Installing FrackinUniverse

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Installing FrackinUniverse


Installing FU via Steam is quite simple.

  1. Go here; either online or in your Steam Client.
  2. Click Subscribe.
  3. IMPORTANT You'll need to wait a short bit for Frackin Universe to install, as FU is over 750mb in size. This takes time to download and install. Launching too soon will result in a crash, and will force you to resubscribe to fix the issue.


There's really no way to mess up this installation process; aside from being impatient or a corrupted install.

It helps to keep your mods all centralized to the workshop.

FU is prepacked on the Steam version, meaning it is smaller overall and therefore loads faster than the Github version.


You'll need Steam. Using "modpacks" randomly can lead to issues with compatability. Read the pages of mods you install, and be sure they arent in the incompatible list.


Installing via Github properly involves a little setup. You'll either need a git client or a command line tool. Thankfully, the kind folks at Chuklefish already made a guide on how to get started.


The Git version is the "test" version unless you are using the Releases page. Downloading from the repo itself, rather than Releases, means you'll be using unfinished features that could cause crashes.

This version is huge and unpacked. Longer loading times, larger file size.

Updating is on the user to keep up with.


This is the most manual way to install the mod. Nothing is automatic.

Windows Store

If you have the Windows Store version, installing the mod for this version is a bit different.

1. Just download the mod files from the Chucklefish Forums or from the releases page on Github.

2. Unzip the files on the path "%USERPROFILE%/Documents/Starbound/mods".

3. Open the game. (if it crashes, try opening again, if it crashes again, the logs files will be on the path "%USERPROFILE%/Documents/Starbound/")