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Item icon relocator.png
Holds 3 creatures in stasis in order to relocate them. Upgrade using your Tricorder.
Category relocator
Tier 1
Rarity Legendary
Price 1500
Stack size 1
Two-handed? Yes
Upgradeable? Yes
Tags upgradeableTool tool
ID relocator

Relocator allows you to move Farm Beasts or other peaceful critters (like Bunny).

It holds up to 3 animals, but can be upgraded in your Tricorder to hold more (up to 6 animals for the maximum upgrade). As with other tools, upgrading Relocator costs Manipulator Modules.

How to use

Equip the Relocator. Then right-click at the animal to teleport it inside the Relocator.

Then go to a location where you want to release the animal, and left-click to release it.

Abducting farm animals from the wild

On some planets/biomes, animals like Fluffalo, Hen or Shoat can spawn naturally (same as any other monster). If you relocate them to your base, they'll produce in the same way as if you hatched them from a Fluffalo Egg, etc. As with any other farm beast, these "abducted" animals must be fed for them to produce (there should be a nearby Trough with the food they can eat).

Some NPC towns have farm animals. Friendly NPCs don't become hostile if you relocate these animals from their town.

How to obtain

Foraging Table

Used for

Upgrade item