Skath History 3 (codex)

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Skath History 3 (codex)
A log from Her'Lur about the history of the Skath race.
Category codex
Rarity rare
Price 500
ID skathhistory3-codex
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Council, this message finds you hope in times of grave strife: Your humble kin of the Finsjalve have discovered a most unusual fact - the invading forces fear the waves! We know not why, nor how, but we were attempting to escape a raiding party of Volarian monsters and out of nowhere a squad of Underdwellers came from beneath the waves.
At the mere sight of these attackers from the depths the Volarians hesitated. It was then that the Underdwellers rose in force, using new sorts of weapons we had never before seen! Some sort of super-charged water, and the Volarians crumbled to dust under the assault. It was magnificent. Send the word out to the Spawning Pools! The tides are in our favor.

How to obtain

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