Precursor Repulsion Lift

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Item icon precursorforcelift.png Item image precursorforcelift.png
Precursor Repulsion Lift
This device propels objects and creatures with energy rather than mechanics. Uses Force Regions (may break worlds). Use with caution.
Category wire
Rarity Common
Price 100
Colony tags precursor
ID precursorforcelift

Precursor Repulsion Lift is an elevator. It can safely lift you up or lower you down. You can change the direction (up/down) by interacting [E] with the lift.

You can find it in Precursor Chests.

How to place

Precursor Repulsion Lift has a fixed height and has strict placement requirements: its top must touch the ceiling, and its bottom must touch the floor.


  • If you need elevators of custom height or elevators with higher ascent speed, you can use Field Generator instead. However, such elevator would be unidirectional (you would need one Field Generator with negative gravity to fly up, and another with low positive gravity to safely lower you down).

Known issues

  • It is strongly recommended to not place Precursor Repulsion Lift near the top of the planet (Space layer). The game considers this Lift to be much taller than it actually is, and will crash if the Lift's "area" goes out of bounds of the world.

How to obtain


Treasure pool