Skath Biology (codex)

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Skath Biology (codex)
A log from Her'Lur about the biology of the Skath race.
Category codex
Rarity rare
Price 500
ID skathbiology-codex
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Skath physiology is a testament to the veracity and efficiency of evolution. The depths of Norkumsgath, their homeworld, is also blessed with enormous pressures and currents that has led to some of the toughest aquatic life anywhere in the galaxy.

Able to withstand extreme pressures, Skath can reach depths previously thought to be impossible for a species of their particular build. With their natural capability to hold their breath for extended periods of time, it becomes quite clear that they are rooted to an aquatic origin.

For some reason, despite their aquatic nature the Skath are fully amphibious and have begun living on the surface as well. Many theorize that this is an attempt by their Council to force-start an evolution in their species in order to maximize their persistence among the stars.

With their change to land-based existence there are challenges every Skath must now face: Humidity and gravity. Without a proper mixture of humidity in the air a Skath will suffer exposure rapidly, leading to their eventual death within a few minutes in some cases. To combat this, Skath have created environmental still-suits to recycle their moisture and keep themselves comfortable.

They are especially susceptible to environmental factors on warmer and dryer worlds, and a simple desert is lethal to a Skath where a Human might simply be uncomfortable. To a Skath, remaining moist is imperative.

As for spawning young: the Skath have at least kept this part of their species unchanged despite the swap to newer climates. Females lay between six and twenty eggs, fertilized by the males during spawning season, which both partners aid in protecting until they hatch. At this point, both are responsible for the teaching of young.

Priority is placed on social and combat skills, both of which are essential to survival among their people. Typically the young reach formal adulthood within only two years! This makes the Skath the fastest populating race in the known galaxy next to the Thelusians (which is of great concern to the Protectorate due to the Affordance Treaties of 2331).

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