Lunari Rifle

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Item icon lunaririfle.png
Lunari Rifle
Crystalline blasts charged with lunari energy.

Lights areas Long-lived projectiles

Category assaultRifle
Tier 2
Primary Ice Damage per hit: 4.2
Rate of fire: 2.9
Alt Special: Starshock
Rarity common
Price 315
Stack size 1
Two-handed? Yes
Upgradeable? Yes
Tags weapon ranged assaultrifle lunari upgradeableWeapon
ID lunaririfle

The Lunari Rifle is a surprisingly strong weapon for its tier. The primary fire shoots two projectiles dealing Frost damage in a wavy pattern that can bounce off tiles once. The alt-fire is an smokey ring of expanding vapor that detonates upon contact or after a middle distance, exploding several times in place, and emitting dozens of particles in all directions that eventually explode themselves. All of the alt-fire damage is Electrical, and the accumulated damage can be significant to stationary enemies, as they take damage from the initial hit, the secondary explosions, and then minor damage from the particles.

How to obtain


Used for

Mech Part Crafting Table

Upgrade item