#008888">Racial Abilities</span> <span style="color:blue">--------------------------------------------------</span> Each of the various species in the FU universe has different gameplay mechanics. Some are more resistant to fire, while others might have special powers or are really good with swords. This provides players with many new gameplay options. <span style="color:#aaaa00">I don't want to play with racial abilities</span>! You can enable and disable racial abilities from within your <span style="color:#c06500">ship SAIL computer</span>. Simply access it, press the <span style="color:green">[ MISC ] </span>button and choose to disable the option. <span style="color:blue">--------------------------------------------------</span> <span style="color:#008888">Special Techs</span> <span style="color:blue">--------------------------------------------------</span> <span style="color:#c06500">Tech Usage Costs</span> Certain techs in FU consume Food instead of Energy, if applicable, to a certain threshold. Past that threshold, they will drain Energy, and in some cases health! <span style="color:#c06500">Directional/Cursor Aim Techs</span>: These techs are used with <span style="color:green">Head Tech Key</span>, either tapped or held. <span style="color:#c06500">Directional Aim Techs</span> are aimed by holding <span style="color:green">movement keys</span> and can fire in 8 different directions! To aim straight up or down hold the <span style="color:green">Walk</span> key. In FU, these techs use Directional Aim: Hunter/Razor/Miner Claw. <span style="color:#c06500">Cursor Aim Techs</span> need no fancy keys, and simply fire toward your cursor! In FU, these techs use Cursor Aim: Psychic/Shard Blast, Acid Spit. Additionally, Shard Blast allows a fully randomized spread by holding <span style="color:green">Walk</span>, while Acid Spit will fire a tile destroying glob instead of a caustic missile. <span style="color:#c06500">Tech Scaling</span>: Certain techs scale with your stats! Some are listed here for convenience. <span style="color:#c06500">Shadowborne</span>: Scales with Max Energy. <span style="color:#c06500">Acid Spit</span>: Scale with Bonus Health. Caustic missile deals DoT damage, tile destroyer deals damage and lasts longer. <span style="color:#c06500">Miner Claws</span>: Scales with current Food level. <span style="color:#c06500">Psychic Blast</span>: Scales with Max Energy and Defense. <span style="color:#c06500">Razor</span>/<span style="color:#c06500">Hunter Claws</span>: Hunting damage that scales with Max Health, Power and current Food level. <span style="color:#c06500">Elduu'khar Burst</span>, <span style="color:#c06500">Shard Blast</span>, <span style="color:#c06500">Dragonfire</span>: Scale with Max Energy, Defense and current Food level. <span style="color:blue">--------------------------------------------------</span> <span style="color:#008888">Combat</span> <span style="color:blue">--------------------------------------------------</span> See FU Guide: Battle <span style="color:blue">--------------------------------------------------</span> <span style="color:#008888">Mechs</span> <span style="color:blue">--------------------------------------------------</span> Mechs are not the same as you're used to in Starbound. They now <span style="color:red">require fuel</span>, and can be refueled with many types. In addition, they have separate Health from their Fuel/Energy bar. The end result is a much more useful vehicle that can extend mining trips and greatly improve survivability in harsh environments. Mechs now <span style="color:green">calculate their Mass</span>. <span style="color:#008888">Heavier</span> mechs are able to <span style="color:green">stomp and do massive damage</span> to the ground as well as having better armor. <span style="color:#008888">Light</span> mechs are <span style="color:green">much faster</span> and have vastly <span style="color:green">improved fuel efficiency</span>. Your mech can <span style="color:green">Sprint</span> by double-tapping <span style="color:#008888">A</span> or <span style="color:#008888">D</span>. Your mech can switch to <span style="color:green">Flight Mode</span> by double-tapping <span style="color:#008888">W</span>. There are dozens of new types of mech part, including Mech Modules. These act like Augments for your Mech and can allow a great amount of customization. There's a mech part for your playstyle. Refuel or Re-equip your mech through your <span style="color:#c06500">Personal Tricorder</span>. <span style="color:blue">--------------------------------------------------</span> <span style="color:#008888">Status Effects</span> <span style="color:blue">--------------------------------------------------</span> FrackinUniverse adds a <span style="color:green">great number</span> of new Status Effects, beneficial and harmful, that can affect characters and monsters alike. Most can be resisted or ignored with the proper equipment. Part of the experience is learning how to survive in new environments through experimentation and ingenuity, and strategizing your <span