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Shortspear is a one handed procedurally generated melee weapon model. It functions similar to rapiers or one handed vanilla spears; a sort-of forward stabbing motion in whatever direction the player is facing. It can be common, uncommon, and rare.

Base Statistics

  • Base DPS: 5.5-6.0 health/s (Common/Uncommon), 5.7-7.0 health/s (Rare)
  • Fire Time: 0.72-1.05 seconds between 1x-damage attacks (~1.0-1.4 1x-damage attacks/s)
  • Combo Progression:
  1. First Strike: 0.5x damage, 9 default knockback
  2. Second Strike: 0.6x damage, 9 default knockback
  3. Third Strike: 0.7x damage, 9 default knockback
  4. Fourth Strike: 0.8x damage, 8 default knockback
  5. Fifth Strike: 1.2x damage, 12 default knockback
  • Knockback Range: 7-10 (Common), 6-12 (Uncommon), 7-15 (Rare)
  • Crit Chance: 1% (Common/Uncommon), 2% (Rare)
  • Base Crit Damage Bonus: +2 damage

Elemental Damage

Uncommon and rare Shortspears are assigned one of seven elements (non-physical damage types) on generation. For all elements, only rare Shortspears will inflict the appropriate elemental status effect with the primary attack.

Special Attacks

Shortspears, like most one-handed weapon types, cannot be generated with any special attack, however, this weapon has the property of increasing the variety of hunting drops (just like bows)

Name Pool

Craftable Variants


itemName: commonshortspear, uncommonshortspear, rareshortspear