STL Drive

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Item icon fu stldrive.png Item image fu stldrive.png
STL Drive
An STL drive for a space ship. Allows travel within a system, but isn't strong enough to travel to others.

Ship Mass: +1. BYOS Only

Category furniture
Rarity essential
Price 0
Colony tags science
ID fu_stldrive

STL Drive allows your BYOS ship to travel within the same star system.

It is relatively cheap (all materials for it can be found on the first Garden planet), and with it you can reach at least one Forest planet, Desert planet and Moon (they are always present in your starting system).

How to install

Place it anywhere on your ship.


  • STL Drive doesn't provide faster-than-light travel. To fly to another star, you would need a Small FTL Drive instead.

What about non-BYOS ships?

Non-BYOS ships get their FTL drives automatically repaired after reaching the Outpost, upon speaking to Esther Bright for the first time.

How to obtain

Machining Table

Used for

Machining Table