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Frackin' Ores

There are various ores added to the universe by Frackin' Universe, each one having several interesting and unique purposes once refined, such as forming the base for ultra-strong alloys for weapons and armor manufacturing, others being useful as exotic energy sources to power starships and various advanced technologies, or even serve as catalysts to fuel strange chemical reactions and genetic manipulations.

Image Name Refined Material Tooltip Description Tier
LeadOre.png Lead - Lead Pb is notable for being denser than other common metals, great for radiation shielding, but also poisonous 1
SulphurOre.png Sulphur - This common element is essential to life despite readily forming explosive compounds 1
Magnesite.png Magnesite Magnesium Powder Great for creating magnesium powder! 1
Cinnabar.png Cinnabar Mercury A stone that can be used to produce mercury via extraction. 2
Mascagniteore.png Mascagnite Ammonium Sulfate Mascagnite is a mineral abundant in Ammonium Sulfate, which can be extracted. 2
Lasombrium.png Lasombrium Lasombrium Seed A strange entropy-riddled ore that bridges two realities together 4
Plutonium.png Plutonium Ore Plutonium Rod It's pretty, but extremely radioactive 2
Neptunium.png Neptunium Ore Neptunium Rod Commonly used in weapons development 3
Uranium.png Uranium Ore Uranium Rod Uranium has many highly radioactive isotopes 3
Thorium.png Thorium Ore Thorium Rod Commonly used in weapons development 4
LunariShard.png Lunari Shard Lunari Crystal A sparkling yellow crystal shard 2
Telebrium.png Telebrium Crystal Telebrium Bar An unusually conductive crystal that channels energy even better than Quartz 2
Penumbrite.png Penumbrite Ore Penumbrite Shard Some super-hard penumbrite, waiting to be smelted 3
Protocite.png Protocite Protocite Bar A unique element found only on protoworlds 3
Zerchesium.png Zerchesium Ore Zerchesium Bar Can be refined into a nearly unmeltable alloy 3
Irradium.png Irradium Ore Irradium Bar Irradium is a rare and valuable radioactive metal. Handle with care! 4
Trianglium.png Trianglium Ore Trianglium Pyramid Trianglium Ore. Beautiful smooth shiny triangles 4
PrismShard.png Prism Shard Prisilite Star Beautiful crystalline-metallic ore 4
Quietus.png Quietus Ore Quietus Bar A strange ore that challenges the scientific definition of "life" 4
Effigium.png Effigium Ore Effigium Bar An almost invisible crystalline metal due to its large traces of the element Rhodium 5
Pyreite.png Pyreite Ore Pyreite Bar An ore that burns eternally 6
Isogen.png Isogen Ore Isogen Bar This unusual aluminum-heavy compound is the most endothermic metal ever discovered 6
Densinium.png Densinium Ore Densinium Bar A morphic-state form of Osmium, the densest metal. 6
Xithricite.png Xithricite Ore Xithricite A super-dense crystalline metal 6
Nocxium.png Raw Nocxium Nocxium Bar Raw, untainted Nocxium 7/8

Vanilla Ores

Ores from the base Starbound game, sometimes used in Frackin' Universe recipes.

Image Ore Refined Material Tooltip Description Tier
Coalore.png Coal - It's coal. A decent source of fuel. 1
Corefragmentore.png Core Fragment - These naturally occurring crystals produce energy. 1
Diamond.png Diamond - It's a beautifully cut diamond. 3
Copperore.png Copper Ore Copper Bar Copper ore. Can be used for smelting. 1
Silverore.png Silver Ore Silver Bar It's silver. Can be used for smelting. 1
Goldore.png Gold Ore Gold Bar It's some gold ore. Can be used for smelting. 1
Ironore.png Iron Ore Iron Bar Iron ore. Can be used for smelting. 1
Tungstenore.png Tungsten Ore Tungsten Bar It's tungsten. It can be used for smelting. 2
Titaniumore.png Titanium Ore Titanium Bar It's titanium. Can be used for smelting. 3
Durasteelore.png Durasteel Ore Durasteel Bar Durasteel ore. Can be used for smelting. 4
Aegisaltore.png Aegisalt Ore Refined Aegisalt Aegisalt ore. Can be used for smelting. 5
Feroziumore.png Ferozium Ore Refined Ferozium Ferozium ore. Can be used for smelting. 5
Violiumore.png Violium Ore Refined Violium Violium ore. Can be used for smelting. 5
Solariumore.png Solarium Ore Solarium Star It's solarium. It's warm to the touch. 6

Non-ores that are mined as ores

The following materials can be found within blocks in the same way as ores, but are not smeltable into a refined form: