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Greataxe is a two handed procedurally generated melee weapon model. It is the two handed counterpart to vanilla axes, but function similarly to vanilla hammers; that they require a 'wind up' before they'll attack. To swing a greataxe the attack button must be held down until the greataxe is fully raised, otherwise it will not swing. After winding up players can continue to hold the attack button to keep the hammer ready to greataxe , releasing only when they're ready to swing.

Base Statistics

  • Base DPS: 12.0-14.0 health/s
  • Fire Time: 0.9-1.7 seconds between 1x-damage attacks (~0.6-1.1 1x-damage attacks/s)
  • Knockback: 40
  • Crit Chance: 3%
  • Base Crit Damage Bonus: +5 damage
  • Stun Chance: 7%

Elemental Damage

Uncommon and rare Greataxes are assigned one of seven elements (non-physical damage types) on generation, inflicting the appropriate status effect on both primary and special attacks.

Special Attacks

Special attacks are secondary attack types available for each melee weapon. The attacks available are different based on weapon type and rarity. For example a common rarity greataxe would never have any uncommon specials assigned to it.

Premade and crafted weapons have specific specials assigned based on their weapon type as well, but like stats they do not change.

Common Specials

Common special attacks are those found on common rarity greataxes. They do not deal any specific elemental damage and apply no status effects.

  • Uppercut
  • Shockwave
  • Ground Slam
Uncommon Specials

Rare and Uncommon rarity greataxes have a unique set of special secondary attacks. They consume energy when used, but unlike their common counterparts these attacks apply a status effect based on the elemental damage type.

  • Blink Explosion
  • Energy Aura
  • Energy Pillar
  • Energy Wave

Name Pool

Craftable Variants


itemName: fucommongreataxe, fuuncommongreataxe, furaregreataxe