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There are some changes made to Hens in FU. See the Chicken page on Starbounder for info from the vanilla game. They are omnivores and need to be fed from a trough in order to produce.

Hen eggs take 400s to hatch in the Incubator or 9000s without. A primed egg takes 200s to hatch in the Incubator. A regular egg (the kind you harvest from the chickens and eat or cook with) has a 50% chance to hatch into a hen baby in 400s in the Incubator.

Hen baby:

  • Evolve time: 1200s (evolves quicker if fed in trough)
  • Max health: 20. Regenerates health
  • Hunger time: 5 min.
  • Capturable & relocatable.
  • Drops if killed:  50% Bone, 50% Raw Poultry, 1% Ancient Essence.

Hen babies have chances to spawn in the wild in Field of Corn and Primeval Forest biomes.

Monster ID: fuhenbaby

Harvest chances:


  • Drops if killed:  50% Bone, 50% Raw Poultry, 1% Ancient Essence
  • Has a 10% chance to lay an egg once an hour, or every 40 minutes if happy.
  • Diet: Omnivore. Hunger time: 20 min.
  • Max Health: 60. Regenerates health.
  • Harvest time: every 500-900 sec depending on happiness. Will not produce at all if starving.
  • Capturable & relocatable. The captured monster type is a Hen baby.

Monster ID: fuhen


It can occur that the Hen won't mature properly and will stay a baby regardless of the above mentioned evolvetime. To counter this bug you have to give yourself admin rights with the /admin command and use the command /timewarp <seconds> and put in the specific evolvetime.

