Mission Checkpoint

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Item icon checkpoint.png Item image checkpoint.png
Mission Checkpoint
If you die, you will respawn at this location.
Category teleporter
Light 0.5
Rarity Legendary
Price 0
ID checkpoint

Mission Checkpoint is a vanilla object that saves your progress on a mission. In Frackin' Universe, you can craft it in an Auto-assembler or better.

When placed on a planet (or any other world that allows building) it will work very similar to how it works in missions - when you die on this planet, you will be resurrected at the checkpoint. In addition, you will beam to the latest checkpoint you've activated.


  • You can place mission checkpoints on any missions that have tile protection-free areas and enough space for a checkpoint. They will work the exact same way as any other checkpoint on this mission, and you can grab it back as long as you have access to that area.
  • Currently there is a bug that does not remove your respawn/beam-in position even if you break the Mission Checkpoint.

How to obtain
