Khe's Journal (codex)

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Item icon scienceoutpost khe-codex.png
Khe's Journal (codex)
Khe's Journal
Category codex
Rarity uncommon
Price 250000
ID scienceoutpost_khe-codex
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Little beings supposedly keep journals to record things. Right? Okay. This is mine. I'm Khe, a blue supergiant star pretending to be an insane cat-person. Dear reader: If you share this with anyone without my permission you will find out what it's like to be entombed in a vat of molten metal.

Day 1 at the outpost - I don't keep track of days. But the first day I was aware was...interesting. I was asleep, then I was awake. A star, sentient. These little creatures laugh when I ask about it, despite the existence of the Novakid. 'Do stars think?'

Day 2 - I realized the concept of time is something smaller beings are obsessed with. They measure it, quantify it, yet far too often lose track of its passing and all too often they fade before my core pulses once. Still getting used to that.

Day 3 - I wonder if the beings at this outpost realize that my catlike antics and simplemindedness are a facade? If they knew what I was, they might ask me to leave. Not like any of them could make me...

Day 11 - The one called 'Kevin' amuses me. He studies sciences far beyond what any of these other scientists do, but wastes much of his potential on entertaining himself with foolish pranks. He attempted one such prank on me. A box full of wolves as a 'welcome gift'. They were scrawny and didn't taste good.

Day 14 - Another prank...a briefcase full of bees. Kevin didn't seem amused when I returned them, mixed into cartons of orange juice. Claimed I was infringing on a patent. I thought his was sour milk and bees? According to the poorly guarded infraction log it was, anyway.

Day 17 - Kevin brought me a gift...a surprisingly good one, this time. An entire pallet of gold bars. An hour later one of the humans barged in demanding they be returned. Offered them a piece I'd sculped into a crude poptop penis and said 'Kevin give shiny!' That prompted them to walk out of the room while yelling obscenities.

Day 23 - So it would appear Kevin knows what I am. He came in with a small scale solar system, entirely made of densinium, but had replaced the sun at the center with an obsidian sculpture of me. He then bombarded me with questions, asking what I knew of various eldritch or precursor beings and whether I had ever eaten people, among other things. He was...oddly polite, except that last question. Does he think I'll eat someone?

Day 24 - Found out why Kevin was so polite when asking questions. I caught him trying to make written copies on sections of human skin. Gave him a choice: get more technical knowledge of certain precursor machines, or publish the recordings and watch as his replication terminal gets swallowed whole. He chose the precursor tech.

Day 25 - Kevin's a quick study. Learned how to reactivate the stasis systems and used them to store poptops. Oddly amusing, up until he let them out in the dining room. The florans went hungry tonight.

Day 28 - Several days of work later, we managed to rework the precursor stasis system into a limited form of time travel. Kevin is testing it, but he can't seem to go further than his most recent respawn. He did, however, promise to keep my secret if we could work on something together. Wouldn't say what.

Day 35 - A week after our last project, Kevin brought in papers detailing an idea he'd had; cheating spacetime to re-use certain devices continually. I suggested simple duplication, and he just patted my head and said 'silly kitty, tricks are for kids'.

Day 39 - We managed to get a working prototype, though Kevin kept trying to feed me the materials we were working with. Kept having to remind him we needed them for the generator. A pity, they would have fed me for a few centuries at minimum.

Day 41 - Seems Kevin outdid himself. Everyone, himself included, had their gravity reversed. I had to remove the precursor gravitic node he had placed in one of our generators. Didn't enjoy faking a physics field tech, but the others believed the response of 'Want pretty ball!' so I didn't have to explain anything. They just blamed Kevin.

Day 45 - Kevin came in and asked how I managed to fit in my shell if I was so fat. So much for his earlier politeness...I told him 'Suck it in, fatty bug.' He seemed pleased at the answer for some reason...

Day 61? Or is it 71? - Decided to try brewing today, since that drunk barkeep seems to love booze. Got distracted and forgot Kevin was coming by. Naturally, he wanted to 'contribute'...and proceeded to dump phase matter and a few other things into my distilled soulleaf. I told him not to drink it, so naturally he did the opposite. Now he's walking through people and shouting 'Boo!'. Hilarious. Calling it Soulleaf Spritz.

Day 1 (Again) - Decided to start over the day counter. Saw new visitors today. Well, one wasn't new. Apparently, I needed to tell my past self that 'Kevin is stuck again'. Turns out, he was stuck partway in the ceiling. Maybe I shouldn't share that new recipe with just anyone.

Day 3 - New person from yesterday arrived again. Kevin sent them for oranges. Decided to follow them. Maybe they'll toss a few snacks in their extraction equipment? Mmm...ancient gold coins and avolite crystals, with a bottle of something special, maybe? Kevin left some weird seeds for me to try growing. Definitely weren't orange tree seeds.

Day 17 - Along comes Kevin waving about his hands, then "Suck it in, fat kitty" he said...and threw a neutron bomb at me. Nice snack. Then he asked me if I wanted to see a magic trick. Couldn't resist...said yes. What was the trick? He fired an Atom Smasher at that annoying Fenerox in the market, without seemingly having one. Gave me the blueprint and said "For Science!" Also, he set the noisemaker's respawn delay to a week.

Day 18 - Should have guessed Kevin had an ulterior motive. I had to correct the blueprint, his design was unstable. Found one of his bodies exploded in one of the vents, mixed with his Atom Smasher. He didn't seem too upset by it.

Day 19 - Apparently, a week is two days. That damn squeaker is back and keeps trying to sell me their garbage. No, I do not want to buy a used fur throw! Did manage to reverse-engineer the orange Kevin gave me. Some 'dare' that was.

Day 26 - Kevin has been missing a week. Not unheard of, but usually he leaves something to keep people busy. This time he's just...absent.

Day 27 - He made a copy of my gun...and the damn thing spews gregisms like it's a birthday party. He also claims he mass-produced cheap knockoffs to distract the 'peasants', but I worry that they might end up back here. We don't need another Greg infestation, even if he claims he made failsafes against it.

Day 34 - Bubblegum. Why did it have to be bubblegum? At least he knew better than to drop any on me...but almost everyone else in the Science Outpost is stuck to the ceiling. Squeaker got stuck in an outhouse, though. Either Kevin got annoyed, or someone is reading my journal again.

Day 35 - No bubblegum for me, instead he brought the outpost's entire supply of gold, in molten form, and dropped it on me while I was napping under the bridge. Then proceeded to warn everyone of the 'dangerous moat monster' for the rest of the day, while I was enjoying the warmth. I think only he is laughing this time, though.

How to obtain

Lost and Found

  • 250000x Pixels
  • (only after completing the quest: Dark Obsession)