style="color:#c06500">Research</span> around it. <span style="color:blue">--------------------------------------------------</span> <span style="color:#008888">Madness</span> <span style="color:blue">--------------------------------------------------</span> Another form of currency in FrackinUniverse. It can be gained from many actions (most commonly the bizarre or terrifying) but will also fade away with time. The more <span style="color:#e43774">Madness</span> you possess, the greater the negative effects you experience. Carrying around terrifying things in your bag can also result in gaining <span style="color:#e43774">Madness</span> over time. Pay attention if SAIL warns you of this. There are more than 50 possible effects of <span style="color:#e43774">Madness</span>. <span style="color:#aaaa00">How do I lose madness?</span> Spending your <span style="color:#e43774">Madness</span> on <span style="color:green">Research</span> in <span style="color:#c06500">Metaphysics</span> Ship Counsellor Crewmates <span style="color:#c06500">Instafreud</span> machines, when sat in, will rapidly consume madness. <span style="color:green">Protheon / 10</span> (to a maximum of -10) <span style="color:blue">--------------------------------------------------</span> <span style="color:#008888">Genes</span> <span style="color:blue">--------------------------------------------------</span> This currency replaced the <span style="color:red">33 separate Gene items</span> used from 2014-2020. Now, a singular form of <span style="color:green">Gene</span> is used, making tracking your totals much easier and giving you more than 30 less resources to store. <span style="color:green">Genes</span> are used for <span style="color:#c06500">Agriculture</span> and <span style="color:#c06500">Genetics</span>. You can trade in your current genes for the new currency by simply placing them into a Xeno Lab or Sprouting Table. <span style="color:blue">--------------------------------------------------</span> <span style="color:#008888">BYOS (Build your own Ship)</span> <span style="color:blue">--------------------------------------------------</span> In FrackinUniverse, you can create your own ship from the ground up. This system means you no longer need to purchase Ship Upgrades, as any expansion is done by yourself. You'll also need to craft your own engines and will be able to craft special equipment to benefit your ship. Note that if you select BYOS mode at character creation, this choice is permanent. At Character Creation, you can select <span style="color:#008888">Frackin Ship</span> or <span style="color:#008888">Vanilla Ship</span>. The Frackin Ship is the BYOS option. Once you make this choice, you're given options for starting ship configurations. Once they make this choice, they begin play like usual. Crew use special rules on these ships: You can use <span style="color:#c06500">Crew Deeds</span>, which follow the same rules as <span style="color:#c06500">Colony Deeds</span> (Walls, Door, Lights, Bed) <span style="color:red"> -or- </span> you can opt to use <span style="color:#c06500">Crew Beds</span> if quick-and-dirty with little planning is more your style. You can <span style="color:red">not</span> use both a <span style="color:#c06500">Crew Deed</span> and <span style="color:#c06500">Crew Bed</span> together in the same room. There is a hard-cap of 12 crew. Mods that increase crew limits likely will not operate properly with BYOS. BYOS ships have additional options in construction, namely better engines and thrusters that can prove useful in exploration. <span style="color:red">'Help, I have BYOS lag!' </span> or <span style="color:#aaaa00">I don't want atmosphere effects on my ship</span>! BYOS has an atmosphere mode you can enable and disable from within your <span style="color:#c06500">ship SAIL computer</span>. Simply access it, press the <span style="color:green">[ MISC ] </span>button and choose to disable the option. <span style="color:blue">--------------------------------------------------</span> <span style="color:#008888">Swimming</span> <span style="color:blue">--------------------------------------------------</span> Swimming operates differently than you're used to: Swim : <span style="color:#aaaa00">W A S D</span> Jump Out : <span style="color:green">hold </span><span style="color:#aaaa00">W</span><span style="color:green"> , press </span><span style="color:#aaaa00">Spacebar</span>. It will take you a bit to get used to it, but the end result is a much easier control experience. Note that not all liquids provide buoyancy like water or other similar fluids. In these liquids, or within gases, physics can behave quite different than expected. <span style="color:blue">--------------------------------------------------</span> <span style="color:#aaaa00">The Frackin Wiki </span><span style="color:blue">--------------------------------------------------</span> If you need the help of a Wiki, use our <span style="color:#008888">official wiki</span> here: <span style="color:green"></span> <span style="color:red">Do not</span> use the Fandom wiki. It is horribly outdated.
