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Documentation for this module may be created at Module:ListFoods/doc

local p = {}
local cargo = mw.ext.cargo

local describeRotting = require( 'Module:AutomaticInfoboxItem' ).DescribeRotting

-- Print the list of all foods in the game. (based on [[Special:CargoTables/item]] and [[Special:CargoTables/item_metadata]])
-- Usage: {{#invoke: ListFoods|ListAllFoods}}
function p.ListAllFoods()
	-- Perform a SQL query to the Cargo database.
	local tables = 'item'
	local fields = 'wikiPage,description,category,rarity,price,stackSize,id'
	local queryOpt = {
		where = 'category IN ("food", "preparedFood", "drink", "medicine")',
		limit = 5000
	local itemRows = cargo.query( tables, fields, queryOpt ) or {}

	-- Get relevant metadata for all found foods.
	local foundIds = {} -- { id1, id2, ... }
	for _, row in ipairs( itemRows ) do
		table.insert( foundIds, '"' .. .. '"' )

	local metadataRows = cargo.query( 'item_metadata', 'id,prop,value', {
		where = 'prop IN ("foodValue", "rotMinutes", "noRotting") AND id IN (' .. table.concat( foundIds, "," ) .. ')',
		limit = 5000
	} ) or {}

	local metadata = {} -- { id1: { foodValue: 20, ... }, id2: { ... } }
	for _, row in ipairs( metadataRows ) do
		if not metadata[] then
			metadata[] = {}

		metadata[][row.prop] = row.value

	-- When rotting time is not specified, the food with non-zero foodValue will rot within 200 minutes.
	local noRottingInfo = describeRotting( { noRotting = 1 } )

	-- Sort itemRows alphabetically by their row.wikiPage.
	local sortedItemNames = {}
	local itemNameToRow = {}
	for _, row in ipairs( itemRows ) do
		table.insert( sortedItemNames, row.wikiPage )
		itemNameToRow[row.wikiPage] = row
	table.sort( sortedItemNames )

	-- Show a table of all foods.
	local ret = '{| class="wikitable sortable"\n' ..
		'|-\n! class="unsortable" style="width:34px;" |\n! Item !! Food value !! Description !! Rotting !! Category !! Rarity !! Price !! Stack size\n'

	for _, itemName in ipairs( sortedItemNames ) do
		local row = itemNameToRow[itemName]
		local extraInfo = metadata[] or {}

		local stackSize = row.stackSize or '1'
		if stackSize == '' then
			stackSize = '1000'

		local rottingInfo = noRottingInfo
		if extraInfo.foodValue then -- Food without foodValue won't rot.
			rottingInfo = describeRotting( extraInfo )

		ret = ret .. '|-\n' ..
			'||[[File:Item_icon_' .. .. '.png|32px|alt=]]' ..
			'||[[' .. row.wikiPage .. ']]' ..
			'||' .. ( extraInfo.foodValue or '-' ) ..
			'||\n' .. row.description .. '\n' ..
			'||' .. rottingInfo ..
			'||' .. row.category ..
			'||' .. row.rarity ..
			'||' .. row.price ..
			'||' .. stackSize .. '\n'

	ret = ret .. '\n|}'
	return ret

return p