Hydro Center: Secrets

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You can find a few extra chests at the end of the first part of the Hydro Center. You will need to activate a switch in both side of the first part to open both rooms. However the important thing to find in this dungeon is the Svetlana Twofeather room. She is located under the statue at the end of the dungeon, but you will need to find and activate 4 gem switches hidden through the dungeon. There, you can find the unique Slipstream Augment. You will need some explosive to reach those rooms.

Locked Rooms

The locked rooms are located just before the Vault Guardian. You will need to complete the first part of the dungeon to reach them.

First Room

The first room is really easy to unlock: from the starting room of the dungeon, head to the right and you will reach the first room where you need to climb to the top. In the top left of the room, you will find a small platform with a few vase. Climb on this platform and you will find a pressure plate on the wall to your left. Pressing it will open the first locked room at the end of the first part of the dungeon.

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Second Room

The second switch is located in the left side of the first part of the dungeon. Head into the room where you need to fight 6 Puffish and 6 Pulpins. To the right of this room, you will find a Red Door you need to blow up to reach the console behind.

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Once the console is activated, exit this room from where you came and go through the Trapped Rooms to the left. To the left of the elevator, the laser blocking your path are now offline. Go to the room to the left where you'll find a chest and the lever opening the second room.

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Svetlana's Secret

First Switch

The first switch is located in the right side of the first part of the dungeon. Head to the first room, where you can also find the pressure plate for the first locked room. On your way to the top of the room, you will see a locked Red Door in the wall to the right. Blow up that door with explosives to reach the room behind it and activate the console inside.

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Then head into the room where you need to step on 5 pressure plates to open the door to the right and spawn 8 Kluex Sentries. Go through the platform to the left of that room. It's a pretty high fall (~90 dammages) and there's saws moving along your way down. Head through the one way door at the bottom and deal with 2 Kluex Totems inside the room. You can find 2 chests and a console opening a wall to your left in the next room. You will also find an opening in the floor if you activated the console previously. Dive in the water and you will find the first Switch in the bottom right of the pool. You can also find a diamond deposit in the bottom left.

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Second Switch

After beating the Vault Guardian, head to the right and use the bounce pads. Then head to the right to reach a room with a poison pool and moving sawblades. You will need to step on the 4 pressure plates located on the platforms to open the room to the right, where you'll find the second Switch.

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Third Switch

To reach the third Switch, you will first need to activate a proximity detector. After using the bounce pads after the Vault Guardian, you can head in a small opening above you using the Spike Sphere. Those conduits are full of fire mines. You will first need to step on 2 pressure plates located in the conduit to open the way toward another part of the conduit. There you'll find 1 chest and a circle light on the wall. Stand on front of the circle in Sphere (if Spike Sphere doesn't work, switch to the basic Sphere) and the light will be lit and a door will be open further.

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Then follow the main route until you reach the crossroad. Dive underwater and cross the tomb room where Swarpions attack you. Instead of following the hallway to the left, dive deeper into the water and you will reach a small room where 4 Kluex Sentry attack you. To the right of this room, you can find the console opening the door to the left to reach 2 Ancient Essence dispensers. Exit this room from the top right and you will reach the third Switch (the gate in front of it is opened by the proximity detector).

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Fourth Switch

To reach the last Switch, head to the left after using the bounce pads after the Vault Guardian head take the Upstairs Path this time. You will reach an area defended by 4 Bobots. Enter the small house and go to the top floor and the head to the left. You will reach a room with a few consoles. Activate the middle one.

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Then exit the house and head to the right. You will find an opening in the hallway with bounce pads leading you up. After using those bounce pad, go to the right where you'll have to survive inside a room with laser coming down from the roof and a hard light platform protecting you. The Microsphere also allow you to stand still between the lasers and not be hit. Survive this room and the door to the right will open, with the last Switch behind.

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To exit this area, head to the left. The first room to the left of the bounce pads is guarded by 4 Minions. The next room will require you to reach the console at the top to open the exit to the left. The console in the middle of the room activate some platforms.

Svetlana's room

Once all the switches are activated, complete the dungeon and, in the last room, a room below the statue will be open. Inside you'll find Svetlana and 3 chests, the first one containing the Slipstream Augment.