Station Transponder

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Item icon stationtransponder.png
Station Transponder
Configure your own station deployment probe.
Tier 1
Rarity Legendary
Price 20000
Stack size 1
Two-handed? Yes
ID stationtransponder
For NPC-controlled stations, see Station Terminal.

Station Transponder creates a new spacestation (artificial planet) under your control. This is vanilla mechanic (see for how it works in unmodded Starbound).


Unlike the BYOS ship, your station consists of predefined "modules" (such as Large Core, Mech Bay, Solar Array Hall, Greenhouse, Habitation Hall, etc.), which you can add to the station at any time. Exterior of the station is permanently tile-protected, so there is no risk of hull breach or lack of oxygen. Inside the station you can build normally.

Station starts with an indestructible Ship Teleporter and a control panel for increasing/decreasing gravity. It also has a Shiplocker (storage). Its starting module is a Small Core, which has an Airlock to the west (exit to space) and can be expanded to the north, east and south.

Beware that already added modules can't be removed/changed. If you place a Large Core somewhere, you can't replace it with a Small Core later.

Solar power, water and bees

Rooms added by Frackin' Universe

Required Materials
Room Required Materials
Greenhouse 40x Titanium Bar
50x Advanced Plastic
60x Silver Bar
100x Copper Wire
80x Glass
Large Greenhouse 100x Titanium Bar
110x Advanced Plastic
130x Silver Bar
200x Copper Wire
160x Glass
Large Residential Room 75x Titanium Bar
100x Glass
155x Advanced Plastic
100x Copper Wire
Residential Shaft 50x Titanium Bar
50x Glass
120x Advanced Plastic
50x Copper Wire
Solar Hall (1) 40x Titanium Bar
50x Advanced Plastic
60x Silver Bar
110x Copper Wire
3x Solar Panel
Solar Hall (2) 40x Titanium Bar
50x Advanced Plastic
60x Silver Bar
110x Copper Wire
3x Solar Array

How to obtain
