Ship Gravity Generator

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Item icon fu byosgravgen.png Item image fu byosgravgen.png
Ship Gravity Generator
Generates a gravity field on your ship. Has a range of 80 blocks. Input1: On/Off Switch.
Category crafting
Rarity rare
Price 1600
Colony tags fu science scienceoutpost hitech
ID fu_byosgravgen

Ship Gravity Generator protects you from helplessly floating in 0-gravity on your shipworld. Its field has a radius of 80 blocks. It doesn't require power.

Do I need this?

Even without the Ship Gravity Generator, the game will try to add gravity to your entire BYOS ship (except areas without background blocks). But this is not always reliable (players can sometimes experience 0-gravity floating in the middle of their ship). Ship Gravity Generator is reliable, so it can be used near the spots where this problem occurs.

If gravity works for you everywhere, then you don't need a Ship Gravity Generator.

How to obtain

Machining Table