Norkumsgath (codex)

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Item icon skathhomeworld-codex.png
Norkumsgath (codex)
A datapad about the Skath homeworld Norkumsgath.
Category codex
Rarity rare
Price 500
ID skathhomeworld-codex
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Norkumsgath is truly a jewel amongst planets, and we are proud to call it our homeworld. This is where our civilization started and remains the seat of our political power. Its vast oceans cover about 78% of the planets surface. Most cities and our capital Thela is located on the ocean floor, where our origin is.

The ocean floor is illuminated because of bioluminescent vegetation and strange and beautiful sea life. The ocean is also heated by black smokers, heating the ocean floor up to 42 C as an average temperature. This water temperature has given rise to some particularly hardy creatures.

The surface landscape is heavily covered with rainforests, leading towards inland deserts on the largest landmasses. Both beneath the waves and on land await the bastions of our society, teeming with billions of our kind.

Unusually, Norkumgsgath does not possess any seasons at all due to a unique rotation and orbit that ensures both sides of the world are always equally exposed to numerous factors. Its moon, Thetala, functions primarily as a spaceport and military factory with a tidal-locked surface so reflective that it acts like a second sun.

Our homeworld is the most heavily guarded world in the entire League, surpassing even Vulis, our greatest fortress world. Experimental antimatter cannons are stationed in orbit as well as on the surface, that rips any cruiser in half in a matter of seconds. Though none are dumb enough to attack our homeworld, we are always prepared. Ever vigilant.

How to obtain

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