Template:Cargo/codex/Chunk2 (edit) ffguide3-codex In addition to stats normally present in Starbound, FU adds a host of its own as well. They are detailed within this guide for easy access later. <span style="color:green">Charisma</span> - When shopping on FU space stations, Charisma helps you to make a profit by influencing <span style="color:#008888">Selling and Buying</span> values. A high charisma means a high income ratio! Note that this only applies on Space Station trades and their related Kiosks for the time being. As a special note, every 33% charisma will allow you to bring an additional crewmember with you in the field. Be warned, penalties to charisma can have the opposite effect! <span style="color:green">Stun Chance</span> - With blunt weapons, each critical hit has a chance to stun enemies. Likewise with successful shieldbashes. This stat influences the chance that this stun will occur. <span style="color:green">Shieldbash Chance</span> - When blocking with your shield, you have a chance to shieldbash. This stat influences the chances that the bash succeeds. <span style="color:green">Shieldbash Push</span> - How far a shieldbash will push an enemy, and how much damage it will inflict when successful. <span style="color:green">Tech Bonus</span> - There are various types of Tech Bonus. These will be listed when relevant. Any such bonus will influence techs. For example 'Jump Tech +25%' increase the efficiency of any Jump related techs by that amount. <span style="color:green">Weapon Mastery</span> - Occasionally you'll find gear that can grant 'Weapon Mastery' at different levels. Weapon Mastery provides additional benefits to particular weapons. <span style="color:green">Crit Chance</span> - The likelihood that you will score a successful critical attack with your weapon. Note that this can be a stat on both you -and- on a weapon. They will combine. <span style="color:green">Crit Damage Bonus</span> - The total bonus applied, in percentage, to critical damage strikes. <span style="color:green">Leech</span> - A form of healing that is unaffected by normal healing modifiers. This healing is divided over a duration (10 seconds at base); +10% leech means you will heal up to 1% of your health per second for 10 seconds per instance. <span style="color:green">Maximum Leech</span> - The maximum amount of healing you can have at a time, from leech. The default is 10%; from all leech instances you will not be able to heal more than 10% of your health per second. <span style="color:#e43774">Madness</span> - A measurement of your current sanity. The higher the value, the crazier you are. More than 50 effects can occur from madness, and not all are bad. You can spend Madness in the <span style="color:#e43774">Metaphysics Research Tree</span>. <span style="color:blue">--------------------------------------------------</span> <span style="color:#aaaa00">The Frackin Wiki </span><span style="color:blue">--------------------------------------------------</span> If you need the help of a Wiki, use our <span style="color:#008888">official wiki</span> here: <span style="color:green"></span> <span style="color:red">Do not</span> use the Fandom wiki. It is horribly outdated.
Template:Cargo/codex/Chunk2 (edit) ffguide6-codex FrackinUniverse adds a large amount of armors (and foods) and enhances some older ones, allowing for a greater variety of playstyles. These can be very useful through gameplay and provide exceptionally useful benefits! <span style="color:#c06500">Stats</span> : Vanilla players may notice there are more than they are used to, and even the ones they are used to have different ranges. FU presents a wider variety of armor classes to spice up your play, and does the same with food. If you are more interested in damage, pick up Power armor or hyper power armor to trade defensive stats for offensive ones. Alternatively, pick up Tank or Power Tank sets to outlast your enemy. They come in melee OR ranged! Fighting not quite your thing? Pick up an Exploration oriented set, and be at home in your environment! You're guaranteed to locate a set that suits your playstyle somewhere out there! <span style="color:#c06500">Resistances</span> : Many armors in FU come with inherent resistances. Many biome weather effects will simply stop affecting you once you hit an appropriate amount, and various enemy attacks will do less damage. Nifty, right? It gets better; upgrade your armor, and those resistances will increase! <span style="color:#c06500">Bonuses</span> : Most are increases to your stats, plenty are conditional. Any that say <span style="color:green">+value</span> are typically additive increases. It can be a little confusing, however. As example: if it gives +<span style="color:green">3</span>% Crit Chance it increases your crit chance by a flat 3%, but if it says +<span style="color:green">3</span>% Energy Regen, that's 3% of your base. The easiest way to remember is to ask yourself...does it have a base of 0? If so, it likely is like Crit Chance! If a bonus says x<span style="color:green">1.3</span>, or <span style="color:green">More</span>, that's a multiplier on the value you currently have. Have 1000% Damage somehow? 100% More (or 2x) would make it 2000%! Small note: Regen is usually per second. Of course, some bonuses have hidden components we couldn't easily include, for tooltip space. Additionally, there are some other phrase uses to note. If a set bonus states that it grants immunity to <span style="color:green">ALL</span> of a related effect, that typically means all biome weather <span style="color:#c06500">as well as</span> specific status effects related to that element. For heat, that includes burning and even lava! For radiation, that includes rad-burn. As a small side-note, some terms or symbols are used loosely. If you see a bonus with x/y, that means the bonuses are different based on how their conditions are met. For weapons, this means how many of that type. If you see something like (Machine) Pistols, that means the bonus applies to Machine Pistols OR Pistols. This is typically done for tooltip space. <span style="color:#008888">Mining Sets</span> : Mining laser sets grant a lot more mining laser damage...but that bonus is reduced significantly if you are pairing them with something else. Using a mining laser with a pistol, as example: 2x Mining Laser Damage becomes 1.25x. <span style="color:#c06500">Colors</span>: Colors are important in identifying and understanding bonuses. To start with, set bonuses are identified by a • , while a <span style="color:green"> • is only visible in crafting interfaces to display resistances. If a bonus stat is </span><span style="color:green">GREEN</span>, that means it is a good thing. <span style="color:red">RED</span> means it is a bad thing. <span style="color:#008888">Cyan</span> is for bonuses that are binary. They typically do not stack with similar effects. This will be especially apparent with various choose carefully. It is worth noticing that there is ONE exception to the rules regarding colors: Glow. If you see Glow in a color, that is usually the color of the glow effect. <span style="color:#c06500">Special Bonuses</span> : Some sets have special bonuses that don't really display much information due to lack of space, an unfortunate limitation of the game.. Here, some bonuses will be explained. <span style="color:#008888">Adaptive Armor</span>: Applies a defense multiplier that scales between the two listed values as your health moves between 10% (left) and 100% (right). <span style="color:#008888">Auto-Medic</span>: More complicated than ordinary regeneration, this effect will restore more health per second at the cost of an equal percentage of energy. It will also decrease energy regen and increase energy regen lock-out multiplicatively at 2x the heal percent. <span style="color:#008888">Thorns</span>: a nova of thorns when hit, <span style="color:#008888">Fire Burst</span> makes a nova of fire instead. <span style="color:#008888">Summons Minions</span>: summons short-lived allies to fight alongside you or distract enemies. These minions scale based on the lowest armor's tier, so upgrading it is essential! Upgrade ALL of the pieces. <span style="color:#008888">Life/Energy Shell</span>: Gain damage absorption (shell) which scales based on your maximum resources (health, energy) to protect your health. Regenerates quickly if you haven't taken damage recently. <span style="color:#008888">Shell Immunities</span> are granted only while the shell holds. The numbers specified refer to, in order: The capacity of the shield relative to the resource, the regeneration rate, and the delay upon taking damage before it begins regenerating. Special note: Due to balance concerns, Energy Shell has a minimum lockout time of 0.5 seconds, and a maximum regen rate of 50% per second. <span style="color:#008888">Gravity Normalization</span>: Personal gravity too low? Up it goes. Too high? Down instead. Exception: Zero-gravity. <span style="color:#008888">Vital Power</span> and <span style="color:#008888">Juggernaut</span>: these effects are set bonus exclusive, and quite powerful; they grant one stat based on a percent of another. Vital power grants power as life, Juggernaut grants life as power. <span style="color:#008888">Undying Resolve</span>: increases Protection as your life gets lower, up to the stated amount, while <span style="color:#008888">Immortal Resolve</span> grants HP Regen instead. If a set grants either, it will grant <span style="color:#008888">Immortal Resolve</span> to your pet. <span style="color:#008888">Dark Commander</span>/<span style="color:#008888">Beast Master</span>: Increases Damage, Protection, HP and Speed of your pets (both) and crew (Dark Commander) by the listed percent, increases their jump ability by half of that, and regenerates HP at a sixth of that amount per second. <span style="color:#008888">Capturenaut</span>: Increases pet count by 1, plus an additional 1 per 2 tiers (up to +2) of the lowest equipped set piece. Grants an additional +1 if using alongside the back item. This means a fully upgraded set will allow up to 5 additional pets! <span style="color:#008888">Charisma</span>: Your ability to bargain with Traders at space stations. The higher your charisma, the better the deal (and fatter your bank balance!) They will inherit more stats from you, both beneficial and detrimental, and have special scaling on Protection and HP. Be mindful when taking powerful buffs like <span style="color:#008888">Glass Cannon</span>, as it will reduce their health noticeably. <span style="color:#008888">Pet Stat Inheritance</span> is as follows: HP, directly from your character, rather than just equipped armor, and increased further by your Protection stat. Protection: Inherited from armor as in vanilla. Damage: directly from character sheet. Health Regen: Inherits as a flat amount, except in special cases (<span style="color:#008888">Immortal Resolve</span>, effects not covered by FU, etc.). If you have 100 health and 10% HP Regen, it will grant your pet 10 HP per second. If a stat isn't here, a pet most likely does not inherit it.
