Infected Bee

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Infected Bee Flying smol.gif
Infected Bee Flying.gif
Infected Bee
Don't touch the pointy end.
Capturable? Yes
Touch damage
Resistances Physical 0 Radioactive 0 Poison 0 Electric 0 Fire 0 Ice 0 Cosmic 0 Shadow 0
ID futinybeeerchius

The Infected Bee is one of many types of flying insectoids, that make up this category of creature, this one being quite rare. This variety is noted by it's purple and black striped body and it's relatively tiny size.

When it charges, the bee swoops at a target relatively quickly, striking for overall minimal damage, but leaving the target with a unique debuff called "-20% defense". This debuff, as implied, reduces the targets armor by 20%. This debuff is nothing to scoff at, as 20% more incoming damage from all sources can add up quickly in an intense fight. Additionally, this creature can shoot short range cosmic blasts, that also inflicts the previously discussed debuff, and deal cosmic damage.

Luna's Lab Notes

~ Possessing only 8hp may make these creatures seem trivial to deal with, but their increased spawnrate, quick movements, and damage overtime can become troublesome in swarms. Quite befitting of bees really. Interestingly enough, these creatures group together when attacking. Rather than taking different angles of attack, it seems that any attacking Bees will first gather together into a swarm and all dive at once (dealing massive damage depending on the size of the swarm).

~ This creature can become dangerous when attacking an unsuspecting player due to their high knock back. It is highly advised not to jump when fighting more than 3 of these as the knockback from their attacks is enough to push the player further into the air and deal continuous, and severe damage. Once they have you in their hold, killing them off is the most effective means of escape.

Infected Bee Luna's Lab.png