Template:Cargo/codex/Chunk2 (edit) fuascendant1-codex Finally, the day has come. I have been chosen. Chosen to begin my training, to become what I have always aspired to be. Strangers and friends have walked this path before me, and they have all failed. I will not. ---- I've prepared for this. All my life I've prepared. My body is at its peak; I can endure the Ascendant training, I can display glory and honour, and I can please Kluex. I know it. My family supports me, my friends support me, the only thing left is to get my head down and do this.
Template:Cargo/codex/Chunk2 (edit) fuascendant6-codex Never before have I felt so powerful, so unstoppable. We took to the gladiatorial arena, and I threw down against opponent after opponent. When I was done, my entire class lay sprawled on the floor around me, groaning, looking at me with malice in their eyes. They are weak, pathetic. ---- My joy was short-lived, however. I returned to the dorms to find my secret stash disturbed, my bottles of precious enhancement gone. A red feather sat in their place. An accident or a defiant message? I knew who was responsible. Larbeaks, perhaps the strongest Avian in the class besides me. She's been gunning for me since day one.
Template:Cargo/codex/Chunk2 (edit) fuascendant7-codex To become a Sunborn, one must be cunning as well as strong. Without my formula, Larbeaks has an edge over me. Perhaps she will take it herself. I cannot risk this. My manservant has been sent off-world, to make contact with a certain Helion. ---- Dealing with Helions is always risky business. My mother would often hire one of these creatures to keep political rivals in their place, but this is my first time. I admit, I feel something of a thrill.
Template:Cargo/codex/Chunk2 (edit) fuavianclippedcouncil-codex by K'arn Hollowbeak, Avian scholar The Clipped Council serve as the bridge between the Flightless and the Stargazers. These martyred Avians were amongst the select few who retained the ability to fly, yet allowed Kluex to clip their wings so as to be able to empathise with his subjects. ---- The Stargazers rule them, and ferry messages between the council and Kluex through their own powers of flight. Many regard the Clipped Council as the true heroes of Avian society. Willingly sacrificing everything for the good of our species, it is truly a noble pursuit. ---- The Grounded, however, seem to have a particular aversion to the council, regarding them as corrupt old has-beens, perpetuating some kind of deception. Such paranoia is baseless and damaging.
Template:Cargo/codex/Chunk2 (edit) fuavianhistory-codex by K'arn Hollowbeak, Avian scholar Avian theology has changed much over time. The Clipped Council and the Stargazers have done their best to shed old customs, and many records have been lost in time. ---- But some still exist, charting the history of our species, back to the days of the original Sunborn. To understand modern Avian life is to understand Avian history, and although my attempts to convince the Council of this fall on deaf ears, it is my belief that our history should be chronicled. ---- We have but one god; Kluex, the almighty Sunborn. He who touched the stars. But before Kluex came many more, and none more important than the Sunborn Children, our seven original gods.
Template:Cargo/codex/Chunk2 (edit) fuavianorigins-codex For centuries, the Avians soared through the skies, borne on wings of feather and flesh. They were a proud, peaceful species, respectful of their traditions and gods. So respectful, in fact, that when their gods - the Sunborn - spoke to them, they listened. They listened and obeyed as one god, Kluex, the last of the Sunborn, commanded their elders to clip the wings of the lower-caste Avians. ---- They obeyed even as the Flightless became ostracised, oppressed, living only to serve Kluex. They obeyed as their elders erected tall towers, from which the Ascendants - the chosen Flightless - were to leap. They obeyed as one by one, the Ascendants hit the ground, never to fly again. Kluex, they were told, was pleased.
Template:Cargo/codex/Chunk2 (edit) fubunkerlog4-codex Some unseen antagonist has sabotaged our only working space craft. The others suspect our superior officer, who seems pretty content to be trapped on this planet. He sits there staring at his charts, trying to give the impression he knows what to do. He doesn't.
Template:Cargo/codex/Chunk2 (edit) fubunkerlog7-codex After seven long years, the USCM has decreed that our bunkers shall be opened to friendly life from the outside. As I'm sure many of you are aware, numerous species turn up at our door, and we refuse them entry. ---- It is apparent that many of them believe our bunker to be some kind of shop. As such, we have decided to allow them access to take a look around. Perhaps we can even enlist a few new members, should the need arise.
Template:Cargo/codex/Chunk2 (edit) fucastle1-codex by Greenfinger of the Florans Ever since our two species came together, the Glitch have been a source of intrigue for me. The Hivemind Glitch remind me of our people in many ways; singularly driven, focus on teamwork. And yet the Florans work as a unit through choice, but the Glitch appear connected to some kind of central mainframe. A sentient AI, perhaps? Or something else. The truth has been lost to history. Nonetheless, it is remarkable to consider that in this way, the Florans far outmatch the Glitch in terms of societal advancement. ---- It is the Outcasts who interest me most. Many of these free-thinking Glitch have come into our midst. Their physiology means they have little to fear from the Florans, but there is more than that. There is an affinity between the two species, of which there is no denying.
Template:Cargo/codex/Chunk2 (edit) fucastle4-codex Once upon a time, before the dawn of the Outcasts, all the Glitch lived peacefully together. They had their villages and castles and fields and all sorts of other things that robots like. They lived happily and prosperously, thousands of minds working together. But one day, a single Glitch walked into the castle, took a seat on the throne, and loudly proclaimed; 'Decisive. I am the king.' ---- The other Glitch stared at this unusual sight for a while, but did not know what to say. A self-proclaimed ruler was not something they were prepared for. As such, and with no real understanding of the situation , the Glitch were forced to obey.
Template:Cargo/codex/Chunk2 (edit) fucastle6-codex Day by day, Dreadwing grew more apoplectic as the number of Glitch never grew. In fact, his anger was such that he took to hurling his subjects from the castle tower, thus causing the population to shrink rather than grow. This made him even more angry. ---- One day, a group of Glitch scientists hit upon an idea. They had no idea how to create more of their number, of course, but they were rather adept at making stylish suits of armour. It had often been remarked upon how the armour looked like the Glitch themselves, and so they set to work commissioning a number of blacksmiths to make as many suits of armour as possible.
Template:Cargo/codex/Chunk2 (edit) fugreenfingercodexban-codex Town elders have informed me that celebrated author Treeio Florstab has fled his home village after a series of critical maulings in the intergalactic press. His writing tutor, one Glitch Professor Irondome, was found with a copy of Florstab's debut novel, Floran Peace, rammed into his mouth. ---- Thankfully the Glitch was okay, although I'm told he occasionally quotes pretentious dialogue following the incident. Florstab apparently told the Glitch professor that he'd make sure the universe would 'remember my name.' ---- As such, I have no choice but to suspend any and all attempts at teaching the Florans to write, in case we encounter any further murderous delusions of grandeur.
Template:Cargo/codex/Chunk2 (edit) fugreenfingercodexdry1-codex A scouting party returned to me with a cutting from an unusual plant; a tree whose bark resembled bone. It grew from dirt, no water flowing through its veins. I bid them lead me to the copse they'd discovered, and sure enough, no water had touched that ground for aeons, I'd wager. ---- As the Florans hissed and danced and hunted creatures, I sat and studied this tree, eventually removing my tools and tapping the bark for sap. It surprised me when the sap flowed. Rich, thick, viscous sap, and yet something about it made me uneasy.
Template:Cargo/codex/Chunk2 (edit) fugreenfingercodextreetop-codex Since the Florans can command plants, it made perfect sense that they would shape their homes from the very trees that protected them. As such, it became customary for the Floran Tribesmaster to fashion a clan's first house in the tallest tree on-site. ---- Not only does this mean that the Tribesmaster possesses the largest, most impressive dwelling in the village, but also that a fall from the house means certain death, should any opportunistic Floran be looking to usurp their superior.
Template:Cargo/codex/Chunk2 (edit) fuhca2-codex I awoke to find myself surrounded by hooded figures, chanting and squawking. One of them, who appeared to be the figurehead, held a large knife above me. At first I was disoriented, and thought I was back with the Florans. But no. It seems I'd accidentally presented myself for sacrifice. So silly! ---- Of course, I wasn't up for this! Quick as a flash, I kicked the head priest in the face and made my escape, charging through the temple like a Hylotl possessed. There were a few casualties along the way, of course - some sacred urns, a statue or two, an Avian monk - but I escaped intact, and carried on my way.
